hero skill mad war naruto

Chapter 203 Danzo's evil deeds!

Chapter 203 Danzo's evil deeds!
"I can tell everyone that Payne's attack on Konoha Village this time is actually a large part of the reason, because Danzo did it!"

Xiao Chu's gaze was serious, and a trace of cold killing intent was reflected in the depths of his pupils.

Not only Xiao Chu, but also Tsunade, Jiraiya and others, staring at Danzo with cold eyes.

"What the hell am I doing? Xiao Chu, what exactly are you trying to say?" Danzang immediately asked.

"Are you sure you didn't do anything? Do you still remember that you and Hanzo from Yuyin Village joined forces to attack Xiao's organization? It's impossible not to remember?" Xiao Chu asked immediately.

"Hmph! What happened back then was also because of the urgency of the war, so some special measures had to be taken. After so many years, it is completely different from Payne's attack on Muye Village this time. How could it be that Payne attacked the village? What did I cause?"

That Danzo said with his eyes still cold.

"It seems that you are really pretending to be stupid?" Xiao Chu smiled instead, "Pain, there are six ways, one of them is the way of heaven, and this person is the first leader of Xiao organization back then, Yahiko!"

"At the beginning, the Akatsuki organization tried to solve the war peacefully, but it was because Danzo colluded with Hanzo that he directly killed this person before the peace agreement was reached!"

"Because of the deception, Nagato, the second leader of the Akatsuki organization, was angered. Otherwise, it would not be possible for something like today to happen. The reason why Konoha Village was attacked was because they would hold a grudge against them for deceiving them back then. .”

After Xiao Chu finished speaking in one breath, many people present also had a corresponding understanding, but it seemed that except Danzo.

"Nagato? Hmph!"

But Danzo showed disdain and said, "Nagato used to be a disciple of Jiraiya. Son of rebellion, so, later these people showed a rebellious heart and carried out a devastating blow to Muye Village, why did they attack the village? It was all because of Jiraiya, because of the three generations!"

This has always been Danzo's theory, that is to say, he is jealous of the three generations who became the Hokage, and he does not approve of searching some orphans on the battlefield as apprentices.

"You are wrong, very wrong!" Xiao Chumeng retorted!
"What else do you want to say? Isn't it? If you don't recruit disciples on the battlefield, those orphans, how could there be such a situation today? I also admit that it is impossible to destroy."

That group was even more excited and said.

"Do you think the real reason is because of Jiraiya? Do you know that the eye of reincarnation is called the eye of hell, even if you, even if no one teaches him the ability, it will also create countless unimaginable disasters! If not Ji Lai also taught him, today, even I can't save Muye Village!"

Xiao Chu said directly.

"What? You mean, Jiraiya saved Konoha Village? You're so eloquent!"

That Tuanzang gazed darkly, and said, "You know, the moment he used that move in mid-air to destroy Muye Village, he didn't take anyone's feelings into account at all. Could it be that the destruction of Muye Village came from Did you teach it too?"

"Hey, although Muye Village was destroyed, the people who survived came back to life in this way, should they know how the survivors were resurrected?" Xiao Chu asked.

"Of course, after Nagato's death, if those techniques are deciphered, he will definitely come back to life." Danzo also said according to his own understanding.

"It seems that you are really old and confused? Have you ever seen a time when the dead can be resurrected?" Xiao Chu asked again.


He was asking this sentence, and that Danzang had nowhere to answer, how could it be possible to bring people back to life with any technique?That's pure nonsense!

"The eye of reincarnation has the power to control life and death. If it weren't for Nagato's use of that power, the many dead creatures in Konoha Village would forever become warriors who sacrificed forever!"

Xiao Chu said.

"It's incredible that people can be resurrected from the dead..."

The two people on the upper floor of Old Konoha were also slightly shocked. Even after thinking about it, it was very unlikely.

"As for Nagato, the person who uses that power to revive all living beings is Ziraiya!" Xiao Chu continued.

"Me?" At this moment, even Jiraiya himself was flattered, how could he think that he had that kind of power?And at that time, he was also in a state of death!

"That's right, it's you who came here!"

Although he looked at everyone in a fog, Xiao Chu was very calm. After speaking, he immediately took out a book.

"Is this... "Bone Ki Ninja Legend"?"

That Ji Lai was also taken aback immediately, he naturally recognized the book.

That's right, this book was written temporarily when I had a few apprentices.

Unexpectedly, after so many years passed, he would see this book again, and he remembered that book was once given to Minato as a gift from Minato's child, Naruto!

"If it weren't for this book, it would be impossible for Nagato to think of what he did before. Returning to the original intention, he would resolutely insist on killing. By then, the world will really become the end of the world." Xiao Chu said .

"Why? I will believe that you are talking nonsense here!"

That group of Tibetans looked down and said.

"You can't believe this, Nagato used to be my disciple, and I won't allow you to slander him like that!" Najirai also said the same.

"It seems, Danzo, they have a lot of opinions on you!"

However, at this moment, the void suddenly turned into a vortex, and a figure emerged from the vortex.

That's right, it's the masked man, Obito Uchiha!

"What, there are enemies!"

And the guards outside the temporary hospital also sensed a trace of unusual Chakra surge, and ran in at that moment.

"You are organized by Akatsuki..."

At this moment, the regiment leader looked at the windbreaker of Xiaozhi on his side, but asked coldly.

"Yes, I am the Akatsuki organization, the current leader."

That Uchiha Obito said instantly.

"What? After Nagato's death, you will become the leader? Isn't this too urgent? I don't think you can bear it!"

Xiao Chu's eyes froze, and he said.

"The leader of the Akatsuki organization should be the leader of the Xiao Chu organization. If you don't, Xiao Chu, if you act against the Akatsuki organization as before, you can also have a chance to be the leader." Uchiha Obito said .

"So if you look at it now, are you planning to take Danzo away?"

"Not only to pick up, but also..."

Obito Uchiha's gaze was slightly shocked, and the next moment, he suddenly heard an explosion outside the temporary hospital, at a disaster-stricken base in Konoha Village!
(End of this chapter)

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