Chapter 242

"Daxian, there is an ancestral hall there."

"The ancestral hall?" Ye Daxian's eyes lit up, and he quickly asked Ye Xiaohei to lead the way.

After seeing the real thing, Ye Daxian couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.This is indeed an ancestral hall, with rows of spiritual tablets.The spiritual seats are all standing upright, and there is only one incense burner left on the altar table, which is full of soot.

Unwilling to give up, Ye Daxian took a look around, beating all kinds of things, hoping to find some secret passages and the like.The result was a big disappointment.Ye Daxian, who couldn't hide his disappointment, looked at the neatly arranged spiritual tablets and bowed reverently.After all, I have received a set of formations, so I should thank others.After worshiping, Ye Daxian prepared to leave the ancestral hall and go elsewhere.

When he was about to cross the threshold, Ye Daxian's complexion suddenly changed.His pupils dilated, and a little sweat broke out from his forehead.

"Little black."

"Daxian, what's the matter?"

"Everywhere we've been is covered by formations, right?"

"Well, indeed. It is worthy of being a sect with formation civilization."

"But in a place like the ancestral hall, is it possible that there is no formation?"

Ye Xiaohei was stunned, and said in a hesitant tone: "You mean, we might be trapped in a formation?"

"It's not a possibility, it's a certainty." Ye Daxian retracted the horns he stepped out, and glanced at the neatly arranged spiritual seats again, only to feel a chill coming from all directions, penetrating the skin and going straight to the bones.

On the other side, Zhan Feng held the gossip board and moved forward according to the directions of the gossip board.Occasionally, he would look back, but he still gritted his teeth and walked forward.It is important to find something first, for Zhanfu must find that thing.As for Junior Sister, she is proficient in formations, and that group of people dare not come here for the time being, so Junior Sister should be fine.

The other side of the lake.

Bai Wuxin frowned, looking at the lake, looking at the light beads floating out of the water, he was a little absent-minded for a while.

"Xin'er, you said that woman was wearing a pair of gloves to catch the light beads." Bai Wuqing asked.

"I didn't touch it, let it levitate, and then it made sense, and I jumped down with the wind." Bai Wuxin recalled the scene at that time.

"Why don't you try?" Bai Wuhen suggested.

"Second brother, I saw that person turn into nothingness with my own eyes." Bai Wuxin said.She is not a weak woman, so naturally she will not feel afraid.But that scene reminded me all the time, if there is no perfect plan, it is best not to act rashly.If he had proposed to go with Zhan Feng at the beginning, he might have followed that bitch to the ruins at this time.It's just that I was a little unsure about paying attention for a while, fearing that my identity would be discovered, so I missed the opportunity.

"Look, isn't that Zhanfeng?"

A word in the crowd exploded.Everyone looked into the lake, and found that Zhan Feng's figure paused for a moment, and then flashed quickly.

"They did go in."

"The route is in the pearl of light."

"As long as you run the immortal power to protect yourself, you should be fine."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, just waiting for who could catch the light bead.

Bai Wuxin suddenly used the white gauze, decisively rolled up a light bead, and suspended it in front of him.After taking a closer look, he hit it back again.

"I see, that's why."

"Xin'er, what did you see?" Bai Wuqing asked.

"Big brother and second brother, follow me down." After Bai Wuxin finished speaking, he pulled the two of them and jumped into the lake.

(End of this chapter)

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