hero skill mad war naruto

Chapter 211 6 million detonating symbols!

Chapter 211 6000 million detonating symbols!
"After meeting Xiao Chu, we realized one thing! To me, Yahiko and Nagato used to mean everything. Yahiko's dream, Nagato's dream, and their dreams were all entrusted to Xiao Chu! Nagato If the door is willing to believe in Xiao Chu, then I am also willing to believe in Xiao Chu!"

"He is light, but you are darkness. In a world without light, flowers can only wither!"

While Xiao Nan was speaking, those hands suddenly came out, and his tone became more and more tyrannical.

And she, at the moment when her arm was transformed, her fingers were directly aimed at Obito Uchiha!
At this moment, Obito was stunned, because he suddenly felt that the floating water suddenly became real!
A speed that cannot be described in words instantly made the underground water surface directly form stacks of neatly piled white papers.

And in an instant, it split directly from under Uchiha Obito's feet!
The huge surface of the water seemed to have turned into white paper, and the underwater also directly separated a sharp passage, an unfathomable passage!

It can be said that there are countless blank papers, which directly opened a sharp passage on the water surface!

In an instant, Obito Uchiha was in a state of volleying, but below him, it seemed to be trapped in a deep space that cannot be described in words!
At first glance, it is not completely unfathomable. Below, there is a roaring sea water, and the white paper on both sides is symmetrical, like a paper waterfall.

The scene of the white paper floating is spectacular, stretching for dozens of miles!The surface of this lake was suddenly cut off by a piece of paper!

In the void, it seemed that the sound of boiling white paper could be heard, and the terrifying buzzing seemed to be a little excited, to meet the scene of a person's death!
It can be said that to arrange such a huge scene, Xiaonan also spent a lot of energy.

But at this moment, that Konan was floating above the sky, while Obito Uchiha couldn't help but control his body and fell straight down!
It is impossible for a ninja to float in the air. At this moment, he quickly fell under the bottomless paper waterfall. If the camera zooms in, you can see that the pieces of paper on both sides have Numerous detonating symbols fluttered...

Those detonating talismans looked unimaginably weird and ferocious...

But on top of Uchiha Obito's head, there was a large amount of white paper, directly hitting Uchiha Obito's face!

Uchiha Obito instantly held the mask in his hands, and escaped straight down!

call out!
At the same time, his eyes were focused on pupil skills, but he began to directly absorb the approaching white paper!
"Don't try to escape!"

But Xiaonan is controlling the white paper of pursuit with one hand, chasing after him relentlessly!

However, at this moment, Obito Uchiha was originally falling, and he was constantly devouring the white paper with Sharingan. Suddenly, he felt a series of paper talismans sticking up on his thighs and left and right sides!

"Uh... this is—"

The next moment, Obito Uchiha was stunned, and the Shulunyan Pupil Technique dissipated instantly.

But the detonating talisman under him was activated directly, and golden sparks burst out instantly!
That kind of detonating talisman was specially made for Yuyin Village. When it exploded, it was visible on the paper talismans, and an impact force came out instantly, and a touch of sparks went through the impact and exploded!

Suddenly, dozens of detonating symbols burst open at the moment he fell!

The violent detonating talisman exploded almost instantly, and that power was already terrifying!

But at this moment, Xiao Nan, who was floating above the void, said in a cold voice, "It seems that your time-space movement seems to have failed! Before the betrayal, I didn't do nothing. You are absorbing your own energy." At the same time, the body will inevitably materialize! And, the speed is much slower than when absorbing other things!"

At that moment, the explosion ended directly.

But Obito Uchiha did not receive too much damage, and suddenly fell from the smoke and dust of the explosion, going deeper and deeper below.

However, his gaze was quite shocking, as if this so-called little girl made him feel a certain difficulty!

"If I hadn't interrupted the time-space movement and instead penetrated the explosion, maybe it would have really happened!"

But in that Uchiha's heart, it was also very shocking.I have to admit that Xiao Nan has already found out his own weakness, it really is not easy!
"And the time you can penetrate matter is about 5 minutes..."

But at this moment, Xiao Nan above the void also had cold eyes.

At the same time, the penetrating ability of Uchiha Obito reappeared, but he noticed that the deeper he went, it was some detonating symbols penetrating through his face.

"This is……"

And when he was puzzled, he suddenly discovered that the surrounding water paper walls on both sides were all composed of detonating symbols, and the densely packed detonating symbols were arranged neatly on the left and right. It was a shock to look at it at a glance!
"Damn! Almost all of them are detonators!"

Obito Uchiha was stunned and said in surprise.

"This is the 6000 billion detonators I prepared to kill you. It may explode continuously for 10 minutes."

At this moment, Xiaonan said in an extremely black-bellied manner.


That Uchiha Obito held his face directly, and at the moment of buzzing, he directly removed the mask on the left, and the left eye suddenly appeared, with an unprecedented red hot halo, as if he had directly opened the writing sharing eyes to the extreme generally!
Suddenly, in the middle of the sky, dense detonation symbols began to glow red and glow, splitting and exploding directly!

As Xiaonan said, those 6000 billion detonating symbols are enough to last for 10 minutes!

Boom boom boom...

The next moment, the endless explosions directly surged into the sky!A straight wave of explosive water formed directly on the water surface!In an instant, boundless waves set off!

In an instant, as if a tsunami and an earthquake appeared together, such a large-scale violent explosion could be described as horrifying. The bombing atmosphere could even directly turn the world into ashes!

However, Xiao Nan, who witnessed the constant explosions below him, fell into deep thought for a moment.

She thought of what Obito Uchiha said.

"I was the one who prompted Yahiko to create Akatsuki, and I was the one who endowed Nagato with the eyes of reincarnation!"

As the person involved, no one was as shocked as Xiaonan. You must know that Nagato and Yahiko are both Xiaonan's relatives. If they are all controlled by this guy, it is really worthless!

"The actions of Yahiko and Nagato are all spontaneous!"

And Na Xiaonan also unanimously believed that all of that was also Uchiha Obito's hypocritical talk.

"They are not your pawns! No matter what form they are in, they all died fighting for their own will, so their will has been inherited, and I don't allow you to hinder them!"

At this moment, Xiao Nan was angry!

(End of this chapter)

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