hero skill mad war naruto

Chapter 265 Breaking out of a cocoon and becoming a butterfly!

Chapter 265 Breaking out of a cocoon and becoming a butterfly!

"Ding Zuo! Wake up to me, we are no longer children who need someone to protect us!"

But Lu Jiu said fiercely, "Now it's our turn to protect. Are you going to watch Aska kill his own child? Don't misuse your consideration!"


At this moment, Ding Zuo of Qiu Dao secretly exhaled, and at this time, the voice of Kaiichi Yamanaka appeared in his mind.

"That's right! Lu Jiu is right, think about why you wear this pair of earrings?"

"Woo..." After the attack that Qiudao Dingye resisted, he let out bursts of painful sounds.

"Stop being childish, Ding Zuo!"

That Qiudao Dingye also suddenly said sharply, "You are the 15th generation heir of the Qiudao clan!"

"Ah..." At this time, Qiu Dao Ding Zuo, who was also involuntary, really froze, thinking about what happened when he was a child.

"The rightmost one of the third family emblem belongs to our Qiudao clan, the other two are... uh... the one in the middle is from the enjoying the cool air, and the one on the left is from the Shanzhong clan..."

"Because our three clans use extremely rare secret techniques. Yes, we have often joined forces to defeat the enemy since a long time ago, so the relationship is also unusual."

"In order to maintain this chicken chop, the Sarutobi clan gave us the earring as a witness. Swearing to this earring is an agreement passed down from generation to generation..."

"Is this the one? Er... the patriarchs of the other two clans will also carry it, but piercing seems to hurt..."

"We wear earrings to remind ourselves to keep our vows that you will have your ears pierced one day."

"Oh... what?"

"When you become a genocide, I will entrust Garal to you until you become a zhongren... This tradition is to make the oath always in the child's ear..."


"From today onwards, you are men who can stand alone. Now it's up to you to reveal your new earrings to raise and protect your children."


"what happened?"

"You...do you think I'm so fat that I can get married?"

"Don't make such an expression, Ding Zuo, Teacher Aska always says that you lack something, do you know what it is? You can get married like your father and me, show some confidence."

"I'm not you, and the times have changed again, no one wants to..."

"Okay, Zuo Ding, it's time to die, do you remember the content of the oath?"

"Uh... um..."


At this moment, that Qiu Dao Ding Zuo was sure, thinking to himself.

"I always take it for granted... thinking that everything will change slowly, and when I grow up, my body and mind will naturally become stronger..."


Of course, at this very moment, the urgent situation on the battlefield made it impossible for Qiu Dao and Ding Ye to leave him!

"Master Ding Ye? We need you here!"

The ninja on that side said crazily.

"Sorry! I'll be right back!" Naqiu Dao Dingye also said immediately.

At this time, Qiu Dao Ding Zuo was still in deep thought.

"I thought swearing was just a ceremony..."

"I swear here, in the name of the 15th generation heir of the Akidao family, I entrust the oath of the 14th generation to the 16th generation, the child who will become the heir!"

"I, Akidō Dōza, protect the mountains, the Nara clan, and Konoha, and one day I will break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly—"

Thinking of the oath, Qiudao Dingzuo secretly said, "Haiyi, I'm sorry, I'm fine, let me get up!"

It was at this moment that it had to be made to order, and two chakra wings suddenly appeared on the back, but they were actually a pair of wings like butterfly wings!
"Fly high! I must change myself!"

At that moment, Qiudao Dingzuo said fiercely.

And seeing the wings, TV Laqiu Dao Dingye was also shocked, "How is it possible? Son, why don't you use medicine? Can you grow wings?"

"Ding Zuo!" Lu Jiu secretly said excitedly.

"That's right, Zuo Ding..." Aska was secretly relieved.

"I know, that's how it feels!" Qiu Dao Dingzuo said to himself, at this time, such aura was added to him in vain.

"Uh... Made to order, he's losing weight rapidly, isn't he the kind of pill he took again?" Said Yamanaka Kaiichi also in surprise.

"It feels like taking a red pill, will it be okay?"

Lu Jiu also said worriedly.

"Don't worry, this is the secret technique of the Qiudao family, even if you don't need the pill."

Naqidao Dingye also said excitedly, "So there won't be any side effects like taking a pill!"

"That cocoon is harder than you imagined, right? Ding Zuo..."

At this moment, Aska said to the opposite side, "Then... can I fly freely?"

At this moment, Qiu Dao Dingzuo directly clenched his fists.

"Of course!"

At this moment, Qiudao Dingzuo seemed to have lost weight two or three times, and a thick chakra flame was burning on his arm.

"Okay, I have to go back up! Come on son!"

That Qiudao Dingye also smiled, and was about to leave.

"Uncle Qiudao..." Lu Jiu was also a little puzzled.

"I'm sorry that Zuo Ding has caused you a lot of trouble all this time, but that's all in the past. From now on...he has officially become the 15th generation heir of the Xiudao family!"

Graduation is that Qiudao Dingzuo, and the moment the fire fist bloomed, that Qiudao Dingye left this place.

"Huhu..." The burning Chakra flames were quite dazzling!
"Okay, Aska will be handed over to us, and the top will be handed over to you, uncle." Lu Jiu also said confidently!


"bring it on!"

Aska also looked squarely at the three students on the opposite side and said.

At this time, a ninja from the sealed class who was watching the battle said to himself, "After weakening his strength, bring him here. What did you say? How should we help?"

"Shut up for me, can't you keep your voice down?!"

At this time, the other person also scolded.

"Don't say it so lightly, seal class!"

It was Kaiichi Yamanaka who secretly communicated with them, and at the same time, he also wanted to fight against Aska, "Lu Jiu, use your back!"

Immediately, he leaned directly on Lu Jiu's back.

"The art of turning the heart!"


"Okay! Come on, Haiyi!"

So at this moment, Bai Jue on the ground suddenly charged, but it was Haiichi Yamanaka's mind-turning technique that controlled him!
(End of this chapter)

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