good luck

Chapter 700 He, Kind Words of Persuasion

Chapter 700 He, Kind Words of Persuasion
"Are you crazy? What kind of happiness is that? Do you really want to live alone like this for the rest of your life? Will you be the last one to die of old age?" I have never felt loved so deeply, it turned out to be such a bitter and depressing feeling.Because of his inability to give a corresponding response, he was forced to bear the crime of delaying the other party's life.This invisible shackle made Lu Jinnian breathless.

"Su Xiaoxiao, why don't you let yourself go?" Lu Jinnian finally slowed down his tone, now is not the time to be angry.

"Lu Jinnian, you're a good person. I've always known that. In fact, you know how to get rid of me. It's just that you can't be cruel. And I may be a mean person at all. I know how hard you are, so I want to By your side. I used to say to myself, I can wait until you are willing to be with me. So I can say nothing. No, the fundamental reason is not there, I know you like Park Anhao, from beginning to end You all like her, so even if you date someone else, I know it won’t last long. In the end you will still return to Park Anhao, and even if you can’t, you won’t easily fall in love with others. In fact, it’s the same .Look at you for so many years, haven't you been alone all the time?"

"The time I went to X City, I naively thought that if you go to a clean place, maybe you can understand the true meaning of being overwhelmed. I never thought that you would be attracted to a strange woman. Now I recall that after reading your blog , the change in my mood, I can't believe it myself. I can be so unhappy. At first I didn't know why I was angry, but it was definitely not jealous, that's for sure. I have always been sober about your feelings , since you can’t get it, then you shouldn’t think about it anymore.”

"I'm angry because you didn't say a word to me, even as a friend. But you can tell Zhou Xinshen."

"Zhou Xinxin told you about this?" So it was Ah Xin who told Su Xiaoxiao in the first place?
"No, he slipped it out unconsciously." Su Xiaoxiao is a frank person, she does what happens, she never adds embellishments.

"I'm sorry for hiding this from you. But I don't know why. Anyway, I just wanted to talk to Ah Xin at that time. I didn't think about anything else." Lu Jinnian answered truthfully.

"Maybe it's because I know that Ah Xin is quite experienced in this area. If I have to explain, I can only think of this." Lu Jinnian added.

"..." Su Xiaoxiao was speechless.Lu Jinnian is always a little silly at critical moments.

"So, now you understand that the reason why I am nervous and play with your name is entirely because I can't treat me as someone who can be loved, even ordinary friends! I can't figure it out." "I thought you couldn't like me, it was impossible to like me, it was because you always treated me as a friend. Now it seems that I don't have a seat at all." Su Xiaoxiao said.

"However, since I realized the fact—even if I love you till the end, you can't possibly like me." Su Xiaoxiao stopped, glanced at Lu Jinnian, and continued, "I decided to give up gone."

Lu Jinnian's brows instantly relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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