hero skill mad war naruto

Chapter 244 Turn defeat into victory!

Chapter 244 Turn defeat into victory!

"It seems that I didn't die at that time, I didn't expect to be able to fight with you again, this is fate!"

But Jiu Kanmu Lang smiled slightly, as if he had some incomprehensible grievances with the red sand scorpion.

Think about how the Scarlet Sand Scorpion killed many people when he fled from the Land of Wind. This Jiukan Murang once stopped him, but he was defeated. Now, he is duel again!
This, I have to say, is a choice of fate!

"I will never forget what happened that day!"

At this moment, Jiu Kanmulang gritted his teeth and said seriously, "The operation is very good, but you chose the wrong opponent, and I know all about your poisonous mechanism puppets! What you say you do you remember?"

"At that time, I was confident that no one could see my puppets so thoroughly. Until you said that the puppet "bird", "sanjiao fish" and "black ant" were made by yourself, I would I swear that I will defeat it! You, the red sand scorpion known as the genius stylist of the puppet army!"

But Jiu Kanmulang squinted his eyes slightly, and said, "At that time, the poison on my body had already spread, and I would die within three days of that poison, but you underestimated my viability! Four days After that, I'm still alive and well!"

"And that account, I have to settle it carefully!"

While speaking, Jiu Kanmu Lang made a fierce seal, took out a green scroll behind his back, and instantly untied the seal of the scroll, but there was a "bang" sound directly in the scroll, among which, instantly a A fierce puppet figure appeared!

That appearance was impressively modeled on the red sand scorpion. It can be seen that the red sand scorpion had an extraordinary influence on Jiukanmu at that time, and it actually stimulated him to create such a puppet!
"Is my image a puppet? It's incredible that his body has not decayed to this day, but I am the real immortal puppet!"

While the red sand scorpion was speaking, the originally normal eyes suddenly turned black, and they became the same as Guangyuan's eyes.

"What, you..."

That Jiu Kanmu Lang was instantly surprised, he didn't expect him to become like that, could it be that the legendary red sand scorpion is dead?

"That's right, I have been forced to kill, but now I belong to the immortal body reincarnated from the dirt, you can't do anything about me! This is the body I have longed for!"

The red sand scorpion also said somewhat sinisterly.

While speaking, the chakra thread in his hand was thrown out in an instant, and within a moment, it was all attached to the back of Guangyuan in front of him.

"Run away!"

The Guangyuan consciousness is still there, but it cannot control its own mobility, and is gradually being manipulated by the red sand scorpion's puppet technique!

"Deputy Captain Jiukanmu! The body and stomach of that man named Guangyuan are all filled with the clay just now!"

But at this moment, the Huo Lian disciple with white eyes was supporting George beside him, and said in surprise.


Na Guangwu was unconsciously shocked when he heard this.

"I seem to have heard that Deidara's detonating clay is afraid of Thunder Dun!"

At this moment, Na Yiduan said in the crowd.

"Ah? Thunder Dungeon? That's not something ordinary people can grasp!" At this moment, the people in the crowd said.

"If it's mild, maybe I can..." That Huangtu also said, after all, he had seen Xiao Chu use Thunder Dungeon before, and he also had some thunder attribute factors in him.

"Iduan! Hurry up and surround the wounded and the medical ninja Tong with rocks, Tong, you concentrate on healing, understand?"

But Jiu Kanmulang said while looking at the red sand scorpion.

And then, Na Yiduan did as expected, and the others rushed out, and the two sides immediately entered a confrontation mode.

At this moment, the gazes of Jiu Kanmu Lang and the Red Sand Scorpion slightly met, and in an instant, the puppet in front of the two of them shot almost at the same time!

Guangyuan's body was smashed together with the puppet of the red sand scorpion in an instant.The two chakra lines are constantly waving, as if it is a head-on confrontation between the puppet masters.

Under that kind of confrontation, it was simply inseparable. The former genius puppet master, the Red Sand Scorpion, suddenly met his opponent!

But at this moment, the barren land fiercely manipulated a straight chakra knife, piercing through the middle of the two in an instant, directly splitting the battle between the two!
And his entire human form is directly around that Guangyuan!

"Hey! It's too slow! Drive!"

But at this moment, Didara, who sensed the opportunity coming, formed a seal in the rear instantly, and the clay that was put in Guangyuan's stomach was about to be exploded by him directly!


That Guangwu was on the side was also very shocked, he really didn't want to see the scene where Guangyuan was blown to pieces.

"It's now!"

But at this moment, Jiukan Mulang said fiercely, "Mu's secret technique, Sanjiao fish is banned!"

