hero skill mad war naruto

Chapter 256 Rules!

Chapter 256 Rules!

"Land Dun! Encourage Suohesu!"

That is, at the moment when Darui groaned, an astonishing aura burst out from between his hands!
But streamlined strands of chaotic streamer directly impacted out, and the Yinjiao that was originally impacted was instantly shattered by this streamer!

"It's so fast, and it seems to be an induced ninjutsu..." The golden horn was surprised when he saw it.

Sure enough, the endless radiance of Lan Dun rushed towards him in a straight line, but when the radiance touched Miss Samokasi in front of Jin Jiao, it suddenly changed its direction and flocked directly to Jin Jiao behind him!

At this moment, it rushed straight to Jin Jiao's chest, instantly breaking the distance between him and Miss Samokasi!


On the other hand, Darui did not deviate from any power at all, and quickly used Lan Dun to speed up the heavy power!


However, Yinjiao's arm, which was cut off before, suddenly took out the golden rope, and it directly touched Darui's body!

"Hey... That guy Silver Horn is really good at using the golden rope!"

That Jin Jiao said directly, but was instantly hit by Lan Dun, and screamed, "It hurts..."

"Woo... vomit..."

But at this moment, Nadarui spewed out his speech spirit directly from his mouth, but his whole body felt a little bad, and the Lan Dun on his body disappeared directly.

"Let's solve this first!"

But at this moment, behind Miss Samokasi, who had already freed herself from the shackles of the golden horn, the broken golden horn was restored, and she sat on the water and said.

Miss Samokasi was stunned for a moment, but she hadn't reacted yet. Immediately, the golden horn took out the red gourd, but an instant force of restraint directly turned her into a surge of agitation, directly absorbing the red gourd. !
In an instant, the income is completed!

Nadarui was a little shocked, thinking in his heart: "How could this happen? Miss Samokasi didn't say anything, but she was sucked in..."


And at this time, the Seven Star Sword was attacked by Silver Horn again!
"Curse! Seven Star Sword!"

But the silver horn suddenly jumped up and said.

"What? His arms are growing again!"

Darui was a little puzzled, he didn't expect that they would grow back their hands, but it was the first time they fought against the reincarnated people, and they didn't know their horror...


At this moment, Yin Horn's Seven Star Sword slashed down quickly, Darui also retreated directly, and instantly jumped away, but the Seven Star Sword in Yin Horn's hand slashed down quickly!
call out!

However, although Darui had already jumped up, the speech spirit did not receive a quick rise, but was quickly cut off by the scolding Seven Star Sword!

"Take it! Red gourd!"

On the other side, Golden Horn was also ready to accept Nadarui's words!

In an instant, Darui's speech spirit was taken in!


But Darui was a little shocked. Thinking about it, the words that he often talked about, he was also drunk, it should be that "no meaning"...


Sure enough, the Seven Star Sword has already started to work, as long as Darui speaks out his words, he will definitely be included in the red gourd!

And sure enough, there were a few words written on the Seven Star Sword, which were meaningless...

At this moment, the two confronted each other.

"My NG vocabulary... usually I always talk about "no meaning", as long as I don't say it... it won't be absorbed into the gourd... It's just..."

"Miss Samokasi didn't say anything, but she was absorbed into it..."

"From this point of view—if you don't talk all the time, you will also be sucked in...isn't it?"

In the end, Nadarui sneered slightly and said.

"Hey, you actually noticed it... This is a secret that has never been made public... Awesome!"

The golden horn was also in the water, said.

"It's a shame you just said that "silence is golden"..." Nadarui also gave the other side a blank look and said.

""Eloquence is also golden" is also a fact!"

That Jin Jiao also said with a smile, "You know, it takes eloquence to lie! Besides, I said "silence is forbidden", hahaha..."

"..." Nadarui was also speechless for a while.

"It has been said that language is a tool used to deceive people. In the world of endurance, deception and betrayal are excellent tactics... Language is just a kind of cutting tool!"

That Golden Horn said the same thing.

"That's why...Yunyin Village regards the two of you as a symbol of disgrace!"

Nadalui also said directly.

"What are you talking about, such a low-class kid like you!"

But Jin Jiao got angry directly, and said, "In my eyes, you are just a pawn of Raikage, a substitute for a knife! Just like my knife! Don't be presumptuous in front of me!"

"Today's ninjas really don't know how to behave!" Yinjiao on the other side also said directly.

At this time, when Nadarui heard the so-called chess piece, he thought of the conversation with Lei Ying back then.

"Sorry...boss, you chose me as a bodyguard, but you hurt your left arm..."

"You don't have to mind..."


"..." At this time, Lei Ying said directly, "It's okay to lose my left arm, after all, I still have two right arms!"

"Two?" Nadarui was slightly taken aback and said.

"Well... this one and—" Rai Ying pointed at Darui and said, "You!"

At that time, Darui felt warm in his heart, the feeling of being valued was very good.

"If you add Chi, wouldn't there be three?" Nadarui also said directly.

"Well—that's fine, the more the better!" Lei Ying said.

At this time, Nadarui recalled it, so he completely disapproved of the pawns that Jin Jiao said just now.

"I'm the right arm of the boss, I'm not an inexperienced substitute! It's so boring!"

Nadalui said it directly!

"Hey, Golden Horn!"

At this time, the silver horn said,
"What are you doing, Silver Horn!" Jin Jiao asked.

"Hiss..." Seven Star Sword also trembled.

"Red gourd, get ready!"

That Golden Horn also said.

At this moment, Nadarui trembled slightly, but panicked.

"What's the matter? I didn't say it's not interesting..." Nadarui suddenly thought of what he had just said in passing.

"not good!"

Darui also directly sensed that something was wrong.

call out!
It was at this moment that Nadarui's figure was instantly compressed and deformed, as if it was about to be included in it!
(End of this chapter)

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