hero skill mad war naruto

Chapter 290: Five Shadows Assemble!

Chapter 290 Five Shadows Assemble!

"Teleportation... Shouldn't it be the ninjutsu of the Fourth Hokage?"

At the same time, at the place where the daimyos of the five major countries were located, the attack just launched by Hei Ze had come to an end, and now, it was the three ninjas who surrounded Terumi Mei in the center and said.

"We were originally the guards responsible for protecting the fourth Hokage, and now the ninjas are following the fifth Naruto..."

"The Art of Flying Thunder God was taught to us by the fourth generation..."

"However, unlike the fourth generation, we need three people to work together. Please bear with me..."

The basic personality also said out of helplessness, and at this time, Chojuro on the other side also said because of the flat eye whale, "Master Terumimei, please be sure to defeat Madara."

"Leave this place to me, one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and stick to it!"

That Changjuro also said secretly.

"..." Terumi Mei was noncommittal, "Nagashiro, this kid has become much stronger after leaving the village..."

"Please get ready! Master Tsunade also has a mark on his body, as soon as he arrives on the battlefield, we will start immediately!" At this moment, the ninja next to him said solemnly.

"Understood, the wedding date is enough to be late." So did Zhao Meiling, noncommittal.

At the same time, Madara is on the battlefield.

Madara Uchiha and the second generation of Tsuchikage rushed directly towards Xiao Chu and the others. The speed was extremely fast, and there was no feeling of suppression at all.

It was at this incident that a flash of light suddenly appeared between the two of them, and then a powerful voice came out instantly, knocking them back.

"That hairy boy is here...and Princess Tsunade..."

Tsuchikage Ohnoki also looked at the figures of several people, and said to himself,

"I reported the coordinates here to the headquarters before, and it seems that this is also the response of the headquarters." A perceptual ninja behind that also said solemnly.

At this time, on Tsunade's face, a strong mark appeared from the forehead of the avatar!

"Yin seal, solution! Ninja method! Create and regenerate!"

That Tsunade also groaned directly, but her eyes were solemnly looking at Uchiha Madara in front of her!
"Are you okay?" Lei Ying, who was also looking at this side, said.

"Tsunade is here...is this his regenerative ninjutsu?" Xiao Chu also looked at the other side with some seriousness.

And at this moment, Uchiha Madara's complexion was indeed not very good-looking.

But at the same time, in another empty place, the figure of Terumi Mei-sama appeared in an instant.

"Everyone is still alive... It seems that we have caught up..."

Terumi Mei looked at the people behind him and said with a slight smile.

"It's finally possible to have a big battle, I'm impatient to wait!"

That Lei Ying said in a deep voice.

"Finally ready..."

And that Tsunade also said without hesitation, that is, when she was talking to him, the mark on her forehead made a "sizzling" sound.

"Sure enough... I still live a good life..." Tsuchikage Onogi also smiled, feeling quite emotional, "I never thought that the Five Kages could... get together once and fight together!"

At this moment, Five Kages are gathering, but many people are watching Uchiha Madara in front of them.

"Hehe, it just happened to come..." Uchiha Madara also said in a cold voice with an arrogant expression, "Otherwise, I really can't arouse my interest in trying."

"I want to heal the two of them, Raikage and Terumi Mei, please buy some time!" Nazunade said immediately.

"I'm sorry, Princess Tsunade!" Tsuchikage Onogi said guiltily seeing that he was dragged down and needed treatment.

"Terumimei, you're also Mizukage, right? Let's go! Mizukage-sama!"

That Raikage also raised his fist, and the huge Chakra all over his body instantly enveloped him, and said.

"Okay!" Terumi Mei also said something mysterious in agreement, approached, and spit out violent magma in one mouthful!The magma splashed and rushed directly to Uchiha Madara above the rock formation!
"Melting escape! Monster melting!"


This is an instant, the powerful lava magma directly impacted over, and La Leiying also punched and impacted over!

