Chapter 297

Luo Shi's whole body suddenly had a formidable aura, and the murderous aura on his body seemed to be real. "When I recover, I will not let anyone who touches you go."

Outside the small world, Xin Zihuan and Ye Xiaohei guarded the door.

Ye Xiaohei glanced inside from time to time, then turned his head silently.

"Alchemy masters take a long time to refine alchemy. I have met an eighth-rank alchemy master who has been refining alchemy for three months." Xin Zihuan comforted.

Ye Xiaohei said, "Thank you."

A figure suddenly appeared, Cai Die looked at the two guarding the stone wall, opened her mouth and said, "Where is the Great Immortal?"

"The Great Immortal is concocting alchemy. We will go to Zhongzhou when the concoction is over," Xin Zihuan said.

Cai Die seemed a little anxious, looked at Ye Xiaohei and said, "Xin Zihuan and I will go first, and then Zhongzhou will reconcile."

"What's wrong?" Xin Zihuan asked, "Have you sensed where the soul is?"

Cai Die nodded anxiously.

"This is Qingqiu, your soul, Zhongzhou?" Xin Zihuan asked with some doubts.

Cai Die nodded fiercely: "I have never felt such a strong feeling before."

Seeing that the butterfly doesn't look like a lie.Xin Zihuan said decisively: "Then let's go first, Xiao Hei, tell the Great Immortal that we are waiting for you in Zhongzhou."

Ye Xiaohei replied: "Okay, be careful all the way."

Xin Zihuan nodded, and the butterfly turned into green smoke and returned to the natal chart.After saying goodbye to Ye Xiaohei, he left Qingqiu first.

With the Yaoshu relationship, it is very convenient to get out of Qingqiu.It's just that after leaving Qingqiu, Xin Zihuan was still a little unaccustomed to the absence of Xiao Hei.He sacrificed his flying sword, stepped on it, and drove the flying sword away at a gallop.Feijian's speed was naturally not as fast as Ye Xiaohei's. Xin Zihuan had to say that he had already started to miss Ye Xiaohei a little after they separated.

Xin Zihuan's power drives Feijian, and at this moment, Cai Die suddenly appears from the disk and stands in front of Xin Zihuan.Xin Zihuan was unsteady and almost fell from the flying sword.


"Are you an elm head?" Cai Die turned around directly, scolding her head and face.

Xin Zihuan was a little puzzled. "What's wrong with me?"

"It's so obvious that you don't want you to stay there, why...forget it." Cai Die exhaled. "Hurry up, let's go to Zhongzhou."

Xin Zihuan nodded in a daze, and continued to drive Feijian.

In the sacred mountain of Qingqiu Rabbit Clan, Ye Xiaohei flew into the stone wall when he saw Xin Zihuan leave.The treasure room was empty, Ye Xiaohei crouched there quietly.In the small world, Luo Shi's complexion gradually recovered, and the elixir in his body was completely refined.It's just that there are some hidden injuries that can't be cured by pills, and can only be repaired slowly by practicing.But in the Yanshan Mountain, Ye Daxian still gritted his teeth and persisted.

Luo Shi lightly flew to the sky above Ye Daxian, floating on it, looking at Ye Daxian in the magma.At first, from a distance, I could only see a pale face, but when I looked closer, I found that there were spots of blood all over the bare skin.

"Enough, stop."

With a wave of Luoshi's sleeve robe, he sealed Fen Tianyan again.

Ye Daxian slowly opened his eyes, and saw Luo Shi floating above her, like a god.


"Nonsense. Once you have Buddha Lotus, you can do whatever you want. The damage to the meridians is much more difficult to repair than you think!" Luo Shi scolded.

Ye Daxian grinned: "I know, so I chose within the range. Plus I have elixir, so it's okay."

Luo Shi shook his head, and hugged Ye Daxian directly by the waist.The blood beads oozing from the meridians have already stained the clothes red, and now that the two of them are so close, they can clearly smell the traces of blood.

Holding Ye Daxian all the way, he sent her back to her residence. "Take a medicated bath and fix it yourself."

"Yes." Ye Daxian said with a smile, it seems that she didn't want to pursue the matter of her refining Fen Tianyan privately.

Luo Shi shook his head and went out the door.

Ye Daxian took out a wooden barrel and filled it with spiritual water.The chalcedony is very willing to drip down.Crushed the elixir that he had refined and put it into the wooden barrel directly.After a while, the medicinal fragrance drifted away with the spiritual water.Ye Daxian took off his clothes and jumped into the barrel.With his eyes slightly closed, he began to draw the power of the medicine to nourish his whole body.The things Ye Daxian used were not gentle, but fortunately, the repairs were excellent.The medicinal power reaches the inside of the body through the injured meridians, and every time the medicinal power is pulled, Ye Daxian takes a deep breath.

Outside the house, Luo Shi looked at the storage bag in his hand, his brows were slightly frowned, and his motionless body suddenly chuckled.

In the storage bag are the plants with roots collected by Daxian Ye for so long, including medicinal materials and poisons, and some things like spirit flowers.Luo Shi searched carefully and found thyme in it.Seeing that Ye Daxian classified thyme as an appreciation category, he put it together with those spirit flowers.Luo Shi couldn't help shaking his head helplessly.For things like thyme, I am afraid that the world has long forgotten the original function of this flower.

Thyme is the main material for refining Huisheng Pill.The Huisheng Pill was what Dabao gave Ye Daxian back then, and there were only those pills.When I asked yesterday, I realized that the last elixir had also been traded with someone.Now that we have thyme, we must be able to refine some.It's just that other than the thyme, the rest of the ingredients are extremely hard to find.Luo Shi took a closer look at the storage bag.

Mixed joys and sorrows.

The joy is that there are indeed some materials, but the worry is that there are still some medicinal materials that are not available, and the idea of ​​​​refining immediately was forced to die.The only way to make some for her self-defense is to collect all these medicinal materials as soon as possible.

Luo Shi flipped his palm, and a small shovel appeared in his hand.After thinking about it, he planted thyme outside Ye Daxian's house.This thyme also has the effect of calming the mind, so it is best to put it here.As for these poisonous weeds and poisonous fruits.Luo Shi pondered for a while, and then separated it from the place where the poisonous weeds were planted before, but they were still planted together.For the remaining medicinal materials, Luo Shi personally chose a place and designated it as a medicinal field.After it was planted, it was irrigated with spiritual water.After returning home, I saw that Ye Daxian had already soaked in the medicinal bath, wearing a white dress, which had faded away from her formerly enthusiastic and flamboyant appearance. The white color made Ye Daxian look like a nine-day fairy girl.

"Lost, look. How about white?"

As soon as she spoke, the white skirt became a little abrupt.

(End of this chapter)

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