Chapter 144 Gods and Fairies

When she was first in human form, Da Da was not that close to him, but she was already familiar with having this person by her side because of her company day and night.

Although Qin Ling didn't say anything at that time, he was very depressed in his heart. The pinellia he raised was not close to him, but loved to be with those mortals.He took her around to practice, and she was attached to every place she lived and the people there.

One night, thunder and lightning flashed, dark clouds covered it, and the snake in the bamboo forest flew into the sky.He was woken up and looked out of the window. She stood motionless by the window and watched the green snake try to fly upwards, and the thunder and lightning struck it mercilessly.

Just as Qin Ling was about to open his mouth to shout, he saw her push open the door and quickly run out, squatting beside the dying green snake and wiping tears.

He asked and answered: "Why are you crying?"

The answer said: "A month ago, it led the way for a passing scholar, and the scholar held a fire stick and tried to burn it to death. But the next day, the farmer who went up the mountain to cut firewood fell into the ditch and couldn't climb up. It was still there." Dragging its injured tail to save him. Why is it so kind, but can't fly into the sky? Is it really that good to be a fairy?" She asked, looking at him with wet eyes, and continued to ask seriously: "Are you happy?"

Seeing her petal-like cheeks drenched with tears, Qin Ling felt pain in her heart.

When she buried the green snake's body behind the wooden house, Qin Ling endured it and did not tell her that being a fairy is not so happy.So many responsibilities, so many restraints, an empty palace, swallowed all joy, anger, sorrow and joy.He didn't dare to say it, he was afraid that she would leave him if she understood, and he didn't want Xiuxian to go to Jiuchongtian to accompany him.

When the snow was all over, a snowy grass grew in front of Green Snake's grave, tender green in color, hidden in the snow with only a sharp corner sticking out.Answer every morning when she woke up, she would go to see it. Qin Ling went back to Jiuchongtian due to something, leaving her alone to guard the snow primrose.

It was spring again, and moss grew on the corners of the wooden house. Qin Ling finally kept his promise and came back.At that moment, she suddenly cried sadly, hugged Qin Ling and said, "I don't want to fly to the sky, but I want to be with you."

Qin Ling's face turned pale, and his fingers trembled. He turned away from her indifferently, and said sharply, "Are you serious?"

Da Da didn't dare to make a sound, and it took a long time before he said: "If the green snake is dead, will it die too?"

"No, I will protect you." Qin Ling held her hand on her waist reassuringly, but Da Da took it back, buried her head low, and said after a long time: "Jiu Chongtian , I don't like it... Xianjun, you don't like it either!"

Qin Ling's heart was shocked. He knew how smart this little pinellia was. She understood him and everything.

"You stay here, the land god will take good care of you for my sake." Qin Ling said in a low voice, "You don't want to be a god... Our fate is over..."

She was in pain, looked at him in disbelief, and asked tremblingly, "Aren't you coming back?"

Qin Ling turned around to face her, and told her resolutely, "Gods and demons cannot be together. If you don't fly to the sky, we will never see each other again."

She kept silent, begging to watch him cry, her petal-like face was pale and pale, and her trembling lips were so pitiful.

He couldn't bear it, his heart ached and he was afraid, he held her tightly in his arms and said in a low voice, "Da da,'s not so bad to be a god..."

She longed for his embrace, warm and firm.It was very difficult before he nodded: "I want to be with you... Xianjun, you must not lose me."

(End of this chapter)

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