hero skill mad war naruto

Chapter 253 Head-to-head confrontation!

Chapter 253 Head-to-head confrontation!

Speaking of which, among the five great nations, the only one who has the least airs is the boss Xiao Chu of our Land of Earth. It seems that this guy is born to be grassroots, and he doesn't have the slightest airs like those of them.

As a daimyo, all he knows is development, and he is not like these people, only thinking about how to covet ease and enjoy himself in time...

I'm afraid, this is another greatness of Xiao Chu!
"So, because of the importance of big names and important people like us, the most important thing for you ninjas now is to ensure our safety, otherwise, it is impossible for you to have enough confidence to fight the enemy..."

The daimyo of the land of water said to Terumi Mei, the quasi-mizukage.

Terumi Mei was mature and dignified, and said softly and kindly: "That's why I follow you, the name of the country of water!"

Terumi Mei has green eyes, long brown curly hair, and her right eye is covered by the hair, which shows a very beautiful and enchanting mature woman. The most important point is that her face is always With a smile, there is an irresistible charm.

And at this moment, the Fire Nation daimyo, who was originally staying in the pavilion, was just about to enjoy some scenery from the light-transmitting window, and was suddenly taken aback!
"Huh?..." He shuddered immediately, as if he saw something strange.

Because not far away, a fierce figure suddenly appeared, but that person quickly rushed over the roof of one side, and rushed directly to this place.


"Jingle Bell--"

But at the next moment, his figure inadvertently touched the mechanism hidden in the void, and instantly shocked the ninja who was hiding in the dark to protect the daimyo's dignitaries!


"There will be enemies, and our perception system ninjas can't even perceive them!"

In an instant, all the ninjas were mobilized, and in the vast void, one after another sharp short knives could be seen, spreading all over the land in minutes!
But at this moment, that black figure directly chased into an attic. In front of him, there were several famous and tall figures directly in front of him, but when he grabbed it to see, it was a few scarecrows. !

"What?!" Hei Jue was naturally taken aback.

"Hey, he really fell for it!"

The ninja behind saw this and said directly.

And right in front of Heijue, a fierce mechanism suddenly appeared, and it shot out directly, and a huge net appeared in an instant, rushing directly towards the face!

"Hehe, it seems... not here!"

But Na Jue restrained his body in an instant, and fled directly from the ground, that is, when everyone descended, and the moment the net fell, Hei Jue's body actually hid directly into the ground, without any trace of existence at all!

"Damn it, let him escape!"

The ninja who was chasing was a little regretful and said.


But the Fire Nation daimyo who was surprised just now didn't see the existence of Hei Jue, but thought of some inspiration.

"Haha! I thought of a good medal name!"

The daimyo of the country of fire waved his fan and said, "The hidden village of Muye in the country of fire, the hidden village of sand in the country of wind, the hidden village of rock in the country of earth, the hidden village of rain in the country of water, and the hidden village of cloud in the country of thunder. The medal of the Ninja United Army, how—”

"Huh? It's too long! How about calling it the Ninja Joint Medal?"

But one person suddenly interrupted him and said.

"It's not good, it's too short, it's less majestic!"

The name of the country of fire said directly.

"However, having said that, why did you put the Kingdom of Fire at the top? It's unfair!"

It was also at this time that the daimyo on that side also protested directly.

But the protecting ninjas from the outside world said directly and boringly, "These big names are really idle, but as ninjas, what's the use of those medals..."

"That's their job!"

The other ninja smiled and said, "However, don't underestimate the role of the medal! Without it, where would our honor come from? Also, there must be something like this." Let’s set a standard personally!”

"Uh... yes... also..."

That person also said directly.

"However, don't be distracted by thinking about the medal. If you relax your vigilance, it's a big taboo for us as ninjas!" The man also reminded.

"Yeah! Pull yourself together, we're about to move!"

That person also said directly.


At the same time, Terumi Mei was talking with the daimyo of the country of water, and said: "We are going to those five hiding places now. In order not to be noticed by the enemy, our five daimyos will be there Regularly transfer between these five places!"

"Of course, the guard ninjas we arrange are also masters among the five hidden country villages!"

Terumi Mei continued.

