Chapter 384

As soon as Ye Daxian's eyes lit up, he retreated to the side, sneaking into the end of the line while no one was paying attention.Follow all the way forward.

The one at the end is a slender female cultivator, seeing Ye Daxian wearing a bamboo hat, she has a strange look in her eyes.But he turned his head away quickly and didn't care.Maybe it was the one who fell in the front, and besides, if you talk too much, it will make the master unhappy, and I'm afraid he will be whipped for something.Thinking of the whip, the female cultivator couldn't help shaking, and her complexion turned paler.

Ye Daxian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief seeing that female cultivator just glanced at her and stopped paying attention to her.Looking to the side through the veil, I found that everyone was doing their own things, and there was no intention of looking at this group of people.

Ye Daxian looked at himself, his heart moved, and while he was not paying attention, there was an extra thing in his hand.This was found in the treasure of Qingxuan Palace, and it is a holy artifact in itself.When Ye Daxian was looking for the whip he exchanged with Hua Lingling, he saw this thing.At that time, I only felt that the people in Qingxuan Palace really have various hobbies, and there are such holy artifacts.

The holy vessel is in the shape of a ring, silver in color, without any decoration.The function of this holy artifact is to allow a female cultivator to cover her features and change her face at the same time.When he saw it for the first time, Ye Daxian only felt that this thing was tasteless.No one in the upper world does not know that she is Suzaku. Even if she is disguised as a male cultivator and her face changes, her body as Suzaku will not change.

But when he arrived in this ghost world, Ye Daxian suddenly thought of this ring.Now she was transformed by Diyan, and she also covered up the aura of Suzaku on her body.In this way, this ring is the best camouflage.

Looking around, he saw that there were few people around, and it was a bit desolate.Taking another look at the people who didn't stop, Ye Daxian broke it off as soon as possible, and put the ring on the index finger directly.Putting the ring on the finger, it immediately turned into a suitable size for the finger.

Ye Daxian frowned, secretly feeling nothing.He raised his hand to see if there was anything wrong with the ring.

When he raised his hand, Ye Daxian froze for a moment.This is indeed her hand, but it is more slender with distinct joints. It is clearly a man's hand.Ye Daxian couldn't help raising his hand to caress his chest, and then touched his throat.He paused, but he couldn't keep up with the pace of the person in front of him.

Ye Daxian reacted immediately, and before the female cultivator could look over, she stepped aside, and at the same time took off the bamboo hat she was wearing on her head, and put it away.Ye Daxian doesn't know if her face has been changed now, but with the feeling of just touching it with her fingers, she has truly turned into a male cultivator now.


This was the first time Ye Daxian heard the voice of the leader in front, the voice was so shrill that it hurt the eardrums of people.

"Now I call the person who said the name, go forward."

Ye Daxian was taken aback, and said inwardly.It is obviously impossible to leave now, it is too conspicuous.If you don't leave, what should you do when the number of people in the team is getting smaller and smaller.

Ye Daxian frowned and thought about the solution, but he didn't notice that the team was getting shorter and shorter.

"Licheng, Licheng, where are the people from Licheng!" The shrill voice interrupted Ye Daxian's meditation.A solution was also sent to Ye Daxian.

"I am." As soon as the voice came out, Ye Daxian was a little stunned, his voice was a little soft, but it was a gentle voice that belonged to male cultivators.After a few steps, he saw the pale-faced man with the thin beard hanging around his mouth, with an angry look on his face.

"What were you doing when I called you just now!"

Ye Daxian frowned imperceptibly, but did not speak.

After a while, the man snorted coldly: "If it wasn't for the lack of time, I would never let you go. Take your things and go over there!"

Ye Daxian nodded, took a storage bag from the man, and followed the person in front unhurriedly.She took a look earlier, only to find that none of the people here had storage bags, so she put away all the storage bags on a thought.

Opening the storage bag given by the man, Ye Daxian swept it away with his spiritual sense, and found that there was only a low-level sword-shaped magic weapon, a jade slip, and an identity token inside.Following the actions of the person in front, he took out the token and hung it on his waist.

A person behind him suddenly approached him, and Ye Daxian stepped aside without thinking.


Only then did Ye Daxian recognize that this was the slender female cultivator who had glanced at that time.

"What's the matter?" Ye Daxian couldn't help but carry a trace of coldness in his voice.

The female cultivator didn't notice it at all, and there was a trace of shame on her delicate face. "Fellow Daoist, did you go voluntarily, or..."

The female cultivator hesitated to speak, but Ye Daxian heard something, thought for a while and said, "Voluntary."

"The slave family is also voluntary." The female cultivator smiled proudly, "Although the place is a bit dangerous, the benefits are relative. Besides, I will only stay for three years."

"En." Ye Daxian responded lightly.

Seeing that Ye Daxian didn't show any signs of impatience, the female cultivator's eyes lit up immediately.He bit his lip lightly and said, "Friend Daoist, I got a piece of news earlier."

"Oh?" Ye Daxian showed interest.

The female cultivator blushed and said: "It is said that there is a top grade, fellow Taoist, that is a top grade. And I heard that there seem to be a lot of top grades now."

Ye Daxian nodded lightly, and when he raised his eyes, he saw a long river in front of him, and a boat was parked by the river.Eight people were already sitting on the boat, Ye Daxian quickened his pace and jumped onto the boat with a thought.As soon as Ye Daxian got on board, the boat started slowly.

The female cultivator stood by the river annoyed and annoyed, but looked at the leaving figure with some reluctance.Reluctantly, he had no choice but to board Ling's boat and wait for everyone to leave.

When Ye Daxian jumped onto the boat, the other eight people turned their heads to look at her, and then sized her up unscrupulously.But the more he looked, the more frightened he became. This person seemed to be carrying some kind of magic weapon, which blocked everyone's prying eyes.A person with such a magic weapon should not be an unknown person.I'm afraid that some young master will go out privately to practice.

Ye Daxian didn't know that these people randomly guessed which young master she was, and saw those people sized her up, and returned after killing her feathers.Immediately, he was not polite, and looked back.The body is not cultivated, but the spiritual consciousness is not weak, and no one has discovered it.

Ye Daxian made some calculations and found that the cultivation bases of these people were all around the level of alchemy.In addition, the female cultivator who talked to her earlier was probably of the same cultivation level.Ye Daxian didn't have a clue about the thing that the female nun mentioned in a rather excited tone.Helpless, I wanted to take one step at a time, and talk about it later.

Ye Daxian found a place to sit down, took out the jade slip from the storage bag, and lightly pasted it on his forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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