Chapter 142
With a loud "bang", the heaven and the earth formed a huge net, Qin Ling's robe was whimpered by the flowing fairy, Kai smiled lightly, and turned into a black and purple barrier in front of him, if Before he met that person, he was still afraid and wary of Qin Ling's Heaven and Earth Knot. In the battle ten thousand years ago, he almost died in Qin Ling's Heaven and Earth Knot, but now, heh...

Qin Ling moved his hands so quickly that he could hardly see his movements clearly. He could only see that the huge net was getting denser and denser, and there was a golden light in the middle of each intertwined knot. The faeries were shattered.

The evil nail on his chest hummed, blood seeped into his black robe, and the wound that would never heal was torn open again, but he didn't feel the pain at a loss.

Kai Mian's originally calm eyes suddenly enlarged after seeing the golden enchantment, and suddenly there was an ominous premonition in his heart. He flashed sharply and wanted to escape, but the ground knot suddenly tightened, and the sky-shattering lightning struck He strikes.Wei's face was horrified, and he looked at Tiandijie in disbelief. He had seen the power of Tiandijie before, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful. This huge fairy spirit belonged to Qin Ling's body. He wanted to be with him. perish together!
Kui Mian yelled, "Qin Ling, are you crazy!"

Qin Ling remained silent. His deep black eyes were like pools of stagnant water. That body supported a soul that was about to explode, and his heart was already torn apart.He thought that he just loved her...

Love is nothing more than a small thing to a god. He has thousands of years to forget it, but he doesn't know why, when he sees those painful eyes and bloody lips, he just feels the pain in front of him. Hei, the despair in his heart was about to overwhelm him.

destroy!Even if this world is destroyed, he must be killed at all costs!

There is only one thought in his heart, it is empty, there is no room for anything anymore!

"Bang!" The sky-shattering sound instantly turned Kai's face into a ball of ashes, and a wisp of black smoke escaped, gradually forming a human shape.The end of heaven and earth can't destroy Kai Mian, but it's enough to hurt him a lot.Qin Ling raised the corners of his mouth and smiled coldly, like a flower blooming in the last days.

"You can't kill me." Kai's lips were pale, he was covering his right hand, his whole body was trembling, but he still looked at Qin Ling fiercely, showing off proudly.

Qin Ling lowered his eyes, and slowly stretched out his right hand. He grasped the evil nail on his chest, and slowly pulled it out.That evil was nailed to his heart, in his fairy root, in his bone marrow, and he tore it hard, and the severe pain made him raise his head and let out a long cry, in pain and sorrow.

Going against the sky, pulling out the evil nails by oneself is thousands of times more painful than driving in the evil nails, and every bone in the whole body will break.But he didn't want this evil nail to hinder him, if there was no evil nail, the heaven and earth knot could truly exert its power.

He wants to face death!
Make the murderer who killed Da Da pay the price!

Da Da who came halfway suddenly heard the long cry of pain, and her trembling hands almost pinched into Yutu's skin. She dared not admit it and asked Yutu: "Is it the fairy?"

Jade Rabbit panicked and was at a loss, but she still knew how to calm down and replied: "Don't be afraid, Xianjun will be fine!"

"I'm going to find him!" Da Da burst into tears, his liver and gallbladder split.She had never heard such a miserable cry from Qin Ling, it was as if she heard her own bones bursting out of the flesh one by one.

Speeding up, Yutu held her hand tightly and hurried towards Qin Ling.

(End of this chapter)

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