good luck

Chapter 580 Years of Loneliness

Chapter 580 One Hundred Years of Solitude ([-])

Park Anhao’s diary, July 2013, 7 Wishing to be lovebirds in the sky and Lian Lizhi on the ground

see off

disappeared remember

I stand at the end of the world
Hear the soil sprout
wait for the epiphyllum to bloom again
Leave the fragrance to the years
There is no lighthouse on the other side
I'm still watching
It's dark and my hair is white

hold on to the torch
wait for him
I told myself

i'm not afraid i love him
When the whole world is immersed in the ocean of joy, your own sorrow is so huge and dark like despair.

When the flowers wither and the flowers fly all over the sky, who is there to pity when the redness disappears and the fragrance is gone?I hope that this day I will have wings and fly to the end of the sky with the flowers.

Park Anhao's diary July 2013, 7 Yan Ruyu is in the book

Reading, like journaling, has been a habit for many years.I like books, and I have a special intimacy with the black and white words.People who don't want to come out after entering the bookstore wish to move the entire bookstore home.

The bookshelves can't be piled up, so they are placed on the floor. The neatly arranged books are really refreshing.

I really want to have a study room like a huge library. I think I will wake up laughing even if I fall asleep.

Do you have things you like very much, and things you like to do very much?

What now?
Park Anhao's diary July 2013, 7 Sanmao
I remember that when I was young, you loved to chat and I loved to laugh. Once I sat side by side on the rock above the treetops, people were laughing, I fell asleep for some reason, and I knew how many flowers fell in my dream...

——San Mao in "How Many Flowers Fall in Dreams"

I really like Sanmao's prose.

I prefer Sanmao's attitude towards life and her love.

Sahara.I have been fascinated by geography since junior high school.Although my geography grades are not particularly top-notch... No one stipulates that if you like geography, you must get a geography grade, okay?Hee hee, just take it as an excuse for myself.Geography you will forgive me.

One day I will go too.must.

Park Anhao’s Diary, July 2013, 7 If you heard about it, if you still miss me
Looking up, I saw that the sky was very blue and blue, and the clouds were floating in the huge sky, such a beautiful scenery.But I was still inexplicably sad, and I began to miss you again, and I missed a lot of time that passed away.
This is the first sunshine feast in July.You see, the white clouds in the sky are like big groups of cotton candy.

Today's sky is a sea of ​​cotton candy, stretching as far as the eye can see.

do you know?

I just remembered the time we ate marshmallows together two years ago.At that time you were very resistant.Because I insist on eating the big and fluffy marshmallows that are freshly made on the street.You have black lines all over your face, say, what is the matter with me, a pure man, holding such a big soft thing in my hand! I don’t agree, I said, it must be nothing if you are alone, but isn’t this a couple?Do you have the heart to let the marshmallows break up? (Although I don't know how I said this at the time, but I really said it so nonsense...) Of course I won.

Also, the colorful chocolate beans we bought together.Do you remember?

I remember it, because you spelled four big characters ingeniously for me to see—never leave and never give up.I was so moved at the time. (Ingenuity? You probably forgot your boast, right?)

I always feel that it is obviously the memory of two people, but now I am thinking about it alone, I am really uncomfortable.

If you also heard I haven't forgotten.If you remember too, will you still think of me?

(End of this chapter)

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