"This level of ninjutsu is not even necessary to absorb..." Uchiha Madara said disdainfully.

However, this time he directly took Luo Laiyin's punch, and the power contained in him was so huge that he instantly knocked Uchiha Madara into the air!

And remembering that the punch of the fist was his body directly rushing into the magma, while La Terumimei's lava poured out more and more, enveloping Uchiha in an instant.

However, the curved body directly formed the Susanoo.That huge body skeleton instantly protected him!
"Legendary level Chiyo dance!"

And time, Uchiha Madara also secretly launched his own ninjutsu.

Terumi Mei and Raikage still did not stop their attacks. At this moment, Raikage came out of the magma and landed on Terumi Mei's side.

"I always... always feel that this is no longer the place for us to stay..." At this time, the ninjas beside me had no choice but to say with shame.

You must know that this level of ninjutsu is simply not accessible to them at that level.

"But... he shouldn't... be killed so easily..."

And everyone before saw you being thrown into the magma in such an instant, looked at you with some doubts, and said.

"Yeah, it's really careless to have such a guy around, no!"

"I don't even have a chance to help..."

"You guys go with me to solve the other person, and do your best to help!"

At this time, the perception ninja on that side also spoke directly.That is, the moment she finished speaking, everyone's eyes turned to the other side, the resurrected second generation Tukage.

"Is that the guy?"

"Okay? Let's go together." The perceptual ninja also said.

"Aren't you alright? Tsunade!"

But at this moment, Lei Ying turned around and asked.

"It's still a little bit..." Na Tsunade also said directly.

"Tsunade, are you alright? After using the sealing technique on the forehead, don't you, won't you become an old woman and collapse from exhaustion?" Xiao Chu also said quite puzzled.

"This time is different from the time I dealt with Payne. That time I was alone... Besides, it's only used for healing now, and the Chakra doesn't consume much." Tsunade also responded.

"In that case, then you can also help me heal and heal, I can't let this clone disappear, I want to stay." Xiao Chu also said directly.

"Maybe that's unnecessary..." Tsunade said suddenly, too.

"Why?" Xiao Chu asked with some doubts.

"This war is no longer just for protecting you..." Tsuchikage Ohnoki also said in a stern voice.

Xiao Chu was stunned, at a loss.

"Lightning Dun's instant body, plus the fusing Blood Succession Limit..."

Uchiha Madara, who was hidden under Susano, analyzed in a cold voice, "The attack is very fierce..."

"Although I like men who are not so easily melted..."

That Terumi Mei also stared at the other party, and said, "But you are exempt."

"This guy... can't even beat my speed. It seems... I have to speed up and increase my strength to destroy your defense!"

That Lei Ying couldn't help but said.

Of course, at the moment when the two talked, Karara and Tsuchikage Onoki were also slightly shocked.

"What about your defense?"

Just suddenly, Uchiha Madara asked sharply.

Suddenly, this time, on his body, when he went to leave the house, a huge number of flames suddenly appeared in his hands, as if they were made of curse seals!
Immediately, numerous flames were formed into the shape of gossip and thrown out in an instant.

Whether the attack is on the ninja or on the ground, it will be shattered and it is simply irresistible.

Fortunately, at this time, Sura had already recovered, and only then did he condense the sand, protecting everyone in an instant.

"The original Golem Golem... plus the sand shield... finally resisted..."

The big guy was also quite shocked, but such an attack took all of Kara's full strength to protect it.

"This war has evolved into a war to protect everyone!" Tsuchikage Ohnoki also said seriously.

"Then. I will also defeat Madara here!"

Xiao Chu recognized that voice and said.

"Double defense of sand and rock? Not bad..." Madara Uchiha looked at the defense in front of him, slightly shocked, and praised.

"It's coming! Now, take turns to attack!" Tsuchikage Ohnoki said in a deep voice, "Mizukage! Raikage! Use your ears, I have a plan!"

