Chapter 454

Ye Daxian stood alone in the sea of ​​flowers, a steady stream of immortal power poured into his body.Ye Daxian looked inside, and saw that the phantom of the Suzaku was more solid, and when he looked closely, the lines of the feathers were clearly visible.Beside the shadow of the Suzaku is the spirit of the Suzaku.The spirit of the Suzaku wandered around the dantian, probably because it was very happy because of the abundant immortal power.The Buddha lotus is full of brilliance, and the power of life is even more abundant.

Seeing this scene, Ye Daxian withdrew his consciousness.

"Shuangxiu is indeed growing extremely fast." Ye Daxian said softly, and after finishing speaking, his face turned red.But thinking that he was alone these four weeks, he breathed a sigh of relief.After falling into the world and half a month ago, I left the small world.

Before leaving, let Ye Daxian practice hard, he is going to find people from the fallen family.After all, the people from the Nine Spirits clan are back, and those from the Lost World clan probably won't stand by and watch.After all, if the killing nature of the Nine Spirits is really taken over by the upper realm, then there will be no peace in the upper realm.

At this time, Luo Shi was controlling the boat, heading east.The root cause of the reason for taking a rowing boat is that the ills of the fallen clan have begun to show up.Every once in a while, the body will be a little weak.It's not powerless, it's just that the cultivation base will drop a little.I wanted to go back to the small world, but I was running out of time.Moreover, when riding a boat, there are also restrictions on the outside of the boat, so ordinary people will not find it is him.

Fire Phoenix family.

"Master Qu, you stopped the boat we were following."

Qu Hua looked surprised, stood up instantly and said, "Where is it?"

"In the dilapidated sect hundreds of miles away from here."

"Go down." Qu Hua suppressed his excitement and said.


Half a month ago, the relationship between her and the Feng Clan eased a lot. The reason was that she had once again trained a Phoenix girl for the Feng Clan.This phoenix girl is much better than before, and her talent is also excellent.Moreover, the marriage with Peach Blossom Island has also been facilitated. When the day comes, the double cultivation ceremony can be held.

The Feng family treats her with even more respect.But Si Ling's speed was already dissatisfied, and the formation was almost done, very fast, very fast.But it just so happened that at this time she got the news of the Emperor of Heaven, and it was because the Dao of Heaven was helping her.

Qu Hua glanced at the clothes on his body, and then touched the neck, the bruising marks were a bit deep.At that moment, his eyes were darkened, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.After changing his clothes, he used Xianli to remove the traces completely.This is how the Fire Phoenix Clan came out.

Just as Qu Hua left, Si Ling then came to Qu Hua's residence.I saw that there was no one in the residence, and it was a bit strange at the moment.Then a person was invited to ask, "Where is Mr. Qu?"

"Master Si Ling, the boat that Master Qu asked us to pay attention to has appeared. Presumably, Master Qu must have gone to look for that boat."

Si Ling nodded and waved his hand to go down to the man.After all, they are only equivalent to guest officials, so Qu Hua will not instruct the members of the Huofeng clan to do personal affairs.It's just that Qu Hua went alone, I don't know if it will be dangerous.Thinking of this, Si Ling couldn't sit still anymore.The formation has been completed, and his health has improved a lot recently.If they really match up, he can also help Qu Hua.

When I got off the boat, I saw the broken sect that took Diyan last time, the broken gate of the sect was wide open, and dead leaves were piled up on the ground.It looked like it had been cleaned for a long time.So there should be no one here for a long time.

Luo Shi frowned, and then thought about where the master of this sect went.Now that I am so weak, the other clansmen must not be much better.It should have gone somewhere and temporarily hid.Fortunately, this weakness didn't last long, only three days.

(End of this chapter)

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