Chapter 245

Ye Daxian re-sealed the hole he smashed.Then go out along the passage.

Having already walked to the fake ancestral hall outside, Ye Daxian took a look at no one around, then immediately ran to the front of the spiritual seats, and moved a few spiritual seats.Then quickly stepped out of the ancestral hall.Looking back at the big formation that trapped him, he saw that the ancestral hall disappeared before his eyes.

"Is the function of this large formation just for stealth and protection?" Ye Xiaohei said.

"It's much more than that." Fortunately, Xiao Hei asked to kowtow to try at that time. Unexpectedly, the blind cat encountered a dead mouse, and some crises were avoided.

"Let's get out of here quickly."

Ye Daxian was a little hesitant, not knowing whether he should leave first, or leave together after finding the second senior brother.I was afraid that after I went out, the second senior brother would not know, so I would still stay here to search.

"Isn't this the little junior sister of Zhanfeng?" Bai Wuxin said with a smile, "Remember, we met in the fake ruins."

"Remember, what's the matter with Miss Bai?" Ye Daxian replied with a smile.Can you pretend it yourself?

"Why didn't you see Zhan Feng? Aren't you together?" Bai Wuxin said pretending to be surprised.

"Brother told me to wait here." Ye Daxian said with a smile. "Should be coming soon."

Bai Wuxin's face froze, "Oh, so that's the case, then I won't bother you."

Bai Wuxin passed Ye Daxian and walked forward, the hands that were gathered in the sleeves moved slightly.A little bee was released.

Ye Daxian watched Bai Wuxin leave and said, "She came in alone?"

"Don't worry about people who don't matter, just leave first." Ye Xiaohei said.

Ye Daxian nodded, and chose to leave in the opposite direction to Bai Wuxin.

Zhan Feng searched around the ruins, and found that many monks had expressions of anger that could not be concealed, and some monks continued to speak vulgar words directly.After understanding the situation, Zhan Feng was also stunned.After thinking about it, maybe the little junior sister didn't find anything, and she might have taken a step first.Thinking of this, Zhan Feng turned back to wait by the lake.

Ye Daxian went through several twists and turns on the way to the lake, after all, she and Zhan Feng were the first to enter the ruins.But when the people who came after saw that the formation was intact, they knew that the two hadn't taken anything away.But Ye Daxian still had the identity of a Suzaku, but also hindered the identity of Zhan Feng, so he didn't act rashly.

But along the way, everyone cast almost the same strange gaze, which really made Ye Daxian's scalp tingle.

"Aren't those people leaving?"

"Probably not giving up." Ye Daxian said.

"Then let's go." Ye Xiaohei got into the animal control bag.

Ye Daxian glanced back and decided to leave first.

"Little sister."

Ye Daxian stopped his movements and waited for Zhanfeng to come over.

"I guess you will go first." Zhan Feng smiled.

"This place is just an empty shell." Ye Daxian said.

"Hey." Zhan Feng let out a light snort, and grabbed Ye Daxian behind him.

Zhan Feng spread out his palm, and saw a dead little bee in it.

Ye Daxian frowned and asked, "Brother, what is this?"

Zhan Feng casually threw the little bee away and said, "It's just a bug, let's go."

Ye Daxian responded, and the two jumped into the lake one by one.

Among the ruins, there are three people, Bai Wuxin, Bai Wuqing, and Bai Wuhen.The complexion is a bit ugly.Entering the ruins this time, not only damaged a recruited formation mage, but also destroyed a treasure that broke the formation.The main thing is that there is nothing in this ruin.It's just a waste of time.

(End of this chapter)

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