It was at this moment that the second generation Tuying quickly escaped from the pursuit of everyone, as if he had already left the front line, while the people behind were chasing quickly, scolding, but chasing at all. If you can't keep up with its speed, you are about to flee!
Also in an instant, Tukage Ohnoki arrived, behind Raikage and Mizukage.

At this moment, Tsuchikage Onogi turned his head to look at Terumi Mei, and said, "Mizukage!"


That Terumi Mei had no doubts, instantly formed a seal, and immediately poured out another wave of water power!
"Water Escape! Mist Concealment!"

But in an instant, the water spit out from his mouth turned into a thick mist, which directly diffused everything around him.

"Kuyin..." The second-generation projection thought while fleeing, "They want to seal the eye of reincarnation..."

Of course, the consciousness of the second-generation projection at this moment is where Orochimaru is.

"Let's go! Raikage!"

But at this time, Tsuchikage Onoki jumped off Raikage's back and let him carry it directly, saying.

"Okay!" That was also said directly.

It was at this moment that the second generation of Tukage instantly entered Susano.

"Tugage, this old man, in order to increase his speed, he made Raikage's body lighter... But, in this way..."

That Orochimaru secretly analyzed and said.

"It will be the same as back then, there will be no attack effect at all, nothing to worry about..." Orochimaru was also relieved immediately.

But at the moment around him, the body of the second generation Tukage was instantly bombarded by Raikage with a punch.

Then come, hard fist, directly at Na Susano!

"Aggravated Rock—"


But it was Raikage and Tsuchikage Onoki, the two of them paused word by word, and in an instant, they punched past, and they even directly blasted through Susano!

boom!boom! ! !
So this moment.Uchiha Madara's body was blasted to the other side in an instant, causing a lot of shock and shattering!
"Tsunade, now is the time!" Xiao Chu also said directly.

"Listen, Lord Xiao Chu..." Tsuchikage Ohnoki floated over directly, and said, "When I participated in the battle, I was forced to defeat Akatsuki. As a last resort, I formed an allied ninja army with you."

"However, after fighting side by side with you, my state of mind has changed!" Tsuchikage Onogi said seriously, "Now I want to fight here as Tsuchikage of the Ninja Alliance!"

"And once upon a time, the various ninja villages that were scattered like a plate of sand...are gradually being unified..." Tsuchikage Onoki also said solemnly, "If this continues, maybe even that...brings out hatred, and the disorderly The ninja world will also be completely changed because of this."

"Madara here... we will deal with you, and we will definitely win!"

Tsuchikage Onoki also said in a stern voice, "This is the end, the first step to the curse of accumulating grievances!"

"We, like Madara, once bred hatred, now we must shoulder this responsibility!"

Tsuchikage Onoki continued, "You can leave this place to us with confidence, it's just..."

"The other Madara, Uchiha Obito, is up to you to solve!"

Tsuchikage Onoki also said directly, "This is another step to open up the hope of future generations!"

"No matter which Madara is defeated, it means the end of this war!" Tsunade on that side also said directly, "We will protect you here, on the battlefield, and please protect us on another battlefield!"

"Xiao Chu's avatar, we Five Shadows, I want to entrust you with one sentence! That is... we must win!"

It was at this moment that Wukage said in a stern voice, even this time Xiao Chu was already the Hokage of Muye Village, but he felt that he still lacked something.

Compared with Tsunade's words, he does lack a lot.

Immediately, his avatar exploded and disappeared in place, and where his main body was, he also directly sensed what Wuying said.

"I will win, trust me." Xiao Chu also said directly.

And at this moment, a group of oncoming figures suddenly appeared in front of him, but it was the Uchiha Obito wearing a mask, carrying a group of Jinchuriki bodies controlled by him, and directly killed him.

For a moment without any doubt, Xiao Chu punched the Uchiha Obito mask, bang!The next moment, the bodies of the two retreated at the same time!
(End of this chapter)

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