hero skill mad war naruto

Chapter 246 Pure Land!dirt!secret!

Chapter 246 Pure Land!dirt!secret!

"The reincarnation of the filth requires the use of the body of a living person, and those people can stay there temporarily."

But Orochimaru said sinisterly, "As long as I increase my combat power, I will increase my contribution to you, am I right?"

"Today's comrades-in-arms are likely to become tomorrow's enemies, and you may limit my disadvantages for the sake of profit." Uchiha Obito said in a stern voice.

"It seems that you don't trust me enough." Orochimaru gave Uchiha Obito a slight look, and said, "Then what do you think I should do?"

"The technique of reincarnation... I want you to prove to me on the spot whether he really needs to use the body of a living person, and... tell me all his secrets."

Uchiha Obito said straight to the point, "Of course this also includes a way to stop it."

Hearing this, Orochimaru narrowed his eyes slightly, and said suddenly, "What if I refuse?"

"If you refuse, not only will you never get what you want. And even what you get now will change." Uchiha Obito said fiercely.

"And that will become your own life!"

Uchiha Obito said with hostility, but while speaking, those eyes of reincarnation were fierce, and trembled a little.

At this moment, Orochimaru was slightly shocked, and said in his heart, "It is not a wise move to be an enemy of Samsara Eye now. I have other trump cards, so there is no need to rush at this moment."

While thinking about it, Orochimaru said slightly slack, "Okay, but there is no sacrifice right now."

"Can this living person be used?" At this moment, Uchiha Obito, but Sharingan directly threw the bodies of two living people over. The dying person was the one from Konoha Village. Two exploring ninjas.

"These two people... should be..." Dashewan seemed to recognize it.

"These two guys are Danzo's dogs." Uchiha Obito said, twisting the head of one of them directly, and said, "Since he was arrested, he has been in the illusion of Sharingan."


While Uchiha Obito was speaking, his hand twisted the man's head off, and then pushed it to one side.

"So cold-blooded!"

That Orochimaru looked at this scene indifferently, said so on the mouth, but there was no expression on his face, as if he was used to seeing the life and death of many people.

Right now, there is only one of them left.

"Come on, pre-operation preparations, I have already done it for you." Uchiha Obito bound the man there, and then said to Orochimaru, just to show Orochimaru the ability to reincarnate with a living person using dirty soil surgery.

"Now I want you to use this guy to reincarnate in the dirt, the guy I just killed." That Uchiha Obito was quite smart, said.

But at this moment, a white python suddenly appeared behind Orochimaru, directly entangled the person who was killed by Uchiha Obito just now.

Then he took out a white blank scroll in his hand, and as far as he could see, the man was already wrapped in a python and stood upright.

"Let me be clear, this is classed as necromancy."

But Orochimaru said while performing ninjutsu, "Here, the soul of the dead must be summoned from the pure land of the underworld to the dirty land of reality. The first thing you need is a part of the revived person."

While speaking, a short blade indeed appeared in his hand, and the short blade sank into the body of the deceased in an instant.


The next moment, the bright red blood splashed out, and some splashed directly on Dashewan's dark and uncertain face, "That is to say, I need a certain amount of his flesh."

"A part of the personal intelligence organization, if this element cannot be realized, it cannot be reincarnated." When he said that, the Orochimaru had already grabbed some flesh and blood of the other party and printed it on the blank scroll.

When the bright red student approached the scroll, Orochimaru said, "And people whose souls are not in the Pure Land, that is, people whose souls are sealed in other places, cannot be reincarnated!"

"You also know that I once planned to reincarnate the dead third-generation Hokage, but it failed in the end, because he has been sealed by a sealing technique, and the ghouls are sealed away, and the god of death is the holder of his soul."

But Orochimaru said, without moving his eyes away, "In the plan of Konoha's collapse, Jiraiya couldn't use it until he was killed for too short a time, and the third generation sealed the first and second generation at that time." , that is to say, together with the first and second generations..."

"So, even the first generation and the second generation can't be reincarnated?" Obito Uchiha asked suspiciously, "But only money, how could it be possible when you threatened me? Summoned them all?"

"At that time, I didn't know it couldn't be used."

But Orochimaru said calmly, then spread the fleshy scroll on the ground, and continued, "Although I have successfully conceived some people, the work of collecting personal information materials is also very hard, because that means Find the body."

