Chapter 360

The daughter of the direct line of the Jun family, the young master of the Zhanfu, this marriage is destined not to be peaceful.

Zhanfu obviously thought of this, so he fixed the double cultivation ceremony on Mu Yayan's birthday.The wife's birthday of the Zhanfu was naturally celebrated by her own family. On the other hand, it meant refusing people to watch the ceremony.Zhanfu and Jun's family wanted to keep a low profile, but they couldn't.As soon as news of the Double Cultivation Ceremony was reported, many families and sects sent congratulatory gifts.

This congratulatory gift cannot be refused no matter what, it cannot be refused, it can only be accepted, and it can only be sent to these invitations, please come to watch the ceremony.Part of it was isolated, but none of the people invited was good.

Regarding this, Mu Yayan and Zhan Xiong are somewhat worried.Zhanfeng is fearless, after all, the current Zhanfu is just for outsiders to see.

In any case, this double cultivation ceremony still needs to be well prepared.All the invitations have been sent out, and the rest is the day of the double cultivation pawn.

Although Zhanfu is called Zhanfu, it has an area no smaller than Xiaojixian Island.Zhanfu is famous in the Upper Realm for refining weapons, and besides the family members, many of them are disciples of Zhanfu.Whether they have been members of the Zhanfu for generations, or came in halfway.The number of people in Zhanfu is not low, and each of them is a talent for refining weapons.

Generally, weapons engraved with the Zhanfu logo are all recognized existences.Zhan Fu's refining income is no less than those of alchemists.Naturally, the double cultivation ceremony of the only young master of Zhanfu can't be sloppy.

The snow-white and flawless Liuyun brocade was paved on the road leading to the Zhanfu, and the Liuyun brocade shimmered like a fairy road.Thyme is placed on both sides of the road, and the fragrance is pleasant.The seemingly simple layout has great intentions.Zhanfu is famous for its crafting, so in order to show respect for the young master of Zhanfu and the future young wife, it was decided that the craftsmen of Zhanfu would come up with their favorite works and stand on both sides of the road.Congratulations to the two of you.

This is the respect given to the young lady, and it is also a kind of deterrent by force.

The Double Cultivation Ceremony will be held two months later, and the Jun family will be represented by Jun Taiyi and Jun Yan.At that time, Daoist Li Yang will be the witness.

The Double Cultivation Ceremony is not a matter of marriage between mortals, and naturally there is no need for Fengguanxiapei.But it is more grand than usual.Generally, as long as the couple of dual monks are recognized, they will not change again.The two want to support each other on this lonely road of cultivating immortality.

Jun family.

Jun Qingran was in his room, looking indifferently at the white palace dress spread on the bed, the dress was made of precious cold silk.It seems that the style is simple, but you can only discover its mystery when you look closely. You can faintly see the complicated formations embroidered on it, like hidden patterns, full of brilliance.The cuffs and the hem of the skirt are embroidered with flowing clouds, and the top-quality flint stones are inlaid on it at the waist.It can be seen that Mu Yayan is still very attentive to his daughter-in-law.

Jun Qingran stood up, stretched out his hand to touch his dress, and put away his plain hand.His eyes remained calm, and then, as if practicing, a smile slowly bloomed from the corner of his mouth.Like a lily that just bloomed, intoxicating and beautiful.

Turning around, he glanced at the brocade box on the table.Inside the brocade box is a bronze sword-shaped necklace.It was also sent by Mu Yayan, and it was the inheritance treasure of Zhanxiong given by Zhanxiong when Mu Yayan and Zhanxiong became a pair of monks.It has always been worn by the hostess of the War Palace.

The special meaning of the necklace is that the person who wears it has the right to control the people in the war palace.

"Thank you." Jun Qingran said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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