Chapter 130
Qin Ling found the depressed Da Da behind the rocks on the coast. She was drawing circles on the sand with her feet drooping her ears.

"Answer." He called out.

Da Da raised his head to look at him, then lowered his head without speaking.Qin Ling asked her, "Have the dragon girls bullied you?"

She nodded, still not looking at Qin Ling.

Qin Ling asked again, "Why didn't you tell me when you came ashore by yourself?"

Da Da raised his head and looked at him with tears in his eyes: "They don't like me and say I'm a demon. Demons shouldn't be with humans and gods, right? I should be with fairies."

Qin Ling was so distressed that he kissed her on the cheek: "You should be with me, not a fairy, not a god or a mortal, just me."

Da Da hugged his waist tightly, gritted his teeth and said loudly: "I will work hard to become a god, and I will never be ridiculed by those dragon girls again!"

The days flew by, and year after year, she had been lazy about her cultivation, but since then she has never been lazy, and she practiced hard with a sigh of relief in her heart, allowing her to usher in heaven in the shortest possible time. robbery.

Qin Ling used the golden bell cover to protect her, but he was still worried. He repeatedly told Da Da to be careful, but Da Da told him firmly, "Don't worry, I will definitely become a fairy. Go to Beihai and tell those dragon girls that even a goblin can become a fairy after a catastrophe!"

Qin Ling thought she had forgotten about it a long time ago, and the world had passed for hundreds of springs and summers, but at this moment he realized that he had to be so stubborn, and could hold his breath for such a long time.

The catastrophe is a catastrophe that every goblin must go through, without exception.Some practiced for thousands of years and ushered in the catastrophe, but disappeared in an instant. Some succeeded in flying into the sky and became a member of the Jiuzhongtian, guarding a side of water and soil, or being a kitchen god.

Answer: On the day of crossing the catastrophe, the sky was clear and the thunder was beyond Lei Gong's control. He could only watch Qin Ling's little Banxia cross the catastrophe with Mother Dian and a group of gods in the sky.No goblin Dujie can make such a sensation like her, almost half of the gods of the Nine Heavens have been mobilized, helping everyone who can.

The first thunder came crashing down, and all the gods who joined in the fun raised their hearts, and after the white light passed, they finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Ban Xia was hiding at the foot of the mountain curled up.The first thunder that fell in a daze passed away like this.

When the second thunder fell, she was running forward desperately, trying to avoid it, but the thunder still struck her mercilessly that day, and her thin body drew an arc in the air, and then It fell hard.That blow really hit Qin Ling's heart, and his whole body couldn't help shaking.

Fortunately, there was a golden bell on her body. Although the lightning struck her, it only destroyed the golden bell.

When the last thunder fell, Dongli and Chang'e, a group of gods, sneaked out to help Qin Ling repair the golden bell, and once again helped her through the difficulty.

When Da Da rushed over excitedly, Qin Ling felt numb in his hands and feet, and his back was soaked through his body that hadn't sweated for tens of thousands of years.

Da Da's bright eyes were bent into a slit, and he shouted excitedly: "I am a fairy, I am a fairy!"

After a while, she seemed to calm down suddenly, and then she realized that something was wrong with Qin Ling, and asked anxiously, "Xianjun, what's wrong with you? Aren't you happy for me?"

Qin Ling shook his head, held her in his arms and tremblingly said, "I'm very happy..." He was just afraid that if he couldn't get through this catastrophe, the sky would fall apart.He couldn't help holding Da Da's face in his hands, and kissed it hard.

Answer, my little pinellia, thank you for being safe and sound.

 Finish today, continue tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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