hero skill mad war naruto

Chapter 239 Completion Rewards!

Chapter 239 Completion Rewards!

Those two Konoha consultants are naturally very clear that some things were completely arranged for Uchiha Itachi to do, and at the same time, Danzo was involved in those things, so they secretly thought that they should take all responsibilities Push it to Danzo.

I have to admit that the current Danzo is gone, and even the Konoha consultants who used to be partners have to work together to make up his mind.

Of course, the reason why they joined forces to create Danzo was naturally because they were afraid of Xiao Chu's superior position!

This young man who is not afraid of heaven and earth, this peerless powerhouse with invincible combat power, Xiao Chu, the sixth generation of Hokage!

"Actually, after I listened to Hokage-sama's words, even if I hadn't experienced those things, I still regretted it very much, because I created the history of the Uchiha family's eternal destruction."

That Uchiha Itachi had never been so annoyed, for a moment, his originally tense face suddenly relaxed, and even a trace of tears emerged.

"Hehe, now that I know, it's not too late. If all of this happened, then all of this would be irreparable."

Xiao Chu also said on one side.

"The meaning of what I said here is that I actually want to resolve the conflict between the Senju family and the Uchiha family. The two families are originally a family. Why should they be separated? Why are there wars? Why are there chaos? Why monitor!"

Xiao Chu looked at the man who was only for Xiao Chu before, and said to him.

"A person who can say such a thing will only be a warring element, or a warlike person, who will never know how precious peace is! And those people, I want to warn them, maybe your words today may be Tragedy, please look at those relatives behind you, all those you cherish! It is true that war is inevitable, but we can reduce war, can't we?"

Xiao Churuo said affectionately.

"I see, I finally have inspiration."

At this moment, Jiraiya, who was in the crowd, nodded his head slightly. Seeing Xiao Chu like this, he decided to rewrite a new book.

Because Xiao Chu gave him an inspiration of peace, let him know what is called real peace, and he is also one who has a deep understanding of the darkness and cruelty of this ninja world, but.For the relentless pursuit of peace, he also slowly guided it.

Here today, Xiao Chu gave everyone a lesson, a lesson that he will never forget.

Sure enough, Xiao Chu is worthy of being Hokage!

At this time, the member of the Uchiha family who questioned Xiao Chu before, also, amidst the applause of everyone, slightly floated his hands!

That's right, he finally figured it out and accepted Xiao Chu's statement, and the story was really well told, as if it happened in real life.

Even, if, as Xiao Chu said in the story, the Uchiha family would be destroyed eventually, and would compromise with traitors like the Akatsuki organization, that would be absolutely impossible!
Therefore, they must not let the tragedy of the Uchiha family happen!
In the past, when Xiao Chu had no strength, before he became Hokage, no one would listen to him when he said these words, even if he knew all the stories of Hokage, no one would believe him, but now it is different, He can justifiably tell everyone!
He alone cannot avoid many tragedies, so let everyone remember how those tragedies happened, and try to change them!

He doesn't want to create another entangled child like Sasuke in your live broadcast in the huge ninja world, and he doesn't want Konoha Village to cultivate a notorious Uchiha Itachi!
"Six generations! Six generations!"

"Six generations are doing well!"

"As expected of Xiao Chu!"

"What he said just now is definitely not alarmist, it should be true."

"We must not let these tragedies happen, we must not."


That is right now, in the applause one after another from the audience.There was also recognition of Xiao Chu one by one, and their expectations for peace.

Next, Xiao Chu also announced Kakashi Hatake as the candidate for the future seventh Hokage, and through this election of candidates, Kakashi Hatake also realized his own shortcomings, thinking slightly How to improve yourself and become a person like Xiao Chu in the future.

The Xiao Chu at this moment has become more and more great. The current Xiao Chu said that at the moment of being Hokage, it is a hundred times more magnificent and dazzling than that of the Land of Earth and becoming a famous country!
"Ding, congratulations on completing your three-year goal and becoming Hokage!"

"Ding, a new target has appeared, do you want to extract it now?"

Of course, just in time, when Xiao Chu was recognized by everyone, the [-]% target rate was finally cracked, and it was eliminated from this moment, officially becoming Muye Village, Hokage!
It was also at this moment that the second goal of the ninja world was issued!
Do you want to withdraw now?

