Chapter 146 I'm Back
The powerful fairy spirit made Qin Ling heal from his injuries overnight, and Da Da slept peacefully on his chest.Seeing that Qin Ling had recovered from his injuries, Yutu quickly jumped to his side and whispered, "We have to go back and find that Nishang."

Qin Ling nodded, leaned over and kissed Da Da.

She rubbed her eyes, before she opened them, she murmured: "Xianjun, you are back." She fell asleep and couldn't wake up from the dream.

She went back to the past, basking in the sun in Baishan Lake, the water plants stretched out their heads and chirped with her, and the lotus sat on the lotus leaf and played with the little fox.With a flash of sunlight in the sky, the little fox raised her head and screamed. She quickly jumped up from the shore and waved her hands excitedly: "Xianjun! You are back!"

Opening her eyes, she saw that familiar face. She was in a daze for a moment, not knowing where she was.

Qin Ling smiled lightly, feeling a little sour in his heart, "I'm back." He said.

Da Da suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "It's dawn."

In just a few days, the demonic aura in the palace became even thicker. The maids and eunuchs all dared not show their air, and walked back and forth cautiously with their heads down.

Bright yellow curtains are hung on the sorghum, and green smoke slowly rises from the incense burner.

"Your Majesty...Princess Nishang is pregnant." The imperial physician knelt aside in embarrassment. Nishang has no title, so if she is pregnant with a dragon heir, it would be unfair to her name, not to mention that she is still the princess of the previous dynasty.

Bian Yu looked at Nishang with dark eyes, and asked softly, "How about being my queen?"

"I wish for it." She smiled with a little innocent charm.But her heart is obviously resisting, but she can't control it!Recently, this feeling has become more and more intense. She has a hunch that her body will soon be occupied by another soul!
"I've been feeling dizzy and light-headed recently. Doctors Xu and Wang both came to treat the wheat, but there was nothing unusual. Since you're here today, let's take a look again." It was he who first discovered Bian Yu's body was abnormal. Bian Yu came out of Nishang's palace in the morning, his face was rosy, and he looked for the imperial doctor several times, but there was nothing wrong.

"The emperor's body is not only free of disease, but also very healthy, with a strong pulse, not like a person with physical illness." The imperial doctor said according to the pulse condition, but he felt something strange in his heart, and looked at Bian Yu's complexion, there was a faint blackness under his eyes. Green, the corners of the stern mouth are slightly pursed, and there are two faint black circles in the corner socket.

Sitting on the beam, Da Da raised his head to look at Qin Ling who was standing beside him, and asked, "Did he be sucked by that Heng Cha?"

Qin Ling shook his head: "Hengge is different from a goblin, she doesn't directly absorb the vitality of people, but pours her own spirit into the body of the prey, raises it slowly, and then swallows it in one gulp when the time is right, the vitality obtained in this way will be more abundant."

Yutu shook his head: "This Heng Che is really extraordinary, frighteningly clever."

"Then how can we stop it?" Da Da looked at the neon clothes on the edge of the bed, and couldn't help saying, "She has a child..." She thought of her little Xing'an, and she didn't know how she was in the underworld.Da Da bit his lower lip, looked at Qin Ling's profile and sighed inwardly.She hasn't told Qin Ling about Xing'an yet, she will tell him after all the Yin soldiers are eliminated, Da Da thought so.

"Since that Heng He is cunning, we won't force her to show up again." Qin Ling's sharp eyes swept towards Bian Yu's jade pendant, which was another keepsake besides the jade seal passed down by the emperors.

(End of this chapter)

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