Chapter 355

Ye Daxian was going to shirk and go back, but Hui Neng saw through what Ye Daxian was thinking, and said: "These things are not as good as the relics, and you don't have to give the relics to us."

Ye Daxian seemed a little hypocritical when he evaded, so he took it back immediately and said: "Thank you."

Hui Neng's face became softer.After saying a few words with Ye Daxian, he left.

"What did his last few words mean?" Ye Xiaohei asked.

Ye Daxian re-arranged the price formation, looked at the pond full of Buddha lotus and said, "It means that I can take some Buddha lotus, and he will treat it as if he can't see it."

"Then what are you waiting for? Transplant more and put them in the small world." Ye Xiaohei eagerly said.

Ye Daxian was also moved, but he couldn't do it.Then he turned his attention to the brocade box in his hand, opened the brocade box, and Ye Daxian exclaimed: "Bodhi!"

"I'm even more embarrassed now." Ye Xiaohei said helplessly.

Ye Daxian patted Ye Xiaohei's head and said with a smile, "There are indeed some." Until recently, she didn't know how precious this bodhi seed is.She still felt a little reckless when she thought about the medicine she always took.

Just as he was speaking, Luo Shi stepped out, but he kept his petite appearance, floating in mid-air.

When Ye Daxian saw Luo Shi's appearance, his eyes immediately filled with smiles. "You look like this, how long has it been since I saw you?"

Luo Shi chuckled and shook his head, "You've seen it recently."

Ye Daxian was stunned, and then the corners of his mouth curled up. "Will you stay with me?"

"Hey, there's a bird here." Ye Xiaohei said.

Luo Shi nodded.Then he turned his attention to the Buddha Lotus Pond.

Seeing this, Ye Xiaohei immediately said: "Get some more back."

Ye Daxian couldn't bear it, after all, he just took someone else's bodhi seed.Just when he was about to speak, he heard Luo Shi say, "No need."

"Don't you want to take it?" Ye Xiaohei's tone was obviously a little disappointed.

Luo Shi didn't say a word, and his figure suddenly came to the top of the Buddha Lotus Pond, looking towards the lake with piercing eyes.After a long time, Luo Shi finally moved.With the ten fingers of both hands dancing, the silver thread appeared again. Ye Daxian just looked at it like this, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Luo Shi guided the thread into the bottom of the pool, controlling the thread with a calm expression.After a long while, Luo Shi finally retracted the silk thread, along with a plant attached to it.Ye Daxian was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect this to be the meaning of falling into the world.Bring the roots together, and instantly move into the small world.After doing all this, he returned to Ye Daxian's eyes again.

"All right."

Ye Xiaohei flew around happily, and returned to Ye Daxian's shoulder: "Good job!"

"Take the bodhi seeds together and retreat here." Luo Shi said.

Ye Daxian nodded, poured all the bodhi seeds into his mouth at once, found a seat by the pool, and sat cross-legged.

"Xiao Hei also goes to retreat."

Ye Xiaohei nodded, flew down from Ye Daxian's shoulder, found a place, and some hazy brilliance began to appear around his body, covering Ye Xiaohei completely.

Luo Shi glanced at it, then withdrew his gaze, and locked his gaze on Ye Daxian.Bodhi seeds are very gentle, even if you swallow two at a time, you will not worry about falling into the world.Seeing that Ye Daxian had settled down with all his heart, and when there was no serious problem, he stood on Ye Daxian's shoulders with peace of mind.

The power of life visible to the naked eye entered Ye Daxian's body with Ye Daxian's breathing, and after swimming around, slowly nourishing all the dark wounds in the meridians, he returned to the dantian, and was captured by the people in the dantian. Buddha lotus absorbed.Falling into the world is so close, I only feel that there is a faint fragrance of Buddha lotus on Ye Daxian's body, which penetrates clearly into his nose.

Ye Xiaohei was covered by the hazy brilliance, so he couldn't see the inside clearly, but after careful perception, he found that Ye Xiaohei's breathing was very regular.The power of life absorbed was no worse than that of Ye Daxian.

At the same time, Fozong finally sent out a message to temporarily close Fozong and refuse visitors.A stone stirs up a thousand waves.No matter what the original intention of the Buddhist sect was, this move aroused the suspicion and attention of the major families.But all of this has nothing to do with Ye Daxian who is concentrating on retreat, or it has nothing to do with it now.

Jun's house thousands of miles away.

The Jun family is slightly different from the general inherited families. It is a big family that has existed since the ancient fairy world.It has been passed down to this day and still stands.The Jun family can be said to be an ancient family with obvious ranks, no matter what the side branches are, the direct line will never be crossed.

Now Dimai is only the Patriarch of the Jun family, Jun Yan's father, Jun Taili, Jun Yan, and Jun Yan's uncle, Jun Taili's younger brother Jun Taiyi.Jun Qingran, heh, he is just a person who has a slightly better life than the general offshoots.

Now in a dark room, the raging fire made the figures of the three of them a little longer.Jun Yan's stern face was clearly unrecognizable under the flames, and those eyes were even colder and devoid of any emotion.

Jun Taili said slowly: "Is the matter of the Buddhist sect related to you?"

Jun Taiyi was silent for a while and said: "It should have nothing to do with me. The Buddhist sect will not be so timid if Xuanmiao has not sat down."

"That's because of other things." Jun Taili said slowly.

Jun Taiyi frowned suddenly, and said slowly: "The nine-foot golden silk is gone."

"It's gone." Jun Taili asked.

"I can see that nine-foot golden silk almost every time I go, but I haven't seen it this time." Jun Taiyi said, always feeling a strange feeling in his heart.

"Perhaps it's put away." Jun Taili waved his hands.

At this time, Jun Taiyi took out a jade box and said: "This is the Buddha lotus bought in exchange, Yan'er took this to the Bai family, it is said that Bai Wuxin of the Bai family broke his arm."

"What to do with Bai Wuxin, why not leave it to my junior sister." Jun Yan took it and said coldly.

Jun Taiyi laughed dumbly and said, "Of course it's for the Bai family."

"Trouble." Jun Yan said.

"The Bai family wants to marry my Jun family." Jun Taili said. "I can't even compare to Qingran, but I want to come to my Jun's house."

Jun Taiyi laughed softly: "What we want is the relationship with the Bai family, and the woman is not arranged casually."

"If I knew it earlier, I should have asked my junior sister to kill her directly." Jun Yan frowned and said coldly.

"Is that Bai Wuxin's severed arm the masterpiece of your junior sister?" Jun Taili asked with great interest.

"Junior sister is still playing lightly, wasting my teaching." Jun Yan said.

Jun Taili laughed a few times, which shows that he is in a very good mood.Suddenly he said in a low voice: "Your junior sister is Suzaku."

A meaningful sentence, but Jun Yan's expression did not change.In other words, people can't see the change.

(End of this chapter)

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