"Well, if that's the case, I'm relieved!" The daimyo of the water country said with confidence after confirming that his life would not be threatened.

And at this moment, in a forest outside.

That Jue held the tree trunk with one hand, and said with some displeasure: "Huh! It seems that I underestimated them too much! But, don't underestimate my ability of Hei Jue..."

While speaking, his hands had already merged into the tree trunk.

Immediately, his entire body merged into the tree trunk.

At this moment, a green pupil suddenly appeared in the center of the tree trunk...

"Hey, the earth is also my existence..."

At this moment, he has launched ninjutsu, but he has completely become a ubiquitous form...


At the same time, where the Fifth Army was, the water surface in front of them had already been filled with dense white swarms.

"Although it's a bit boring... But Lord Raikage sent me to guard the coastal defense line, so there is a reason for him!"

Nadarui stared at the enemies with an indifferent face, and said to himself, "Besides, I'm going to go, everyone, follow my command!"

Nadalui, as the captain of the team, said directly.


The moment his voice fell, almost everyone cheered up, ready to face the next tough battle!

Of course, Bai Jue, who was full of chakra all over his body, was equally neat and ready to go, planning to annihilate the army of ninjas in one go!
But when the two armies fight, there must be an injury. In such a spectacular scene, there is a faint sense of coercion!

"Thunder Dun! The black spot is bad!"

At this moment, Captain Nadarui jumped up directly, and let out a deep groan.

At this moment, it was an endless black and blood-red thunderbolt, directly shooting up into the sky, like a ferocious beast, instantly condensed from Nadarui's body.

Then, the mighty black lightning visible to the naked eye crashed directly from his body, directly hitting the slowly floating water in front of him!
"Ah ah ah ah..."

And at this very moment, waves of thunder rippling on the surface of the water forcibly hit the bodies of those Bai Jue, and the numbness of the rolling thunder also made many Bai Jue's bodies tremble, sending out waves of unimaginable pain directly. scream!

It's just that Bai Jue's body contained the cells of the first generation of Hokage Senshouzhujian, and its regenerative ability was too strong, so it didn't burst into the sound!All down!
The shocking black lightning, like roaring prehistoric beasts, was panting horribly, shuttling through the sea water, turbulent, not to mention!

"That's... black lightning!"

"The "Thunder" tattoo inherited from the former Raikage-sama is only Captain Darui. I didn't expect to have such strength!"

"Whoosh whoosh—"

And at this moment, under the astonishment of the many ninjas, a revived fierce figure in the water led many Bai Jue directly from the water, rushing to the sky!
"Ah! Be careful up there!"

At this moment, the big guy reminded, but he didn't expect that there were too many of them, Darui's black lightning had not been completely destroyed, but it had already rushed into the sky, it was really unbelievable...

Of course, these army of ninjas are not those stupefied youths, all of them stared at each other immediately, and roared at the top of their voices: "Come on!"

In an instant, the countless Bai Jue in front of everyone's eyes appeared straight in front of them, and the violent impact force directly collided with each other!
In an extremely spectacular scene, the army of ninjas and the army of Baijue, two tides of power, directly √ blasted together, so powerful that there is no limit to it!

And at this moment, the indispensable phenomenon is that those people who have been resurrected from the dead will meet someone else!
"Day feet!"

At this moment, the Patriarch of the Hyuga Clan directly appeared on the side of Hyuga Hinata.

"Rizu, I didn't expect you to lose weight again!" The man said directly.

"That's right, it's really difficult to run the Hyuga family..." Hizuru also said with a sigh.

"Nizu, I'm sorry... I was supposed to come out to protect the clan, but now I appear on the battlefield and become your enemy..."

The person who was resurrected from the Hyuga family also said directly, "Now I am completely out of control of my body. It seems that this is the punishment for my hatred of the separation..."

"Back then, Patriarch, you were willing to die for the sake of the village, but now you have denied your will..."

On that day, Zuo said in a low voice.

"Back then, I thought that the branch family should choose to die, but before I died, I still figured out something. The existence of the branch family and the main family are inseparable!"

On that day, Xiang Patriarch said with a little emotion, now that his body is out of control, his thoughts are more clear...

"It seems that this is the so-called fate..."

(End of this chapter)

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