Chapter 113
Concubine?Da Da recalled the three new notches carved on the beams, and immediately understood that the female ghost was the noble concubine that the maids said.But did she really choose a most shady place to hang herself because she was unwilling to do what the mothers said?Then why are there three notches on the beam of the main hall?

Da Da looked at his own reflection in the water in a daze, this thing became more and more strange.Suddenly, Da Da seemed to think of something, and suddenly stood up from the stone, a face with a mask vaguely flashed in his mind, the national teacher!female ghost!Could it be, could it be...

With a sound of "bang", waves appeared on the surface of the water, Da Da was startled, and when she looked back, a strong stench rushed towards her face, and immediately after, her eyes darkened and she passed out.

Using the Qiankun bag to catch the howling little ghosts, Yutu quickly returned to the shore and looked around to see where there was Dada. She sniffed the blood in the air, and her heart beat fast.

"Oops!" Yutu's hands started to shake, she was at a loss in panic, oh my god, the gods are scattered, if she is caught by a monster at this time... Yutu didn't dare to think about it any more, and turned around on the spot It took several laps before I remembered to find Qin Ling.

"Xianjun! It's not good! Xianjun! Xianjun! Da Da was captured by a monster!" Yutu leaned on the beam and looked down at Qin Ling eagerly.

Qin Ling was startled, but his face remained calm, and he cupped his hands to the Queen Mother and said, "The grass people have found out the cause of the disease, and there are monsters hidden in this palace that damaged the dragon's body."

The Empress Dowager panicked and grabbed Qin Ling's arm out of composure: "What can the master do?"

"Don't panic, Queen Mother, the Caomin will get rid of the monster right away. However, there should be no one around when the Caomin performs the trick."

"This..." The Empress Dowager hesitated: "Are you practicing in this palace?"

"No, the grassroots need to determine the exact location of the monster." The queen mother was relieved. If it was in the palace, she couldn't believe whether this person would be a killer sent by the enemy. That's easy.

Yutu took Qin Ling back to the place where Answer disappeared. The water in the pool was clear and there was no trace of a monster. It seemed that it had shifted its position.

"Can you release the spirit plate?" Qin Ling asked.

"Sister Chang'e taught it, but...but I forgot..." Yutu lowered her head and looked at her toes.

Qin Ling flew up to the sky, looking down at the entire palace, and Yutu quickly followed: "Xianjun, what can you do?"

"Da Da is still a fairy even if she doesn't have a fairy spirit. Monsters can't drink her blood, but if they can find a most yin place, they can destroy Da Da's fairy roots." Qin Ling felt uneasy. His blood was slowly getting cold and made him lose his mind, but his heart was resisting this anxiety, telling him repeatedly that this was just a little fairy servant, if he really died, it would be nothing but fate, and no one could resist it.

"Xianjun, you, you must save must save her..." Yutu couldn't help choking up when she heard that the fairy root was destroyed.

Qin Ling sighed: "She is destined to have this calamity, if she can't escape, then it's luck."

Yutu stared at him angrily: "You said such things because you forgot her!" As soon as the words came out, Yutu regretted it, and she actually said it!

"Forget her? What does this mean?" Qin Ling's sharp eyes fixed on Yutu.

"It's's..." Yutu didn't know how to fool it, and after thinking for a long time, he shouted: "It doesn't matter what it means, we have to go to the most yin place to save it!"

 There will be a power outage tomorrow, so the update time should be about the same as today, two updates today
(End of this chapter)

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