Chapter 239

"Little Junior Sister?"

Zhan Feng waved his arms in front of Ye Daxian's eyes, interrupting Ye Daxian's meditation.

"Second Senior Brother, who is this Bai Wuxin?"

"The apple of the eye of the Bai clan is considered a first-rate genius."

"How does her cultivation compare with the second senior brother?"

Ye Daxian was concerned about this topic.

"On par." Zhan Feng said. "And don't underestimate this woman, she is courageous and resourceful, and she is also extremely smart in dealing with things."

Hearing this, Ye Daxian looked at Bai Wuxin curiously again.

Bai Wuxin seemed to feel something, and looked back, and nodded slightly to Ye Daxian.

Zhan Feng dodged in front of Ye Daxian, "Take a break, there will be no time to rest later." As he said that, Zhan Feng took out a small space room, and the two left after setting up the formation go in.

"Second senior brother, do you want to rest here so blatantly?" Ye Daxian sat on the wooden bench, holding a spiritual fruit in his hand.

"It's okay, who will pay more attention to us at this time, besides, it's their own business to stare at the lake. I'm not that stupid."

"By the way, second senior brother, this is my modified Thunderbolt, take a look."

Zhan Feng took it, looked at it carefully and said: "Yes, there is something added in it?"

"Poison pill has been added." Ye Daxian nodded.

"Ten or eight to honor your second senior brother." Zhan Feng flipped his palm over, and the one in his hand had already been put into the storage bag.

"Second Senior Brother, exchange something."

"Tell me, what do you want?"

Ye Daxian just asked casually, but he didn't expect Zhan Feng to put on a posture that you can change anything you want.After thinking for a while, Ye Daxian said: "Phoenix blood, Jiuyin wood, dragon bone, rootless flower, thousand miles drunk."

Ye Daxian reported one by one, Zhan Feng was dumbfounded.

After a long while, Zhan Feng said: "Basically, they are all things in the rumors, what do you want these for?"

Ye Daxian smiled helplessly, not intending to answer.

Zhan Feng shook his head, took out a brocade box and handed it over. "I really have a piece of this keel."

Ye Daxian took it in disbelief, opened the brocade box and saw that there was indeed a small piece of bone inside, and the bone was shining with golden light.There is a strong breath on it, and the dragon shadow can be vaguely seen walking.After closing the brocade box, Ye Daxian put it into the phoenix bracelet. "Second senior brother, thank you very much."

"Thank you so much, hurry up, Zhen Tianlei will give me some more."

There is no way to compare the value of Zhentianlei and keel.No matter what, the favor of Second Senior Brother must be repaid.Ye Daxian took out dozens of thunderbolts and handed them to Zhan Feng.

Zhan Feng was so surprised that he could not close his mouth from ear to ear. When did this girl refine it? She refined so many.Before Zhan Feng was surprised, Ye Daxian handed over another thing.

Zhan Feng took the jade bottle and opened it, exclaiming in surprise, "Chalcedony!"

"This chalcedony is a good thing, far surpassing the keel I gave you." Zhan Feng sighed.

"Isn't chalcedony a good thing for washing the meridian?"

"Who told you, you are too ignorant. This chalcedony is, forget it, after seeing Jun Yan, let him explain it to you. But junior sister, you are really blessed."

Ye Daxian smiled, thinking in his heart that it really had nothing to do with him, it was all because of Dabao, a man of great luck.But when it comes to Dabao, I don't know how he and Shen Mei are doing now, and when they will come to the upper realm.

Zhan Feng saw that Ye Daxian's eyes were blank, and he knew that she had wandered into the void again.

(End of this chapter)

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