good luck

Chapter 607 The only you in this world

Chapter 607 The only you in this world
[Mysterious Principal] The path you choose, even if you sacrifice your life, you have to go to the end!

Ronghui students can independently choose the courses they are interested in.But there is a requirement that the subjects chosen independently must get full marks or above.The full score is only the score on the paper, that is, the score obtained from the content of the theoretical assessment.As for the "above" assessment standard, the school defines it as "things that cannot be seen with the eyes".No one has given a specific standard for this point, but "you will know it naturally on the day of the assessment." The principal of Ronghui High School, who has never really shown up, said to all the students through the radio at the opening ceremony.He also said that since it is the path he personally chose, he must put in all his efforts, and it is understandable to risk his life when necessary.

Of course, you don't have to choose, then the only courses you need to study every day are Chinese and mathematics.Every day, every week, every semester until graduation, you only need to take these two courses.Exams are of course the same.

Although this seems easy, there is almost no student in the school who does not choose electives.After all, learning only Chinese and mathematics for seven consecutive years is something that robots do.It's terrifying just thinking about it.

Besides, today's kids don't have a hobby.Who is not full of dreams?

In Ronghui High School, there are no subjects that you can't think of, only results that you can't do.The headmaster promised that as long as he maintains full marks in compulsory and elective courses for three consecutive years, he can realize any of their wishes.

You heard that right, really any one.

For example, three years ago, a student in a junior high school had achieved full marks in the assessment for three consecutive years, and his wish was to graduate early. (…) Logically speaking, this is not allowed, but the principal asked the board of directors to approve it without saying a word, and issued him a graduation certificate.There is also a special graduation party.But so far, there is only one student who has achieved full marks for three consecutive years. Most of them can achieve full marks, but not above.

So there are still so many students working hard for this.

Because of this, no matter in Huatian or in the whole province, Ronghui High School has a fatal attraction for the students who are studying.But not everyone can come to this school to study.Ronghui will distribute a place to other ordinary middle schools in the province every three years, but no more than ten people have passed the examination in a hundred years.

In a sense, Ronghui is still a special school.Because Ronghui's students are either from the Huatian Welfare Institute or some children with special identities.But what kind of special identity it is, has always been a mystery at present.Despite constant speculation from the outside world, Ronghui's secrecy measures are still flawless.

The more secret something is, the more fascinating it is.

The outside media or other people have tried to figure out the secret behind Rong Hui. They have gone through many ways, both openly and secretly, but in the end they were all in vain.Some people thought they had found a loophole in Ronghui and tried to get rid of the children in the orphanage, but without exception, they found that they couldn't find out which children were from the orphanage!The information found was not suspicious at all, and seemed to be children from ordinary families.

After several years of being unable to find any clues, the enthusiastic whistleblower finally lost confidence and patience, so he published in the newspaper that "the special identity is just a gimmick for Rong Hui to promote himself, and Rong Hui is very ordinary."

(End of this chapter)

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