That's a long way to think about it!
And all of this, until now, he is almost invincible, but this seems to be the beginning, Hokage, what does it mean?Means future peace?And for peace, he still has to do a lot!

"I didn't expect you to complete it so quickly. The three-year goal. It seems that your progress has surpassed the other two."

It was at this moment that Xiao Chu finally heard a voice that he thought was familiar, but made Xiao Chu feel quite harsh.

That's right, that person, the system developer!
Still that familiar face, or that familiar costume!
Deep in Xiao Chu's heart, the person who appeared in front of him was the phantom of the system developer!

Unexpectedly, this person will appear when his mission is completed.

However, Xiao Chu didn't have the same impulsiveness as before. He knew that this world, from the other side's point of view, was just a game.

And if you want to be the winner of the game, you need to keep making progress, not fear!
"Unexpectedly, you are not afraid of me at all. It seems that your xinxing has grown very quickly."

The system developer smiled slightly and said.

"You appear now, what do you want to do, is it just to upgrade the system?"

Xiao Chu was not as shocked as before, but asked calmly.

"Hehe, it's impossible to upgrade." The system developer nodded and said, "However, there is a reward for completing the task so quickly, and this reward, I'm here to ask you, and I will give it to you." You have three days, let yourself think about what this reward is!"

That's what the system developer said.

"You don't have to wait for three days, I've already made up my mind." Xiao Chu said directly.

"Oh? Think it over so soon? It seems that you have been waiting for this day for a long time?" The system developer said with a smile.

"No, I just decided. What I want to ask is, can you make any request for reward?" Xiao Chu asked suspiciously.

"Of course not. Except for the conditions and restrictions on you terminating the system and leaving the ninja world, you can mention it, and we will make up for it according to the reward requirements you put forward!"

The system developer spoke quite arrogantly, as if all that Xiao Chuchu had now was given by the system developer alone.

"I don't have any demands on myself, I want you to help me send Lin Ran back to Earth safely."

Xiao Chu just said it directly.

"Oh, it turns out that you are thinking about this woman. It seems that you are really infatuated!" The system developer said so.

"I want to ask you, isn't this a high request?" Xiao Chu asked rhetorically.

"It's not high, I can promise you."

The system developer just nodded and said, "However, this task is time-traveling, so besides this, you don't have any other rewards. Are you sure you don't want to change it?"


Xiao Chu said.

Now he owes Lin Ran too much, he wants to make up for it, think about what you dared to say to her that day, the young master will remember it in his heart, that kind of unforgettable feeling is not easy for everyone.

"Okay, then this opportunity will be given to Lin Ran. Now that you have made up your mind, I will leave too. Let's look forward to your next goal!"

The system developer smiled slightly and said.

Eliminated, without a smile, looking at the system developer, he even had the urge to kill him.

But the current Xiao Chu just didn't pick up his next goal immediately!

After all, people are alive and the system is dead, so you can't follow the system to control yourself!

In a blink of an eye, Xiao Chu came back to reality. Seeing the applause from the audience, Xiao Chu fell into deep thought. Presumably, that girl Lin Ran is already on her way back to Earth, right?
At this moment.

In the Land of Earth, Lin Ran, who had nowhere to go, stayed under a withered tree all day.

"Are you going back or not?"

Now Lin Ran suddenly thought of how good it would be to have Xiao Chu's blessing in the Land of Earth. At that time, she would be carefree, but why did she suddenly vent to brother Xiao Chu? What about your temper?If you can't go back, you can't go back!What's the big deal!

Although Lin Ran thought so, she was still very hopeful about returning to Earth.

"call out!"

But at this time, a sudden afterimage came behind her.

"Do you want to go back to Earth?"

the man asked directly.


Lin Ran was shocked, but her face turned pale!
And she is also the chakra who vigilantly breaks out traces of illusion from her body. In the wild, she is also worried that she will be bullied by bad guys, so he never forgets to protect himself with his own chakra.

However, even when she applied Chakra to the other party, there was no reaction at that moment.

"What's going on?" Lin Ran was startled.

(End of this chapter)

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