hero skill mad war naruto

Chapter 209 Give the person with the eyes of the wheel!

Chapter 209 Give the person with the eyes of reincarnation!
Yuyin Village, where it rains all the year round, is located at the junction of the three great powers of Earth, Wind, and Fire. It is affected by wars between big powers, so there are constant wars all year round.

Most of the buildings in Yuren Village are mainly made of steel, and there are also quite a few stone materials. Many large and small steel pipes are erected inside and outside, forming a unique landscape. This is also closely related to the rainfall in Yuren Village. Therefore, So many large pipes and sewers.

At this moment, Yuyin Village is in the torrential rain, which can be vaguely seen.

But under the effect of the endless rain, in the clattering sound, there is a woman standing alone in the rain, her hair and body have already been wet by the rain.

That's right, it was Xiao Nan, who was wearing that windbreaker of dawn, letting Miyu slant, not avoiding the slightest...

She stood on a high place of a building, looking around silently, listening to the sound of rain, that feeling was quite desolate, but very free.

Seeing the layers of raindrops, she seemed to be able to imagine the scene when the three of them were together when they were young, the innocent, lively, brisk and bright days, and she was the only one left.

Only under this dense rain can I hear my inner voice quietly.

Recalling the funny places, she couldn't help but want to laugh out loud. However, listening to the sound of rain, she felt a little bit immersing.

However, suddenly, she was taken aback for a moment, and then she looked at another place where we glanced.

call out!
But at the next moment, the place directly in front of Xiaonan suddenly turned around in the void, and Uchiha Obito suddenly appeared.

The two were silent for a while.

It was Xiao Nan who spoke first and asked, "Are you looking for something?"

"Well, I'm looking for something." Obito Uchiha also replied immediately, but changed the subject and asked directly, "Where did you get Nagato's body?"

"Nagato is not here."

That Xiaonan also said directly.

While speaking, Xiao Nan's body also turned into a blank sheet of paper and dissipated in an instant, and it was just a paper clone.

But pull, countless pieces of paper are floating in mid-air, turning into one by one, looking like butterflies, but heading in one direction, as if they are leading the way for Obito Uchiha.

Immediately afterwards, Obito Uchiha also followed, and his body dissipated in the void.

Not long after, the numerous white paper butterflies flew directly to another part of Yuyin Village, where there was a deserted building on the water.

Then, those white papers that turned into butterflies directly turned into Xiao Nan's body, clean and neat, without any residue.

Until the last piece of white paper merged with her face, she raised her head slightly, at this moment, on a deserted pillar in front of him, at this moment, the void was also twisted, Uchiha Obito, as expected, followed .

The distance between the two is probably about ten meters, but there is a river flowing in the middle, rushing rapidly.

The windbreakers of the two are exactly the same, and they are also facing the wind and rain, and they are swaying.

"Tch, Eye of Samsara... It seems that you don't intend to confess, where is Nagato?" Obito Uchiha could easily look around and said directly.

"I knew you would come to me! I've been waiting so long just to end your life."

Xiao Nan also said in a cold voice, even if Xiao Chu didn't tell her that the man with the mask would come to him that day, she would still wait for him.

This is her destiny, and it is also her determination!

"I won't show mercy just because you used to be my companion. Xiaoxiao will not forgive the traitor. You should be clear about this."

Obito Uchiha also kept his expression on his face, and said indifferently, but he was a little curious, and asked, "Ask you a question, why do you have such an excellent member betray me? Approved of the Eye plan."

"Xiao Chu, if he is defeated by someone as strong as Xiao Chu, there is nothing he can do about it, but Nagato died because he used the natural reincarnation technique on Xiao Chu, and it should have been used on me. .”

That Uchiha Obito said with a glint in his eyes.

Thinking back to when Nagato used the natural reincarnation technique on Konoha Village, he was a little bit aggrieved.

"But even Jue didn't figure out what changed Nagato's mind." Uchiha Obito asked immediately.

During Obito Uchiha's questioning, Xiaonan was also slightly caught in short-lived memories, thinking of the conversation they had with Xiao Chu when they were dying, he was slightly moved.

That should be a dispute, but in the end the two disputed and reached an agreement.

In the end, Nagato didn't compromise, but simply surrendered...

"Elimination, do you really think that guy has such great value? Is it worth letting you protect your life?" Uchiha Obito asked immediately.

"Joker, he is the light of this world, that's why everyone can...hold the flowers of hope..."

Xiaonan didn't intend to explain anything to Uchiha Obito, but at this moment, she raised her hand abruptly, only to see her arm gradually turning into white paper and floating out...


"You betrayed me, but you are still wearing this outfit. It seems that you still have nostalgia for "Xiao"!"

Uchiha Obito also said with a smile.

"The Akatsuki Organization is an organization founded by Yahiko. The red cloud on this dress symbolizes the bloody war that brought Yuyin Village. You just stole "Akatsuki"!"

Xiaonan said in a cold voice, "This suit represents our justice, and it doesn't belong to you at all. Moreover, the Eye of Reincarnation is also a ninja of Yuyin Village. The one obtained after Nagato opened the eye also doesn't belong to you!"

"His eyes are the treasure of this country... this village!"

That is to say, at the moment when this sentence was finished, she waved violently in her arms!

With a leap of stature, the large amount of white paper instantly became tangled into countless shurikens, and was directly projected towards Obito Uchiha!

However, those shurikens are completely illusory to Uchiha Obito, who masters space ninjutsu, and only see those moments of white paper coming directly through Uchiha Obito's body!
"Hmph! You misunderstood two things. Anyway, you won't live long, so I'll tell you."

That Uchiha Obito suddenly smiled and said.

"First, I am the one who prompted Yahiko to create "Akatsuki". In addition, the second point is that I am the one who gave Nagato the members of Jiangmen."

Uchiha Obito said suddenly.


When Xiao Nan heard the news, he was startled, completely unbelievable.

"So, to be correct, it should be that I want it to be returned to me." Obito Uchiha also smiled slightly, "Forget it, in my opinion, you are just a little girl with an empty head, and now, but It's the little girl who knows where Nagato's Samsara Eye is, as long as I catch you, I can dig out the information!"

(End of this chapter)

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