Chapter 149 Unwillingness to Admit
She was so sad that she sat on the bluestone board outside Bian Yu's gate and cried for a long time. Bian Yu's personal attendants came to see her several times, but they all went in without daring to make a sound.She knew that Bian Yu was inside, but he didn't open the door, and Bian Yu knew that she was outside, but she didn't have the courage to come in.Only the green sycamore branches stretched out from the yard in front of her, as if comforting her tears.

Bi Luo didn't dare to persuade her, so she could only watch her suffer.

At sunset, the bright yellow robe finally appeared in front of her. The emperor knelt down and hugged her precious daughter into his arms: "Neon clothes..." He was not a wise king, cowardly and incompetent. I don't know what to do.

Nishang looked at him with tears in his eyes, and asked him: "Father, is it really necessary for Nishang?"

He nodded and said sadly, "It can only be you."

Nishang stood up, bowed to him slowly, and left in a daze.

Across that wall, every step she took was followed closely inside the wall. His fist hammered hard at the end of the wall, his eyes were bloodshot, and his throat seemed to be stuck. The stone made him speechless in pain.

Fu country used to be in a glorious and prosperous age, if it wasn't for that stupid king, how could it have ended up in such a state!He clenched his fists tightly, thinking of the hometown he hadn't returned to for seven years, he hated him even more.

Qin Ling is like a bystander, watching the joys and sorrows of these two people, watching the fortress in Bian Yu's heart gradually crumble, and he seems to have fallen into a devil's way. Qiu Guo broke into Fu Guo's palace, which had long since lost its popularity.

When he got to the top, Qin Ling finally appeared, and he asked, "Isn't it painful to dream the same dream every day?"

Bian Yu looked at him in astonishment, raised his sword and pointed it at his throat. In an instant, the fighting battlefield and the burning smoke disappeared, and the sky and the earth were all gray.Suddenly, he couldn't tell where it was.

"Who are you?" He looked at Qin Ling warily.

"It doesn't matter who I am, I just want to ask you if you really want to kill Nishang." Qin Ling said calmly.

Bian Yu seemed to be irritated, his dark eyes gleamed coldly, and said: "What do you mean by that, why would I want to kill Nishang?"

Qin Ling chuckled, "Then you have to ask yourself why you deceive yourself like this."

Bian Yu was taken aback, lowered his eyes, and murmured in a low voice: "Deceive"

He was at a loss, looked around the non-stop spinning, only felt a splitting headache: "Where is this!"

"In a dream?" Bian Yu was stunned, those days after he ascended the throne flooded into his mind one after another, he tremblingly said: "Yes... this is a dream... this is my dream..."

He shook his head in pain: "I don't want Nishang to die!"

Qin Ling sighed: "Since you don't want her to die, why do you know that something is wrong with her but refuse to admit it?"

He fell to his knees in despair, his eyes full of despair.

Why...why wouldn't you admit it?Bian Yu smiled wryly, and said: "But she is willing to stay by my side! As long as she is still by my side..."

"You know it's not neon clothes." Qin Ling ruthlessly broke the secret in his heart: "If it's just that skin, isn't your love too superficial?"

Bian Yu raised his eyes and looked at him disdainfully: "What do you know? How can you understand my pain!" He regretted it a long time ago, but he couldn't go back... After winning the world, Nishang no longer wanted to go back. Looking at him one more time, the torment in his heart, the unspeakable despair is going to drive him crazy!
 It’s a bit late today, but fortunately it’s before twelve o’clock, hoo~ I have to go to the mountain tomorrow to burn the Qingming so I can go to bed early, good night everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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