Chapter 415

"How's the wind blade?" Ye Daxian asked with a smile.

"I'm already very familiar with it." Ye Xiaohei said quite proudly.

Ye Daxian also nodded, and it took such a short time to achieve such an effect.

Wang Chuan also walked over at this time, unscathed.

"Even if the color has changed, your heart hasn't changed." Wang Chuan said with a light smile.

Ye Xiaohei choked back directly: "You were fine in the past, but now you have a ghostly appearance, I'm afraid people can't avoid it."

Wang Chuan was not annoyed, he was still joking with Ye Xiaohei.

Ye Daxian raised his hand to touch Wang Chuan's wrist, and said after a long time, "I have no way to untie it, but Luoshi should have a way."

Wang Chuan nodded, raised his hand to caress the upper half of his cheek, and said, "The dark lines will disappear after a while. Before they disappear, I will stay in the small world."

Only then did Ye Daxian ask Wang Chuan, "What do you plan to do next?"

Wang Chuan smiled slightly and said, "There's no rush now, we'll talk about it when we leave the ghost world."

"You don't want to be the ghost king anymore?" Ye Daxian asked.

"I didn't want to get involved, and I came back just to seek revenge." Wang Chuan said indifferently.

"Then Honggu?"

"Honggu has her own business, maybe one day we can run into each other in the upper realm." Wang Chuan said.

Ye Daxian nodded, and after talking for a while, he flew to the Yanshan Mountain.During this period of time, he happened to be practicing hard in Yanshan, so that his cultivation could be improved to a higher level.In the future, if Wang Chuan wants to do something, he will have a better chance of winning.

The January period has passed.During the period, Ye Daxian went out once in men's clothing to buy some medicinal materials.Wang Chuan also came out from the Small World, and then returned to the Ghost King's Mansion.Ye Daxian took the medicinal materials and returned to Fengyuelai.Then he gave Feng Erniang a bag of ghost crystals to extend the stay.

Erniang Feng smiled and narrowed her eyes, and told Ye Daxian a piece of news respectfully.

The soul lock tower was opened, and all the people who entered were injured, and many people confessed to it.The most favorable competitor is greatly injured, and there are also those who gloat for a while, and there are also those who follow the wind, and there are even more people who hold a wait-and-see attitude.

And the weak ghost king came out unscathed, and put away the token of the Soul Locking Tower in front of the injured people.Then he said: "It seems that God is helping me, I am the king of ghosts."

Ye Daxian couldn't help chuckling.Feng Erniang stared at Ye Daxian for a long time before saying: "Friend Daoist, if you are not a man, you will definitely attract men all over the world."

Ye Daxian restrained his expression and thanked him.He went back to his garden.

Not long after Ye Daxian returned to the courtyard, Shi Tian immediately called Liangyue over there.

When Liangyue saw the person sitting on the chair, her complexion was still a little pale, but it was the first time she asked herself to find out about that person, whether she cared too much about that person.Liangyue was thinking wildly on this side, while Shi Tian frowned on the other side, and the ninja twitched in pain and said, "Liuyue."

"Young Master Shi."

"How about my friend?"

Liang Yue bowed lightly and said: "At first, Fellow Daoist Licheng sent me out to buy medicinal materials, and then let me practice by myself. After a few days, he asked me to buy medicinal materials again, and then sent me kicked out."

"Is there something wrong with him?"

Liang Yue shook her head: "Almost all of them are cultivating, and they basically don't go out."

Shi Tian nodded and let Liang Yue go down.I just came back and did some research. Except for going out to buy medicinal materials today, I have never been out of the house.I only sent Liangyue to buy medicinal materials twice, all of which were needed for retreat.

Is it possible that I am overthinking?Shi Tian secretly said.Then I wanted to get up and check it out for myself.Unexpectedly, as soon as I got up, cold sweat broke out on my forehead.Shi Tian covered his chest and sat back in the chair.In my heart, I hated the female cultivator who set up the formation to the extreme.If it wasn't for hiding quickly, I'm afraid it wouldn't be a matter of losing some cultivation.

But how could the weak ghost king come out of the soul lock tower safe and sound?Didn't he choose this weak ghost king and choose that nun as a sacrifice?Shi Tian couldn't figure it out, logically speaking, he shouldn't.This matter has to be further investigated.

Here Ye Daxian came back with the medicinal materials, and then put them into the phoenix bracelet.

"Tsk tsk, the price of this medicinal material is really not low, but fortunately, I changed a lot of ghost crystals when I came back." Ye Daxian shook his head secretly.Thinking of changing ghost crystals, Ye Daxian thought of the extremely pure crystals he put away.After putting it up at that time, a series of things followed one after another, so I haven't studied that thing carefully until now.

Thinking about it, Ye Daxian returned to the small world.Shi Tian estimated that he would come to her in two days, but definitely not now, because from what Feng Erniang described, Shi Tian should be seriously injured.

Back in the small world, Xiao Hei was not there, so he must have gone to practice the wind blade.Ye Daxian went back to his residence, where the spar was piled up on the table.The spar is crystal clear, like a fine red gemstone.

Ye Daxian stepped forward, gently picked up one and put it in the palm of his hand.

"This spar must have an unknown function, otherwise no one would spend so much money and manpower to collect it." Ye Daxian murmured. "Just, what is it for?"

Ye Daxian exerted force on his palm, and the spar remained intact.With a twitch of his heart, flames sprang up from Ye Daxian's palm.The flame burned the spar, and the spar became more rosy and translucent in the fiery red flame.But the appearance has not changed.Ye Daxian couldn't help being slightly stunned, his own flame was burning Tianyan, burning everything.Why can't this crystal be burned?

But soon Ye Daxian's worries disappeared, and after the spar had been burned for a while, it finally began to change.

The outermost layer was like a protective shell, and under the burning of the flames, it gradually became darker in color.The naked eye could see a trace of red energy overflowing, Ye Daxian immediately took out a jade bottle to put away the red energy.The red energy slowly began to stop overflowing, and the shell finally shattered, and after turning into powder, it turned into smoke and dissipated.

Ye Daxian looked at the jade bottle in his hand, his eyes were full of surprise.Then put it away carefully, she couldn't see the energy.But it reveals this weird meaning, let's let Luoshi take a look after finding Luoshi.

Looking at the large number of crystals randomly piled up on the table, Ye Daxian packed them up in a storage bag and put them away.After doing all this, Ye Daxian sat on the stone bench, closed his eyes and meditated.

(End of this chapter)

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