hero skill mad war naruto

Chapter 230 Killing the decisive Kisame!

Chapter 230 Killing the decisive Kisame!

In Kisame's memory, he was the one who was a member of Anbu in Wuyin Village when he was young, but he went deep into Anbu, as a kind of double agent.

In the dark night in my memory, in a gloomy forest, there are shuriken traps set up by Mistakin ninjas everywhere.

But those Anbu members of Wuyin Village were doing temporary repairs behind the battle.

The six people were all eating their food with peace of mind, completely ignoring the silent dried persimmon ghost on the other side.

But Dried Persimmon Kisame is like an inhuman monster, not eating any food with everyone.

At this time, Kisame hadn't obtained the Shark Muscle Broadsword yet, and he was still very young. He was wearing armor and leaning on the side of the tree trunk, as if he was thinking about the next tactic.

But at this moment, it was a woman with long brown hair from the secret code department who came over very kindly and said, "Mr. Ganshi."

"Huh?" Gan Shi Gui Jiao looked at her suspiciously.

"Sit down and have dinner together?" the woman said with a smile.

"Please don't... get close to me!"

As for the woman's enthusiasm, the tone of the dried persimmon ghost is also very incomprehensible, it is completely like an emotional animal!
"Hey! Leave him alone, he said so himself!"

"People don't like our gentle secret codes!"

Those people couldn't help but said that they naturally had a grudge against the dried persimmon ghost, after all, the appearance of the dried persimmon ghost was very incomprehensible.

"Everyone is doing the same task, deployment doesn't matter at all." The woman also said directly, but she didn't want to separate the dried persimmons and ghosts.

"The mind faction and the body faction who are in charge of the guards can't even talk together..."

The man was eating food, when he heard a rustling sound behind him, he was startled suddenly.

It was the dried persimmon ghost that suddenly got up.

"What...what are you doing..."

The man couldn't help but said in surprise, after all, that dried persimmon ghost had always looked murderous, which made him very scared.

But the dried persimmon ghost glanced at everyone, and said directly: "Let's go immediately!"

While he was speaking, the trap threads behind him trembled slightly, as if the enemy was approaching.

In a blink of an eye, the dried persimmon ghost led the people away. In the dense forest, the dried persimmon ghost led the way in front, and then everyone followed.

Dried Persimmon Kisame deliberately lowered his speed so that the people behind would not be left behind.

The long-haired woman speeded up and caught up.

"Mr. Persimmon!"

She walked forward and said at the same time.


Kisame Kisame asked suspiciously.

"What I said just now, can we wait until our mission is over?"

the woman asked.

The dried persimmon ghost shark had hale eyes, as if he didn't know what the other party was talking about.

"have a meal together."

The woman reminded him, then smiled slightly.

However, the dried persimmon ghost shark obviously didn't react too much, and just passed by.

This was the first scene that Lei Ying's subordinates saw. With Xiao Chu's help, his reading ability improved a lot.

Next, he saw the memory of the dried persimmon ghost shark's memory.

That was the Director of the Intelligence Division of the Anbu of Wuyin Village, a huge fat man, and on his back was the shark-muscle sword that Kisame Kisame would use in the future.

Coincidentally, the time when this person gave the order can be searched.

"Listen well, Kisame, protect the people in their code department and complete the task of conveying the code. Remember, never let the ninjas in the code department fall into the enemy's hands!"

"No matter what happens afterwards, your task is to stick to the code! Do you understand what this means?"

But that dried persimmon ghost slightly remembered after hearing the woman's words.

And in this very moment.

call out!
As soon as the detonating talisman arrived, it instantly disappeared into the pace of everyone moving forward.

"Run away!"

Even though he was immersed in the memory, the dried persimmon ghost woke up instantly, and fled away abruptly!

And in an instant, the detonating talismans of the many pursuers in Konoha Village were dense like rain, and they attacked in an instant, but fortunately, under the leadership of Kisame Kisame, they narrowly escaped this strong attack.

However, in front of Kanshi Kisame and the others, there were already Konoha Village chasing troops, that is, Konoha's secret code department chasing troops.

"Surrender! This place is completely surrounded! You have no chance of winning!" The leader, a middle-aged man, said fiercely.

"You? I know! Konoha's secret code department, an expert in the torture and torture unit, right?"

But the dried persimmon ghost held his own long knife and said.

"Do you want to play a game?"

The man asked immediately.

And just after the person in Muye Village finished speaking, the people behind him immediately took orders, drew their swords in an instant, and were about to kill each other.

But the dried persimmon ghost was alone in front, blocking these guys in front of him. With his strength, he was in charge of the gate, and no one could open it!