In an instant, a sharp puppet seal frame appeared directly under that Guangyuan, instantly covering that Guangyuan.

That is, at the moment when the clay in Guangyuan's stomach exploded, the entire puppet seal frame was pushed out, directly sealing the explosion.

"younger brother!"

But at that moment, Guangwu, who really couldn't look down on him, let out a loud shout.

But it was a shocking explosion, and the mighty explosion also formed a big hole in the ground in an instant!
"It hurts!"

At this moment, the explosion was over, but the wasteland was standing behind the puppet in the image of the red sand scorpion. Even if that puppet resisted the explosion just now, that kind of explosion should not be underestimated!

"Looks like I've saved my life!" That Huangtu also said, but when he looked back, he found that Guangwu was laid directly on the ground, "Guangwu! What's wrong with you!"

"Sanjiao puppet?"

At this moment, the red sand scorpion said slightly indifferently, "It actually wraps the defensive bomb with the defensive puppet hidden in advance!"

"The destructive power of my bomb has been weakened!"

Nadira said slightly uncomfortably.

"You said... the bomb..."

But at this moment, Guangwu got up slightly from the ground, his face was sad and angry.

"What? Seeing you are unhappy? What's your opinion?"

But Didala was already driving a clay bird into the sky, and said arrogantly, "You trash who can't even stop a bomb, don't be arrogant if you don't have the skills!"

"Hey, as long as the soul is bound in this world, he can be resurrected countless times, watch me make him a bomb again, hahahaha..."

Nadira laughed more and more excitedly.

Just as he was speaking, Guangwu's younger brother, Guangyuan, was gradually recovering.

As a person who was reincarnated from the filth, he recovered instantly, looked at his brother blankly, and felt slightly unbearable to see his painful appearance.

"younger brother……"

Guangwu couldn't help shouting and said.

"I...brother, I don't want to hurt you..." Guangyuan said involuntarily, "I obviously died three years ago, so I should be freed from the shackles of this world!"

"The training and system that kills feelings... let children grow up together as brothers since childhood, and finally kill each other. This seems to be the iron law that you have experienced before?"

But at this moment, the red sand scorpion suddenly revealed the secret between Guangwu and Guangyuan.

Yes, these two people used to be members of the "root" of Muye Village. Once, the two brothers were like brothers, but in the end, they had to kill each other!

Hearing what the red sand scorpion said, the barren land was also slightly shocked, no wonder the Guangwu he had seen before also had a dull expression and didn't like to talk to people.

"Abandon your feelings and you won't be confused anymore! Only then can you become a truly powerful ninja. As a member of "Root", you are very similar to me." The red sand scorpion smiled slightly.

"Hey, I just know a few tricks of graffiti brushes, what a real artist! Art is an explosion. Watch me blow up another one that is even more spectacular!" At this moment, Didala laughed fiercely.

But it was at this time that Guangwu pulled out the Chakra brush fiercely, and said with a startled face: "Try it!"

But at the moment when he was preparing the painting scroll, Guangyuan on the other side was suddenly fascinated. It was a little surprised that Guangwu's ninjutsu was actually made of brushes!

In an instant, that Guangwu directly drew a giant bird, and that giant bird, on top of his Chakra brush and ink, jumped into the sky!

At the same time, in his picture scroll, there suddenly appeared two huge arhats in Chakra's painting, and they bombed down directly, each of them punched, and smashed the clay bird directly!

At that moment, Didara and the red sand scorpion on the clay instantly fell down!

"Wood Secret Technique!"

At the same time, that Jiukanmu directly performed his puppet technique, and two insect-like wooden wrapped puppet organs appeared directly! !

Didara and the red sand scorpion who had just fallen were wrapped in the two mechanism puppets in a thrilling way!

"Damn it, if I had known this, I should have blew myself up! Too many times of ultimate art will appear tacky, but there is no way!"

Didara, who was wrapped in the mechanism puppet, sighed fiercely, but he felt that a chakra blade penetrated from the outside in an instant!
But the chakra blade directly penetrated his body, and exuded a trace of jumping lightning factor!
"Damn it? Is this... Lei Dun?"

But Didala's heart trembled. He didn't expect that in such a situation, he would suddenly appear with Thunder Dun. You know, his clay exploded, but he was most afraid of Thunder Dun!
At the same time, the red sand scorpion was also directly wrapped in it, and was instantly pierced by thousands of arrows!Countless blades pierced his body in an instant, and he couldn't move at all now!
"Three shots!"

And it was at this moment that Jiu Kanmu Lang murmured fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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