Chapter 121 Oblivion
At dawn, the air was thick with a thin layer of mist, and dew dripped from the delicate new leaves on the side of the road.When the answer came out, Qin Ling was standing under the tree with his hands behind his back. He raised his handsome face slightly, and the dewdrops fell on his palms.

"You're awake." Qin Ling didn't look back.

Da Da walked to his side, Qin Ling stroked her long hair affectionately, and said softly, "Where is Jade Rabbit?"

Da Da turned around and looked up at the roof: "Tutu misses the Immortal Zhenxu."

"How did you know?"

She shook her head: "I guess, I can feel it."

"Tutu." Da Da called her: "Are you coming down? We are leaving."

Yutu quickly stood up, wiped away her tears secretly, turned around and replied with a sweet smile: "I'll come right away."

As soon as the words fell, the sound of gongs and drums came from a distance.Yutu stabilized her body and looked down from above, and exclaimed: "Ah, are you going to get married?"

Qin Lingfei went forward and saw that it was an army entering the city. He said, "This is not a marriage, this is soldiers and generals who have returned from a victorious battle." He closed his eyes and counted, and saw the man's tragic death three days later. Qin Ling was taken aback, and said in a low voice, "His fate has passed, and he should have been rich and powerful for the rest of his life. How could he suddenly die tragically?"

"Maybe it's because of Yin Bing, so his fate has been changed. Shall we go and see?" Yutu suggested.Although people have their own destiny, gods shouldn't intervene, but if it's because of Yin soldiers, they have to take care of it.

The snow-white horse has strong limbs and is proudly striding forward to accept the admiration of the common people. The man on the horseback is low-key and gentle, with a simple and honest smile on his face, but a tall and straight figure. There is a little halo under the sun.

Finally, he returned to his hometown in good clothes. After four years of anti-Japanese war in the frontier, he finally came back!
He got off his horse neatly, and walked to the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion nervously.

The prime minister, who was over half a century old, stroked his gray beard, and closed his eyes as if showing disdain: "Since you are back, why don't you come to my prime minister's mansion without visiting your mother first?"

With a "plop", both knees landed on the ground.A man has gold under his knees, but he is willing to abandon this dignity for the one he loves.He clasped his fists in both hands, and said in a loud voice: "The lower official, Meng Chuzheng, has seen the Prime Minister, and the lower official came here only to fulfill his promise to the Prime Minister and Miss."

"What are you in a hurry for? The old man also said that if Wan Ning still likes you, the old man will naturally keep his promise."

Qin Ling said, "Then Meng Chuzheng's visit may have been in vain."

"Why?" The answer was puzzled.

"The fate between him and that lady has been broken long ago." Qin Ling said, looking at the peach tree in the yard, the peach blossoms all over the branches exuded a faint fragrance.Under the tree, there was a woman sitting at the side, pouring tea and drinking, and everything outside the door seemed to have nothing to do with her.

"She's so beautiful." Da Da couldn't help sighing, "It's just too deserted."

Qin Ling shook her head: "This is not her original appearance."

"What?" Yutu also widened her eyes.

"There should be a birthmark on her face." Qin Ling's sharp eyes were fixed on the young lady's every move, and she couldn't smell anything wrong, but she obviously shouldn't be here, and her fate is three years old. It was discontinued years ago.

"Is she a ghost soldier?"

"I'm not sure yet. Her breath was suppressed by something." Da Da looked worriedly at the expectant general, and said in a low voice, "He is so pitiful. After four years of hard work, the young lady doesn't recognize him."

Qin Ling turned to look at her, her slightly trembling eyelashes were pitiful.He suddenly wanted to ask her, have you ever been so full of expectations, only to be disappointed in the end?

 There is one more chapter coming later~ ok~ Am I very hardworking~ Praise me for my little madman~
(End of this chapter)

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