Chapter 118 What do you want

It was getting late, the lights of thousands of houses were lit, and the leaves outside the door were whimpering.Qin Ling pushed open the closed door, and walked in with Da Da.This inn was found by Yutu. It is fine if it is not open for business during the day and night, but it is still closed at night.But she went in and looked, and there were not many guests coming and going inside, almost all of them were young men and women.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the proprietress sitting in front of the counter turned around numbly, with a kind and strange smile on her face.

"Miss Boss, is there a guest room?" Jade Rabbit asked.

"Yes, how many rooms do you want? Three rooms." She said to herself, and then began to fiddle with the abacus: "The total is..."

"Wait a minute, we want two rooms." Yutu interrupted her: "You are so strange, you don't even need to ask the guests' wishes, and you start to settle accounts?"

The proprietress still had that smiling face, as if wearing a smiling mask.Her eyes were empty, but exuded a different halo, which made people a little dazzled.

Da Da suddenly murmured: "Okay, just three rooms."

Yutu felt strange, and was about to ask and answer when Qin Ling stopped her, and said, "Look at her eyes."

Yutu looked at Da Da, and the originally clear eyes became like the landlady's, empty but with a strange light.

"This is soul-hunting technique, only lowly evildoers will use this kind of trick." Qin Ling said.

When Yutu heard it, his face showed annoyance: "What a presumptuous evildoer, how dare you not be afraid in front of me and you."

"This proprietress is just a puppet, so naturally she won't be afraid. The real body is on it." Qin Ling looked up to the second floor, where a curtain was placed to cover it tightly, and nothing could be seen.

"Are you going to be okay?"

"Da Da's spirit hasn't recovered, that's why she was demented. Don't worry, she is a fairy, and this kind of dementia will not harm her," Qin Ling said.If this soul-hunting technique would hurt her, Qin Ling would have done it long ago.

"Follow Da Da now, I want to see what that evildoer wants to do." Qin Ling covered up the purple aura of him and the jade rabbit, and followed Da Da step by step up the steps of the second floor like a puppet.Everyone who passed by them had a smiling expression, their bodies were straight, and their eyes were dull.

The curtain on the second floor was lifted, and a cold air hit Yutu's forehead. She frowned, and looked at Daba worriedly, wondering if she could bear it.As she was thinking, Qin Ling suddenly stretched out his hand to stamp on Da Da's back, pouring some spiritual power into her body.

Da Da opened a door and walked in. Countless red candles and white gauze were lit inside the room.

Yutu looked up and saw that the beams of the house were so high that it was so dark that there was no end to it. It was covered with wind chimes, but the room was so quiet that the sound of needles falling could be heard.

Inside the house was a platform raised above ground level, on which was placed a bronze-colored basin, which still contained half a basin of blood.A sharp dagger was placed beside the basin, glowing coldly under the candlelight.

"Answer!" Yutu was a little worried, and Qin Ling shook his head at her: "I will protect her."

Yutu stopped talking, her brows were still furrowed, she watched Da Da slowly knelt down on the futon in front of the high platform, as pious as a mortal worshiping a god, with her palms together.

"What do you want?" A weird voice came from high above the sky, and the voice was as harsh as if a fingernail was scratched on the glass, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Qin Ling opened his eyes slightly, and couldn't help but breathe lightly. He wanted to know the answer, what exactly... did she want.

 There are two more chapters coming later.

(End of this chapter)

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