Chapter 314

"If you dare to touch, I will kill you." The cold voice sounded, it was the first time she saw Jun Yan.So high above, untouchable.She wanted to be closer, closer.Finally she got close, she was the adoptive daughter of the patriarch, and he was her foster brother.But he still hates people touching him, not just her, he hates everyone.Except for that Suzaku, the Suzaku under his care.The gentleman's speech that Suzaku taught her to learn everything, such a strange gentleman's speech.

Just like tonight, so strange.Jun Yan, who was so unfamiliar to her that she thought she was omnipotent, was taken away, and was no longer that superior Jun Yan.But the king's words are the king's words.

Taking a deep breath, Jun Qingran regained his clarity.She needs to be someone useful to the Jun family so that she won't be abandoned.

When Jun Qingran turned to leave, Ye Daxian looked back.I just feel that the woman's figure is a bit lonely, but when we chatted today, she still smiled so brightly.

"go in."

"it is good."

"Junior Junior Sister." Zhan Feng called.

"This time, will the two senior brothers also run for places together?" Ye Daxian asked.Seeing that the two nodded their heads affirmatively, Ye Daxian couldn't help crying.I thought that I was not bad, and I should be able to grab a spot.But in such a comparison, Ye Daxian only felt hopeless.

"So we discussed it and decided to let you compete in formations."

"Array?" Ye Daxian asked in surprise.

Jun Yan smiled and said, "Didn't you find out clearly?"

Ye Daxian nodded rather bewilderedly.

"Ten pills, ten formations, and the top ten in the competition. A total of 30 people." Zhan Feng said.

"You are under the tutelage of Mu Qingyang, and your elixir cultivation should not be low, but this grand event will announce your talent to the world. Alchemists are rare, and if they are announced, it may cause countless troubles. Array masters, almost Everyone knows some." Speaking of this, Jun Yan took a look at Zhan Feng, shook his head slightly and said: "Your formation skills should be different from the past, let's say that the restrictions you set up for Zhan Feng are very good."

Ye Daxian was embarrassed, since he got the formation of Qingxuan Palace, the more Ye Daxian deduced it, the more fascinated he became.When setting up the formation, they always involuntarily move closer to the formation of Qingxuan Palace.If he loses in the battle with others, Ye Daxian will definitely feel extremely uncomfortable.If he wins, how should he explain the formation.No, there is no need to explain the formation, but it might attract traitors from Qingxuan Palace.

"What's wrong?" Jun Yan asked with concern.

Ye Daxian patted his forehead abruptly and thought to himself: I was only a god in the past, but now it is different from the past, so why am I still afraid.Immediately, he looked at Jun Yan and said, "Eldest brother, I will participate in the formation. I will definitely win the first place." When I come, I will come, and I am not the same Suzaku as before.

"The array will start in three days."

Ye Daxian was startled and said, "Is it starting after three days?"

"Why are you so excited, we will start tomorrow." Zhan Feng laughed.

"Senior brother, I'll go back and prepare. You guys will definitely be able to advance, so I won't watch it." Ye Daxian returned to his space room after speaking.After setting up the restriction, he called Ye Xiaohei out of the small world.

"Xiao Hei, I want to participate in the formation." I told Ye Xiaohe about the matter.

Ye Xiaohei nodded and said: "Now that Luoshi has woken up, there is no need to be afraid so much. At worst, you can escape into the small world."

"Well, I have to deduce the formation in the past few days."

"I'm going to practice outside, give me some fairy jade."

Ye Daxian nodded, took out a storage bag and handed it to Ye Xiaohei, "Xianyu should be enough here."

"Well, you go."

Ye Daxian nodded and went back to the house.After boasting about Haikou, I had to go all out.He took out all the jade slips he had collected at the treasure house of Qingxuan Palace, and began to look at them one by one.Relying on his strong mental strength, Ye Daxian quickly passed through these jade slips.I just feel a pain in my head, presumably there is too much information.

Sit down cross-legged and recite a few formulas silently.Only then did Ye Daxian feel that his head was much better.

Putting away the scattered jade slips on the ground, Ye Daxian took out a blank jade slip, immersed himself in it, and began to draw.All the thoughts I realized at that time were portrayed in the jade slips, and so on, and then collected and sorted out...

Here Ye Daxian worked hard to deduce the formation, and the competition over there has also slowly kicked off.

After three days of competition, the top ten will be selected.

This grand event was much more lively than before, not only the long-renowned geniuses came.And there are many unexpected characters.The arena for the competition is set in the middle of the sea, and if you fall into the sea, you will lose.This also has a kind of implication.

Above the stands, areas are divided.Everyone sat quietly, just waiting for the war drum to be sounded.The owner of Qingxuan Palace is Mo Changan's senior brother, Liu Changyan.It's just that Liu Changyan and Mo Changan are a little older, so Mo Changan respects him like an elder.

After saying a few words, he talked about Tianchi. "This time, a total of the top [-] people entered the Tianchi. The Tianchi is very peaceful this time. It is a source of blessing for everyone who is destined to enter the Tianchi."

Tianchi has great benefits, but it is also accompanied by dangers. Tianchi often has some turmoil.You yourself are holding your breath and concentrating on cultivating in Tianchi, when a sudden turmoil disrupts your mind.Those with mild circumstances will grit their teeth and endure it. If the will is not strong enough, they will never be able to enter the samadhi again, wasting a good opportunity in vain.So this time Tianchi is very peaceful, which is very good news for those who can enter it.

"Maybe some people's purpose is more than that, but I won't stop it. I just want to tell you that enough is enough and do what you can." After finishing speaking, Liu Changyan sat down.

When the drummer received the signal, he immediately slammed the hammer on the drum.If Ye Daxian would feel familiar here, that person is the strong man who set up a stall with whom she exchanged pills.

'Boom!Boom!Boom! 'The sound of the drum came out one after another, like beating on the hearts of everyone, shaking after shaking, those with low will almost lost their minds.

The sound of the drums faded away, and the people who participated in the competition also began to slowly stand up from the stands.There are ten arenas in the sea, if you want to grab one, then go for it.If you stand at the end, you win.Of course, you can count to the end and take the opportunity to knock down the defender when he is exhausted.Although it will be despised by everyone, it is not as good as Tianchi's quota.

Of course, standing in the ring to the end is the path that everyone hopes for the most. It represents a kind of strength, a strength that everyone looks up to.

Zhanfeng Junyan glanced at each other, and was the first to set off, occupying a ring.Immediately afterwards, most figures flew up.All of them are in their prime and full of energy.

(End of this chapter)

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