Chief Adorable Immortal: Lord Xianjun's little monster

Chapter 101 Zhuang Sheng's Dream Butterfly

Chapter 101 Zhuang Sheng's Dream Butterfly ([-])

The flowers in the garden are all withered, no matter how proud you are, you can't escape the wind and rain.Although the plum garden was full of flowers, she couldn't go there.Lianshu was a little frustrated, for her the nine-curved pavilion was just a winding snake, as if it was showing off its teeth and claws, showing off its might.

"Lianshu." She heard someone calling her, the voice was unfamiliar and familiar, as if someone had called her name with this slightly hoarse voice a long time ago.

"who are you?"

"Me? It's the magic stick in your mouth." The man chuckled, even with a faint floral fragrance in the air.

She turned around abruptly. The man was dressed in purple, his hair was tied up high, and his eyes were picturesque.That handsome face was a little pale by the pure white snowflakes.

"Are you a teacher of the state?" She was a little uneasy, saying bad things about someone behind her back but being known by that person, she just felt embarrassed and her face burned red.

"How do you know my name?" She said awkwardly.

"Because I'm a magic stick, I know everything, know everything." There was a slight smile in his playful eyes.

"Yes, I'm sorry..." She didn't want to apologize, but she didn't know what to say.

The man chuckled, stood in the pavilion with his hands behind his back, and said softly: "No one in the court knows, He Lianshu, the treasure of the Ninth Prince?"

For a moment, she was like a tail being burned by a cat, and she felt more and more stupid that her apology seemed stupid. She said the words, and she also said the apology. Although the man's ridicule is not too much, Lianshu is venting embarrassment and anger not out.

"Why, my national teacher just praised you a few words, how could you be moved to tears?"

She gave him a hard look, stomped her foot and said, "Bastard!"

"Sanskrit." He said suddenly.


"My name, Sanskrit." He smiled at her elegantly, but his eyebrows and eyes were full of evil spirits that he couldn't stop. She was startled when he saw her, and his fingers trembled uncontrollably. She wanted to inflate her body, but she felt dizzy, and that person's smile, like the fragrance of plum blossoms, finally overwhelmed the sky and covered the earth.

"Master Fanyin." The familiar voice rescued her from the vortex, she turned to look, and Yuan Xing's unconcealed worry made her feel guilty.

"National teacher, Lianshu is not sensible, please forgive me if I offend you."

"I didn't offend him..." she said aggrievedly, in a low voice.

"Lianshu!" Yuan Xing called her name so seriously for the first time: "I should have brought you here to cause trouble!"

Sanskrit raised his eyebrows lightly, and stopped him with words: "Why is the prince so nervous, Miss Lianshu didn't offend the minister, she was just chatting."

Yuan Xing's frown did not relax at all, he stared at Sanskrit's eyes, and said in a trembling voice: "National Teacher..."

Sanskrit raised his hand to interrupt him: "My lord, the destiny...cannot be done." After speaking, he smiled faintly and left with a flick of his sleeves.

Yuan Xing covered Lianshu's shoulder tremblingly: "Let's go..."

"Yuan...Yuan Xing..." She was a little scared, and shrank, "Are you angry?"

Yuan Xing couldn't help sighing at her cautious appearance, shook her head lightly, took her into his arms, and said in a low voice, "Lianshu... Lianshu..."

He just called her name like this, as if there were a thousand words that could not be expressed in his mouth, she felt a sharp pain in her heart, her eyes were so sore that she was about to shed tears.

"Yuan Xing...I'm sorry, I will listen to you and never run around again..."

Yuan Xing rested his chin on the top of her head, gently stroked her long hair, and said softly, "Let's go, we're going home."

Wind, frost, rain and snow, the fading back is like a painting in winter, and the swaying branches make a "creak" sound, like a silent sigh.

She enjoys this peaceful life, her heart is slightly stained with peach blossom wine, she is completely drunk, and the vague uneasiness hidden in the deepest part is getting tighter and tighter...

(End of this chapter)

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