good luck

Chapter 199

Chapter 199
Park Anhao's diary, April 2009, 4
Today's diary doesn't know what to rewrite.And so it began.

The same is true of our growth. We are still looking forward to the appearance of growing up. When we look at it again, we are surprised that we have already grown up.Who remembers when it was time to change?

Lu Jinnian asked me how many days I would like him to stay in Zilin. He planned for a week. Although he only said five days, he exchanged mobile phones during meals. I checked his QQ, and he and his friends said It was "I will stay in Zilin for seven days before returning to Sihe, you can pick me up when the time comes." I don't know if he knows what I'm thinking or not.

But I would like to think he understands.

That way they won't bother each other.

Haha, speaking of swapping phones.Actually, I'm really not happy.First of all, I am not at all interested in the contents of his mobile phone.I do that to anyone, and if he wants to, he'll do it to me.Why do I have to go and see.Secondly, I'm not in the habit of having people review my phone.It really has nothing to do with trust.

Lu Jinnian is still very interested in the contents of my phone, I can tell.

So did I do this as an empathy for him?
I'm not unhappy but I can't say I'm happy either.About swapping phones.

He got up quite late today.So the morning is basically spent in sleep.Then I went to Chunfeng North Road, which was proposed by Lu Jinnian.

Speaking of which, this is a path I mentioned to him countless times in letters.

The road full of camphor.

One of my favorite places in Zilin.

Many times I have walked and walked alone like this.This time with Lu Jinnian, the mood is really different.Just like living alone in the past, it is also different from suddenly having another person by your side now.

I asked my cousin before, what is the difference in her mentality before she got married and after she got married.

My sister just said that now I am not alone, but a family.In the past, I paid more attention to myself, which means that the whole family is not hungry when one person is full.But now that I have a child, the child is the center of everything. It seems that everything is centered on the child.Self takes second place.

How would I feel if I got married?

This diary was written during the break, and at night Lu Jinnian said he would go to sing with Xia Weiliang.Well, how to put it, I still have some small expectations.

Park Anhao's diary April 2009, 4 There will be a farewell

Although I didn't fall asleep all night, I didn't feel particularly tired.

Lu Jinnian left in the afternoon.

In fact, when he entered the station, I almost blurted out: you stay!

But in the end reason prevailed over emotion, and I silently watched his figure disappear into the crowd.

When I walked back, I even cried.Well, at least he didn't shed tears in front of him. If he saw it, he would be worried.I texted him after I got on the bus back to school: Be careful on the road, and text me when you get there.

In fact, what I wanted to post at the beginning was not like this. I wrote a lot, but I kept deleting, editing, and modifying before sending it out. In the end, I left the most concise homely words.

Lu Jinnian understood.

Xia Weiliang sent me a text message in the morning, asking me if I made a promise with my body.I was shocked.What is this with what ah.

(End of this chapter)

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