hero skill mad war naruto

Chapter 227 Day Tiger!

Chapter 227 Day Tiger!

At this moment, in the vast void, a sharp green light and shadow rushed past in an instant.

Xiao Chu, who opened the sixth door, drove the invincible shark-mouth cannon soaring straight into the sky, and rushed towards the mighty dried persimmon ghost that escaped at a high speed!
All of a sudden, that shock was staggered. Don't worry!

"Damn! Then do it again! Please!"

Just as Xiao Chu finished speaking, a clone figure suddenly appeared behind him. The next moment, that figure suddenly fired another fierce invincible shark cannon!
Xiao Chu instantly sat on top of another Shark Mouth Cannon and rushed towards it, while the vulgar eight-door Dunjia on his body did not dissipate at all, completely oppressing the surrounding air and surging crazily.


It's just that the other avatar completed the mission, and immediately fell with both feet in the air!

"Excuse me, brother?"

Xiao Chu also said to his avatar feeling a little guilty.


A moment later, the dried persimmon ghost came to another place as a whole.

At this moment, he has almost passed through the enchantment, but the ocean below him is floating with rays of water.

Here, it is already considered as the inlet of the sea surface. Although it does not seem to be a turbulent current, it is a bit exciting.

"Not bad, it seems that I have got rid of the pursuers! Then, the next step is to join Madara and the others...uh..."

While Ganshi Guixier was speaking, he was startled suddenly.

But it was a green and sharp figure that fell from the sky in an instant, and it was Xiao Chu who was chasing after him!
"Really? What a pestering fellow!" the dried persimmon ghost said angrily.

"Hey, I thought you would run fast, but I didn't expect you to run to this position. It seems that you are not very fast! Then, then, don't even think about running away!"

Xiao Chu's whole body was filled with green steam, said.

"Hmph! You kid, even if that's the case, so what! Psychic art!"

The dried persimmon ghost said fiercely, and in an instant, his body was directly swallowed by a shark summoned by him.

"Hey, you can't stop me, I'm in the best position right now!"

The dried persimmon ghost shark said with a slight sneer, and then he changed the subject abruptly and muttered, "Water escape! Thousand food shark!"

The next moment, his entire body entered the shark's belly, and the next moment, a large number of sharks rushed out of the water, and directly mixed with his shark!
And in an instant, those sharks directly surged out endless waves, overwhelming waves, like a tsunami!
And among them, there are a large number of sharks surging!

"Damn it, if that's the case, I can't even tell which shark that shark was just now!"

But Xiao Chu watched the tsunami continuously coming towards him, his eyes were startled, and he suddenly soared into the sky.

"If that's the case! Then!"

At this moment, the right eye suddenly began to flip, and the blood-red right eye, which was originally under the eight-door body armor, instantly became like a fire!
Whoosh! ...

All of a sudden, countless fireballs spewed out from his right eye, but he, with the power of eight gates, directly charged towards them, like hitting a ball. Almost every fireball shot down a shark!
And the speed is swift and fierce, extremely fast, it is simply unimaginable, just like when he confronted Nagato back then.

In an instant, the densely charged flames did not tsunami towards the shark in an instant!It was as if the flames had split the path of life and death!
A large number of sharks lost their attack power, and they couldn't break through in the water!

"Where's that shark? Damn it, there are too many of them. There's no other way, I can only use the profound art of body art to greet them all!"

At this moment, that Xiao Chu suspended his attack, and landed suddenly, pouring directly into the water, directly blocking the overflow of the sea water!
But at this moment, seeing Xiao Chu descending directly into the water, Ganshi Guixie smiled slightly, and said in the shark's mouth, "This kid actually wants to stop the shark in the sea!"

"That's fine! Let my shark legions tear you to pieces!"

At this moment, Ganshi Guixie's heart secretly moved, and in his mind, the countless sharks charged directly at Xiao Chu in the water.

Under the water, the Bamen Dunjia shone with mighty green light, like a burning invincible sun!
"The seventh door! Shocking door, open!"

Xiao Chu didn't care about it, but at this moment, he wanted to see if he could take the opportunity to open the seven doors.

Sure enough, he cupped his hands around his throat, and after a deep groan, his body completely turned into a dark blue mask!
chi chi-

The astonishing aura of physique raised his head and swayed the underwater waves in a circle!
From the perspective of the outside world, several huge water vortexes were directly formed, and in the center of the water vortex, there was a huge fountain rising into the sky, tens of meters high!It's spectacular!
Xiao Chu also didn't expect that he could open seven doors, and he was slightly excited!

But at this moment, the dried persimmon ghost shark is on one side, but has already left the shark's belly, clasped his hands together, and said: "So that's how it is, this kind of fist relies on high-speed straight punches to create friction in the air and produce flames." , a physical technique that uses shock waves and flames to inflict damage on the opponent!"

"This guy is at the level of a rare beast! It's really rare that a ninja can be so strong in physical skills! It seems that this must be a difficult battle!"

But the dried persimmon ghost said.

"Hey, the next physical technique is completely different from the previous ones! The one-hit-killing punch is something you don't usually see!"

Xiao Chu suddenly thought of Future Kai's move, and he had already realized something in his heart, but he was about to use it.

"Huh? The blue chakra actually forced the water back? Water escape, the technique of super giant shark bombs!"

That dried persimmon ghost thought that the aura covering Xiao Chu's body was Chakra, but it was not!

And he also printed it out as soon as possible!
As soon as the words fell, a huge king shark that seemed to be dormant in the water appeared in an instant!
The huge body opened its mouth with huge fangs, and ejected a large amount of impact magnetic field. Under the water, the power is simply domineering!

And that Xiao Chu blasted out with a fierce palm, that chaotic breath.But it was directly underwater, forming a terrifying dragon shape!It immediately split into a huge one, and passed by the huge shark forcefully!
And Xiao Chuwu didn't know that that guy had already become a dragon, and he suddenly named the move of Future Kai, but it was actually several times better than that move!
"Day Tiger!"

(End of this chapter)

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