Chief Adorable Immortal: Lord Xianjun's little monster

Chapter 132 Don't You Want To Ask Me?

Chapter 132 Don't You Want To Ask Me?
Time passed and when she came back here, the strong smell of blood in the air had long since dissipated, but she still felt that she was in a sea of ​​blood, which made her dare not close her eyes.

Finally, the door opened.

The person she was waiting for came.

In the quiet palace, there were only slight footsteps, and his soft-soled boots stepped gently on the woolen carpet.The curtains were raised, and the maids retreated silently.He was undressed, lying side by side with Nishang.

After a long time, so long that Nishang thought he had fallen asleep, he heard him say, "Don't you want to ask me?"

ask?She wanted to ask too many questions, but she didn't know where to start.

Many years ago, she also said: "Don't you want to ask me?" When she said this at an immature age, there was a bit of expectation and anxiety mixed in.

He was very calm, he just helped her pin her untied hair behind her ears, and said indifferently: "In this palace, who can run amok, except for the third princess today.

She was dumbfounded, and then said after a long while: "So you know who I am." At that time, she was so dazed by admiration for him, she used all the praise words in the world on him without hesitation, such as being neither humble nor humble. Hey, for example, he is talented, or he is romantic and suave.

Now that the roles are reversed, she can't take it lightly like him, pretending not to care and say: "Since you have come this far, what do I have to ask?"

In fact, since the accident, she has been thinking about it for a lot of time. If she sees this person again, she must be as heroic as the elder sister, die as well as the younger brother, and be as proud as the grandma.But she didn't, she didn't die, so she can't be called heroic, she really wanted to cry, she couldn't even die.She didn't know how to call death a worthy death, so she killed him?No, it is impossible for her, and she will never be able to sit dignifiedly in her position like Grandma Huang, without bending her waist until she died.

"Go to sleep. When you fall asleep, you won't think about anything." He pulled her sideways into his arms, and kept kissing her cheeks so gently.

"Is this the last night?" she asked finally.

"What?" Bian Yu frowned.

"Tomorrow, are you going to kill me? Why bother, let me jump into the river, maybe I can be a fish in the next life."

He pinched her jaw and forced her to raise her head to look at herself. He seemed to find this question a bit ridiculous. The corners of his pretty lips were slightly pursed: "Why? Why did I kill you? Why did I kill myself..."

She closed her eyes, and wanted to turn around to avoid looking at him, but those warm fingers held her tightly: "Nishang, Nishang..." He endured and endured, as if he had run out of words.In the past, he was so eloquent, he was an upright person, never afraid to say too much or make mistakes, he always taught her: "Girls should always be dignified and stable." But she didn't think so, and asked him: "What does it mean to be dignified and stable? I am a princess, who can restrain me."

Maybe retribution... really came...

The bean-sized wick was locked in a cover, looking down from a high position, like a jumping butterfly, Da Da only thought that Bian Yu was hateful, and also felt that he was pitiful, but how pitiful, she couldn't tell, she could only struggle He firmly grasped the corner of Qin Ling's clothes.

Qin Ling seemed to understand what she meant, kissed her on the cheek, and said, "Bian Yu is a smart man."

Answering shook his head: "I don't understand."

Qin Ling smiled: "You don't need to understand."

 There is one more chapter, thank you for your concern, because of the change of seasons, it is easier to catch a cold, just rest and rest, everyone should pay attention to your body.

(End of this chapter)

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