good luck

Chapter 668

Chapter 668
Park Anhao's diary February 2012, 2

So during this Valentine's Day, which is already half past, Lu Jinnian and I reconciled in such a muddled way.In other words, I just accepted Lu Jinnian's proposal of being together without asking anything,

Xia Weiliang was not in the mood to be angry at the side.I turned a blind eye.

Well, it's hard to get over the water, don't forget.Xia Weiliang has been kindly reminding me.However, how could I have the mood to listen to her at that time.

I said, I didn't force it at all, and I didn't bother, I just waited and waited.Now that he is back, he also said that he would never leave me alone.

Let him pass the past, let's put aside the past and move on.

In order to reassure Xia Weiliang, I added a special sentence, as long as you forget those injuries, it will be as if you have never been injured, everything will be different.

Even if the spilled water is barely recovered, it is still dirty.After Xia Weiliang said this, she didn't say any more.

But I was really too surprised and happy, I didn't take Xia Weiliang's words to heart at all, I kept texting with Lu Jinnian.It seems that I want to express all my feelings for more than a year on this day.It is undeniable that I have neglected Xia Weiliang since Lu Jinnian appeared today.But she wasn't mad at me at all.

Actually angry and sad.Because when we were having dinner together at night, Xia Weiliang didn't say a word, and kept eating with her head buried in the meal.This is rarely the case.Even if I see her, I'll be eating alone like this Xia Weiliang won't do it, she's always cheerful, always makes me happy like that, always takes care of my mood like that.

But today I haven't said much.I said a few other things to her, and finally eased the atmosphere. When we got excited, Lu Jinnian called again.I had no choice but to accept it.In fact, Lu Jinnian didn't have anything to do, he just asked me if I had eaten and if I ate on time.I think he was like this when we were together a long time ago, he must always remember to remind me of this and that.Have I been inseparable from him since then?It's just that I don't know it.

Lu Jinnian talked a lot about what happened to him today on the phone. In short, he spent a crazy day with his roommates and had activities at night.He also asked me how I spent my day and who I went on a date with.Hearing this, I finally know what Lu Jinnian means, isn't he just worried that I will live with others.Originally, I was going to ask him a tooth for a tooth, and I would like to mention the old things of last year by the way.But when I think about it, my mood seems to be getting worse.It's not just that girls are much smaller than boys, or that I really haven't let go of the past, and I still hold it in my heart.So this time Xia Weiliang's words of persuasion came.Maybe what Xia Weiliang said was right, the splashed water was already dirty even if it was barely recovered.

But now I can't let it go anymore. It seems like I let it go, but I pick it up again. This time it is very difficult to let go.

So at the end of the meal, I shed some tears in a terrible way.The tears frightened Xia Weiliang, she said that you don't need to feel sad, really, you don't need it at all, since you have already made a decision, then go on like this.

(End of this chapter)

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