"Furthermore, the rotting corpse can't be identified through analysis." While Dashewan was speaking, he could see the scroll under his body, and a line of blood gradually spread out, and then directly wrapped the living person.

It's just that a huge blood mark was formed on the ground.

"So it's not uncommon for failed works." While introducing, he performed the spell, as if it didn't disturb Orochimaru's attention.

"Is this the magic formula?"

But looking at the blood marks on the ground, Obito Uchiha said doubtfully.


At this moment, Orochimaru became serious directly, clasped his hands together and formed seals.


That is to say, at the moment when he formed the seal, the curse seal enveloping the living person suddenly emitted pieces of silver light, and in the circle of light formed by the light, pieces of suspended fragments could be seen. crumbs...

Then a strange scene appeared, those debris, directly, laying on the man's body, densely climbed up the man's body, and instantly wrapped the man into a mummy-like body appearance.


At this moment, the living person screamed tremblingly, but no one cared about her feelings. This is equivalent to an experimental product of Obito Uchiha, and life and death are irrelevant.

At this time, Orochimaru used his own smile to control all of this, and said, "It's just like this, using the living as the container for the soul of the dead."

The next moment, the debris on the living person flipped over, and the next moment, it turned into the dead person.

"In this case, the reincarnation of the dirty soil will be completed."

That Orochimaru laughed fiercely.

At this moment, the person who was suddenly reincarnated from the filth said even more shockingly, "This... this is..."

"It can be said that this ninjutsu is the biggest and strongest move in the ninja world. It was designed by the second generation of Hokage. I completed it myself. It can be said to be my greatest wealth today." Orochimaru held the short blade, said with a smile.

But at this moment, he immediately walked around behind the resurrected person, and inserted the short blade into the position on the person's back.

"Like this, use this spell to suppress the personality, and only give certain orders, and the resurrected person will be able to restore the ability of his life, and then he will become my eternal life pawn, of course, the six reincarnation eyes, and the rare ones like writing sharing eyes Ability. It can also be preserved, but I can’t find the body of Uchiha Shisui in the legend, and some people in Yuyin Village, whose bodies have sunk in the sea under high pressure, I believe it will take a certain amount of time to find their personal information. Difficult means."

But Orochimaru said, "So I want to control Xiao Chu, who is the most powerful avatar in the world, and help his avatar, I think I can get twice the result with half the effort! If you can also help me..."

"Don't go too far!"

But at this moment, Obito Uchiha suddenly spoke. He seemed to hear that Orochimaru wanted to use their means to find those corpses. This can be said to be a fantasy!
"Hey, it doesn't matter, anyway, my chess pieces are enough." Orochimaru said without being too sad.

"This ninjutsu is so easy to use, so there is no risk?"

Obito Uchiha immediately asked his own question, thinking about it, he also wanted to pull out Orochimaru, what is the so-called shortcoming.

"Hehe, the most perfect part of this ninjutsu is that it doesn't pose any danger to the practitioner." Orochimaru smiled immediately.

"What did you say..." Obito Uchiha said with some horror in his heart.

"Really, there is no harm in the technique of reincarnation from the dirty soil, no, it seems that there is only one item." But Orochimaru said immediately.

"What is it?" Obito Uchiha asked suspiciously.

"Because this ninjutsu is too powerful, the name of the jutsu will inevitably be known to everyone!" Na Dashemaru said helplessly. Naturally, he couldn't say those weaknesses about the reincarnation of the dirty soil, and at this moment he began to talk nonsense!

"I'm afraid one day, I will become more famous than Uchiha Madara, right? I am a low-key person, and I don't want to see this kind of thing happen. If this happens, it will only make me a target of public criticism." Orochimaru said.

"I've said it all, so don't push yourself too hard. Everything has counterproductive effects. In short, you must not take it lightly." Obito Uchiha said in a stern voice.

"Thank you very much for your advice. If there is a risk in this ninjutsu, then the risk is that I revealed its secret to you."

When Orochimaru said this, a coffin appeared directly at the place where the person who was reincarnated and resurrected by the dirty soil suddenly appeared, and the person was imprisoned in it instantly.

"Okay, it's almost time for me to go. A low-key person is best in a dark place." Da Shewan said with a smile.

"Wait for you, haven't told me how to stop the reincarnation of the filthy soil." Uchiha Obito abruptly stopped him.

(End of this chapter)

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