Chapter 379

Luo Shi hugged Ye Daxian tightly, his eyes were as gentle as water.

"Do you believe me?"

"I only trust you."

"That's good." Luo Shi lowered his head, reached out to remove the mask, and kissed it lightly with his cold lips. "Then you can trust me."

The sky suddenly darkened, Ye Daxian's heart tightened, and when he looked up, he saw that the sky seemed to be suppressed by gravity, approaching them inch by inch.Luo Shi looked at the darkening sky, but a smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Look, it's still the same movement, the same way. I can only say that they are too ridiculous." Luo Shi said softly.

"Are they weird people with horns on their foreheads?" Ye Daxian asked softly.

Luo Shi smiled and said, "Yes, isn't it ugly."

"It's really ugly." Ye Daxian pulled out a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Daxian, watch me use all my strength to show you."

After Luo Shi finished speaking, he hugged Ye Daxian lightly.The slender fingers like jade slowly lifted up and pointed lightly on it.That fingertip, as round as jade, once pointed at mountains and rivers, this finger can withstand thousands of troops.The sky seemed to have stopped moving, and the dark color showed signs of cracking.

With a virtual press of the fingertips, the darkness completely shattered.

"Haha." There was another burst of maniacal laughter, and Jun Taiyi looked at Luo Shi's actions with hatred in his eyes. "What a powerful Emperor of Heaven, I am really reluctant to die today."

"The power of one blow is really powerful." Jun Yan said coldly.

But it was just one hit.

Luo Shi calmly withdrew his fingers and held his palms, and the ground suddenly shook.Everyone's bodies are as heavy as a thousand catties, and it is difficult to move even half a cent.

Ye Daxian looked up, the trace of red at the corner of Luo Shi's mouth hurt Ye Daxian's eyes.

"Falling into the world..." Ye Daxian's nose soured. "Falling..."

Luo Shi tightened his arms and pressed his forehead against Ye Daxian's.The blood from the corner of the mouth was like a trickle, dripping on Ye Daxian's fingers.The smile on the corner of his mouth is getting bigger and bigger.

"wait me back."

Ye Daxian suddenly raised his head to push Luoshi away, only to feel that the palm of his hand was a little empty, and seeing the figure in front of him gradually swaying, his hand also passed through the body in front of him.Ye Daxian's hands trembled, and tears kept gushing from his eyes, making his eyes blurred.

"If you don't come back, I will let these people be buried with you."

Ye Daxian withdrew his hand and hung it on his side, a gentle smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.The fallen body gradually dissipated, and the golden mark on Ye Daxian's forehead disappeared in a flash.

"What are you doing in a daze, grab her." Jun Taiyi scolded coldly. "She must know the secret of the God of Heaven. Do you want to be controlled by others for the rest of your life?"

Jun Yan looked at the people who were about to move, and with a movement, he flew towards Ye Daxian.Without the support of the fallen world, Ye Daxian felt powerless all over.The sequelae of using the secret method began to appear, and now Ye Daxian is like meat on a chopping board to be slaughtered.Ye Daxian's body fell down suddenly, and the Pangu jade tightly held in his palm was emitting a faint light.

The pressure began to gradually disappear, and slowly several people began to resume their movements.Without hesitation, Jun Yan speeded up and chased down.

At this moment, like a gust of wind, a black figure quickly surpassed Jun Yan and rushed towards Ye Daxian.

Jun Yan frowned, and whispered, "Mo Yu."

Ye Xiaohei turned a deaf ear, grabbed the phoenix bracelet between his claws, and flew under Ye Daxian in an instant.His stature suddenly rose a few points, and when Ye Daxian landed on his back, he accelerated again, and even before everyone could react, he rushed out of the encirclement.

(End of this chapter)

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