In an instant, a few people were wiped out by the dried persimmon ghost, and the people in his own team were also slightly injured.

In a blink of an eye, the crowd gathered in front of the dried persimmon ghost. At that moment, the dried persimmon ghost jumped up and threw the detonating talisman instantly, causing those people to retreat a few feet away!

"Right now, run away!"

The dried persimmon ghost was said directly, and those people also quickly avoided, only the woman's eyes showed worry.

However, when they fled, the last one was directly injured by a sharp flying sword on his thigh!
At this moment, that person should fall to the ground!

"Caught alive!"

But Konoha's chasing leader said directly.

Naturally, they did this to get the secret signal from Wuyin Village.

But the dried persimmon ghost shark surpassed this person.Seeing this person fell to the ground, he gritted his teeth secretly, and a cold light flashed directly.

"Damn it! There are too many people who should be protected by me!" said the dried persimmon ghost shark.

Immediately, he threw a detonating talisman directly at that person, directly blowing up that person to death on the spot, and the first one alive was killed by himself!

But these people in front were slightly puzzled when they heard the voice from behind.

"Keep running! Don't stop!"

The dried persimmon ghost stalked after him fiercely, seeing these people's stupid looks, he felt a little resentful!

But the pursuers of Muye Village in the rear appeared endlessly, and a sharp detonating talisman rushed over in an instant, directly blasting the two of them!

The two fell straight down!

The dried persimmon ghost landed directly, seeing that the two were seriously injured, the dried persimmon ghost felt a burst of resentment.

"help me……"

The man was holding the wound, looked at the dried persimmon ghost and said.

But at this time, the dried persimmon ghost directly raised the long knife and pointed it directly at this person.

"No! You... what are you going to do..."

That person's heart shuddered, but he didn't know what the purpose of the dried persimmon ghost was, and he raised the knife to his own people!
What are you going to do!


But the next moment, the dried persimmon ghost directly plunged the long knife into this person's chest without any hesitation.

At this moment, the dried persimmon ghost shark is like a god of killing, killing without leaving any room!

The next moment, with the speed of Qianshi Guixier, he directly caught up with his troops and passed through the woods in the blink of an eye.

But right now, they encountered a difficult problem again, that is, a foggy cliff appeared directly in front of everyone.

In the dark night, under the abyss, there is a rotten cold mist.

"Ah! There is no way!"

Those people were slightly taken aback, but they were sweating profusely in surprise.

"Mr. Ganshi, what should we do now?"

The long-haired woman asked directly.

But at this moment, the dried persimmon ghost directly looked at the two people behind the long-haired woman, but picked up the knife and pointed at them.

"what are you going to do?!"

The two felt a little guilty.

"Remember one thing, don't let the ninja of the secret code department fall into the enemy's hands! No matter what happens, your task is to stick to the secret code!"

The words of the Director of the Anbu Department.But it appeared in the ears of the dried persimmon ghost shark at this moment.

At that time, Kisame's answer was, "I won't let the enemy get a living ninja from the secret department!"


At this moment, the dried persimmon ghost immediately swung the long knife and killed those two people!
But in the blink of an eye, he pointed the long knife at the long-haired woman who had always had a crush on him!
The woman was so frightened that she collapsed on the ground, she couldn't believe it, Qian Shi Guixiong killed the people in her army with her own hands!


That long-haired woman has a simple personality, but she is trembling with fright. She really misread the dried persimmon ghost?

"Slaughtering companions, this is my exclusive mission!"

But at this moment, the dried persimmon ghost said directly.


The woman knelt there in fright, startled.

However, she had some thoughts in her mind, as if she was about to die, she understood something, and asked: "Your life...is it difficult?"

While speaking, she had already seen the persimmons and ghosts passing by in front of her, but her eyes were directly closed.

But the dried persimmon ghost came over directly, did not answer the woman's words, and killed her with a sharp knife!

The woman also died because of this, and the dried persimmon ghost had already had red eyes, and there was no emotion at all!

But at this moment, Konoha's pursuers directly descended on this place, and instantly surrounded Kisame Kisame. However, watching Kisame kill his companions, he was slightly horrified.

"You... why did you kill your companion?"

The leader of Konoha's chasing soldiers couldn't help but ask, after all, he was a little abnormal.


Kisame Kisame smiled indifferently and said, "You should understand that I can't hand over the code ninja to the enemy!"

When the dried persimmon ghost said that, he took out the knife, and the woman at the moment didn't have the slightest breath.

"These people don't die, it's too easy to leak secrets!"

The dried persimmon ghost said directly and coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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