Chapter 279

Bai Xiaofan's house is where the deceased mother lived.Niangqin is a human cultivator, but she is a powerful existence that makes the fox clan fearful.It's a pity... Bai Xiaofan jumped onto the table, picked up a elixir on the plate, and swallowed it.Then he jumped off the table and onto his own bed.Lie on it, and use this ten-thousand-year ice jade bed to slowly refine the elixir in the body.

a month later.

Here, Ye Daxian and the others have finally come outside Qingqiu, and they only need to cross this barrier to really reach Qingqiu.It was just the scene in front of him that made Ye Daxian a little dumbfounded.Because there is a long queue in front of them, and there are many demon cultivators and human cultivators in the queue.However, the discipline is strict and the rows are very neat.Ye Daxian looked from a distance and saw these people walking forward one by one, holding something in his hand and shaking it towards the barrier in front, then walked in.

"Are those things the credentials to get in?" Ye Daxian asked.

Cai Die has already entered the horoscope, Xin Zihuan also glanced forward and said: "It seems to be a token."

"Have you forgotten anything?" Ye Daxian asked hesitantly.

Xin Zihuan lowered his head in thought for a while, and finally shook his head.

Ye Daxian sighed and patted Ye Xiaohei on the back.Then he and Xin Zihuan jumped down, Xiao Hei also turned into an ordinary appearance and stood on Ye Daxian's shoulder.Ye Daxian stood still for a while, then took out the dagger.

"There is a boundary guard at the barrier, let's try it first with a dagger," Ye Daxian said.

Xin Zihuan also nodded in agreement, and happened to be able to see what tokens the team was holding.

The two walked forward one at a time, and before they got close, the guard looked them up and down and said, "Line up."

Ye Daxian frowned slightly, took out the dagger and said, "Please hand it over to Yaoshu of the Fox clan."

The boundary guard was taken aback when he heard the words, but he immediately put away his expression and said seriously: "Bring it."

Ye Daxian handed over the dagger with both hands, and the defender took a closer look, but couldn't tell the depth.Then it was handed over to the fox clan by one person.

"It must be handed over to Yaoshu." Ye Daxian said.

The boundary guard glanced at Ye Daxian and said, "Wait here."

Ye Daxian and Xin Zihuan stepped back for a while, then sat on the ground, looking at the defender.

"The person you are acquainted with seems to have a high status." Xin Zihuan said.

"What?" Ye Daxian asked.

"You didn't notice that when you mentioned the word Yaoshu, the guard visibly shook his hand. Although it was slight, it was really shaking." Xin Zihuan said.

Thinking of Yaoshu, Ye Daxian couldn't help but think of that moody temper.With Yaoshu's temperament, he is afraid that whoever provokes him will not end well.It seems that not long after arriving in the Upper Realm, life has been chaotic.I don't know if I will help myself because of the face of this dagger.

The queue has gone a lot, Ye Daxian still has no information after handing out the dagger, so he can't help feeling a little anxious at the moment.

But at this time, Bai Ming, a member of the fox family, was holding the dagger, but his expression was cloudy.The visitor said that he knew Yaoshu, but now that Yaoshu is in seclusion, he couldn't confirm it, and he didn't know if it was true or not.

"Great elder, do you see?"

"Patriarch, I think you can ask the one who entered the upper realm with Yaoshu to come and identify it."

"You mean the guardian of Xuantian Realm?"

"Well, since it's something special, I'm afraid he's the only one who can confirm it," said the Great Elder.

"Please don't need it, we will go in person. After all, we are the guardians of Xuantian Realm."

The Great Elder also hurriedly said: "I'm also confused, let's go quickly."

The two rushed to the Xuantian Realm together, and just entered the Xuantian Realm.The old man who closed his eyes as if he was asleep suddenly opened them and said, "Stop."

Bai Ming and the great elder stopped together, cupped their fists and said to the old man who was sitting cross-legged: "A person came to look for Yaoshu and gave him a token."

The old man looked puzzled, "What?"

When Bai Ming handed over the dagger, the old man twitched almost imperceptibly.He really knows this dagger, it is indeed something special.But who will Yaoshu give this dagger to?The old man was lost in thought while holding the dagger.

After a long time, the old man slapped his thigh suddenly and said, "Why did I forget!" Isn't the only outsider Yaoshu has ever come into contact with?It was Suzaku's help that made them return to the upper realm.

The old man handed the dagger in his hand to Bai Ming and said, "This is indeed a friend of Yaoshu. Please treat him well."

Bai Ming put away the dagger, and walked out together with the First Elder.

"I said the word please, I'm afraid this friend is not simple." The elder said.

Bai Ming also nodded, and ordered someone to invite him over quickly.Another person was ordered to clean the room...

Xin Zi sighed happily and said, "Is it possible that the person you know well is not in Qingqiu?"

Ye Daxian thought about it after hearing the words, it might be true.Immediately he got up, went to the boundary guard with Xin Zihuan and asked, "Is Yaoshu not in Qingqiu?"

The guard looked solemn and didn't answer.He just looked at Ye Daxian and said, "Wait."

Just as Ye Daxian was about to say something, a young fox demon came out.As soon as he walked out, he stood in front of the guard and said, "Where is the person who gave you the dagger?"

The guard raised his chin and said, "Behind you."

"Is it the dagger you sent?"

Ye Daxian nodded, and brought the dagger back. "Isn't Yaoshu in Qingqiu?"

The young Yaohu gave a respectful salute and said, "Master Yaoshu is currently retreating, young lady, please follow me in."

Ye Daxian nodded knowingly, no wonder it took so long, it turned out that Yaoshu was not there.It should be through others to confirm this dagger token.

The young fox demon led Ye Daxian Xin Zihuan through the barrier, Ye Daxian felt a pressure on his body, and then disappeared in an instant.The moment the pressure disappeared, Ye Daxian and others finally came to the land of Qingqiu.

Qingqiu, as Xin Zihuan said, is really a fairyland on earth, with mountains and mountains and smog curling up.But as the young demon fox walked along, he found many people of different races.They are all setting up camp, destroying some of the scenery.

As if seeing what Ye Daxian was thinking, the young fox demon smiled wryly and said, "It's like this every grand meeting. Normally, our Qingqiu is very beautiful."

"Does the event have to be held?" Ye Daxian asked.

"En." The young fox demon didn't want to say more, so Ye Daxian wisely didn't ask any more.Followed quietly, all the way to the territory of the fox clan.

(End of this chapter)

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