Chapter 390

"If the relic knows that the vajra mask it taught me is used to deal with the wraiths, I don't know how I would feel." Ye Daxian laughed, and the vajra mask with a trace of Buddha nature is really the nemesis of these wraiths.Now no one notices me, but it can be used.If you carelessly use the vajra mask in the ghost world, you are really asking for trouble.

If it's not bad, this storm of resentful spirits won't last too long, otherwise, if you have to go through this kind of experience every time you go to the battlefield, you may suffer heavy losses.The facts were indeed as Ye Daxian expected, the dense fog began to fade, and gradually dissipated.Ye Daxian immediately put away the vajra cover, leaving only the protective formation left.Looking at the thick fog slowly disappearing with an extremely calm expression.

Just at this moment, a sudden change occurred.The tumbling thick fog swept in again.Ye Daxian gritted her teeth. At this time, she had just withdrawn the vajra mask, and the power in her body did not allow her to sacrifice it again.Really bad luck.

The dense fog billowed, and the wraith reappeared.Compared with the deep resentment just now, it can be said that there is a difference between heaven and earth.

There were already quite a few people on the deck who were awake and opened their eyes. Seeing this scene, they felt that they might as well faint.

Ye Daxian made a decisive decision, took out the jade bottle and poured several pills into his mouth.He got up and stood up, withdrew the array casually, and walked out slowly.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked and cursed secretly.Really not afraid of death, I don't know what will happen if I lose protection.At this time, everyone was holding the same idea in their hearts: How long can this person hold on.

But the fact made everyone dumbfounded, secretly said: Crazy.

Ye Daxian stepped forward in a few steps, and at the same time, two clusters of flames burst out from his palm.His black hair danced without wind, his eyes were sharp, and his face was firm.I saw her making a formula with both hands in an orderly manner.

Everyone was a little surprised at first, and forgot about the wraith for a while, just watched quietly.In the end, he found out that Ye Daxian's spell casting was actually the simplest fireball technique, and he was extremely disappointed at the moment.After being disappointed, he couldn't help feeling a little desperate. It seemed that everyone had to rely on their strength and luck to escape.

Ye Daxian watched coldly, only aware of the various states in the world.One by one, they pin their hopes on others, but they don't want to fight.

After taking a look, Ye Daxian withdrew his gaze, and his movements were complicated but not chaotic, one by one the simplest fireball techniques, directly aimed at the wraith.She managed to survive, and she didn't want to die.

Everyone stared blankly, but in an instant, they immediately widened their eyes in astonishment.

What kind of fireball technique is this, so powerful.

I saw the fireball whizzing away, hitting steadily, once it hit, there was a scream.Everyone watched the wraith waving its teeth and claws collapse and disappear one by one.

"What are you doing in a daze!" Ye Daxian said angrily.

Everyone just woke up like a dream, and they couldn't help feeling ashamed when they thought of how they had resigned themselves to fate in the beginning.The thin man faced the wraith alone, advancing instead of retreating, aggressive.The man glanced at it casually, but it made people feel ashamed and blushed.At the moment, everyone's blood was also aroused, each of them drew their weapons and approached step by step, and no one seemed to flinch.

The resentful spirit has no sanity, and still rushes roaring.

Renxiu rose up and tried his best to kill.

For a moment, Renxiu's roar was mixed with the wraith's screams, and it was extremely lively.The people resting above don't care about these ants. If they survive, they will survive, and if they die, they will die.This can't be passed, so what should we do when facing the abyssal demon.

Everyone began to have an obsession in their eyes, that is to live.


The Wraith doesn't know pain or danger, and just follows the instinct to go towards the delicious food.Everyone gradually felt powerless, and the resentful spirits did not decrease, but they spent too much energy.

"Persist for a moment longer, and the Wraith is leaving."

No one knew how Ye Daxian saw it, but this sentence gave everyone a support and a belief.

The facts are indeed as Ye Daxian said, the resentful spirit really began to recede slowly.When the thick fog finally dissipated, everyone felt as if they had passed away.He didn't care about anything at the moment, and directly collapsed on the deck, letting his tired body face the crowd, and the weapon fell aside.

Ye Daxian retreated slowly, returned to the side of the ship again, set up a formation, and rested against the side of the ship.

Everyone looked at her with complicated eyes, but seeing her icy appearance, they withdrew their eyes with interest.

Ye Daxian poured a few pills into his mouth and meditated to refine the medicinal power.Here, she couldn't just take out the fairy jade to recover, she could only rely on the elixir.She also vaguely saw those gazes, and treated them coldly.She doesn't want to get involved with these people, she has secrets, and it's safer to be alone.

The storm has passed, and the rest is quiet driving.

Meng Yi glanced through the window and said, "This is not bad, it's really good."

Shi Tian frowned. He felt that what Meng Yi said was correct, but it was not to such a high level.

"I feel arrogant and arrogant. You see, he doesn't make friends with others and form a team. When he gets to that place, going alone will kill him."

"He has the capital to be proud." Meng Yi said.

Shi Tian glanced again to make sure he had read the cultivation correctly, and said, "You still have to endure hardships to realize how ridiculous this look is."

Meng Yi shook his head helplessly, his eyes were full of admiration, but his mouth was unforgiving.

"He's cultivating fire, so that fire must be ghost fire." Meng Yi said suddenly, otherwise how could that little fireball have such great power.

"It should be." Shi Tian said, the flame was skilled in manipulation, the control was precise, and the timing was well aimed.

"Cultivate the Underworld Fire." Meng Yi murmured. "If you can grow up, leave here after three years, and then..."

"Stop it." Shi Tian said, "If you think about it in such a long-term, it's not certain whether you can survive."

Meng Yichang smiled and said, "It's a gamble. I bet that he will be safe and sound for three years. You, you bet against me."

Shi Tian shook his head and said, "I'm not fooled."

"Haha, then we'll bet on him being a dark horse, breaking through the siege and gaining fame," Meng Yi said.

"You have confidence in him. It doesn't matter if he survives in three years. You really think he can defeat those people, those people in Ghost City, but they are all ruthless characters."

"I just ask you, to bet or not to bet!" Meng Yi said solemnly.

Meng Yi sneered: "Bet! I'll bet with you."

"Since it's a gamble, it must be a lottery. If I lose, I will give you half of the black magic stone."

Shi Tian was stunned, his lips were a little dry.

After a long while, he said: "If I lose, I will give you a piece of bliss fruit."

"A word is settled!"

"Keep your word!"

(End of this chapter)

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