good luck

Chapter 134 Love is the same as life without love

Chapter 134

Until now, Su Xiaoxiao's concept remains the same:
Even without love, you can't die.Regardless of whether there is anyone to love, no matter whether someone loves you or not, you can still live well.The ninth day of September is Su Xiaoxiao's birthday.That day also happened to be the Double Ninth Festival.It's a good day to climb high and look far.But every year on that day, Su Xiaoxiao only felt the desolation of "thinking about her family every festive season"—since she was in the sixth grade of elementary school, her parents were not at home often, and they were all outside.But Su Xiaoxiao is not a so-called left-behind child. Her parents didn't work outside to survive, but stayed in the mahjong parlor and didn't go home all night. When she came back, Su Xiaoxiao was already asleep. up. She rarely has the feeling of "Happy Birthday", although it is not that there is no one around her. She has a grandma, who accompanies her to celebrate her birthday, eats cakes with her, and has new clothes bought by her grandma.She lacks nothing.But she just wasn't happy.

After junior high school, Su Xiaoxiao had many friends. It was always popular among classmates who had a good relationship to ask about their birthday zodiac signs. Even better, they would remember each other's birthday carefully and send carefully prepared gifts.Probably due to her childhood habits, Su Xiaoxiao was not interested in these things.She didn't remember any of the birthdays of the people around her, and she didn't even think about it.As for her own birthday, she also tries not to tell others, unless she meets someone who is determined to break the casserole and ask the bottom line, she will be very reluctant to tell others her birthday.Walk away quickly after speaking.She was a little scared, and the classmates would continue to ask, such as birthday wishes, such as how to spend it normally.She felt that talking about these things was self-defeating.In fact, she didn't have any details worth telling.Because of Su Xiaoxiao's indifferent and nonchalant attitude, she really didn't remember anyone's birthday in the past three years, even if she met a classmate who talked about her birthday that day in class, she would remain indifferent.The classmates around me would smile and say wishing you a happy birthday, happy every day, etc., but Su Xiaoxiao just couldn't.

Birthdays are meaningless, not at all."Mother's Good Friday", "My own red sun", and "Dashouxian" are all just wishes for others, and have nothing to do with her, Su Xiaoxiao.

Why should she clearly remember the days when her biological parents didn't even care about them.It turns out that as long as you don't have any hope and expectation for many things, you won't be lost and sad.Su Xiaoxiao was really indifferent to birthdays later on, and she couldn't even tell the exact date of her birthday in an instant.And remembering other people's birthdays is even more impossible.

After entering junior high school, her parents finally stopped going to the mahjong hall to play cards. Instead, the couple started the fireworks business. At that time, there were very few people in this business. "The first person to eat a crab is a hero." They His business was booming, and he bought a house in the city a year later.It seems that everything has changed, the habit of gambling has changed, the living environment has improved, and the number of times she goes home has increased; however, there is only one thing that remains unchanged: they still don't remember her birthday.

But she had never expected anything in the first place, and as time went by, she got used to it.

Of course it's not like there's no idea at all.

(End of this chapter)

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