Chief Adorable Immortal: Lord Xianjun's little monster

Chapter 151 It turns out that love is vigorous

Chapter 151 It turns out that love is vigorous
Hands can't help but caress the lower abdomen, there is a new life there.

Tears flowed silently, and she slowly turned her face to the side, looking at the figure with her back on the edge of the bed, so lonely.

How long will we continue to hurt each other?She smiled wryly... Those bloody faces seemed to fade from her mind at this moment.

From the bottom of her heart, she apologized to those relatives she once loved, and looked at the back that was about to collapse and suppressed her tearful eyes.

Let us... Let's do it again... In this spring that is about to germinate, let's get to know each other again.

"Are you all right? Is there any other discomfort?" He didn't dare to let her see those desperate, tearful eyes, and asked with his back to her.

"Who are you?" The voice from behind was ignorant and cautious.

The back was shocked, and the muscles all over his body were tense. He quickly turned around and pinched her shoulders, and asked in a trembling voice, "What did you say?"

Nishang shrank back into the bed, she seemed to be frightened by Bian Yu's appearance, slowly lowered her head, and whispered: "Who are you... I... and who am I? I can't remember anything ..." Her face was buried in the blind spot of the moonlight, and she couldn't see her expression clearly.

Bian Yu couldn't help crying, he hugged Nishang, he was so excited that he couldn't speak, his pale lips trembled for a long time before he could say: "I... let's start again..." Nishang, let's forget the past Come on!Let's start over!
The sun is rising, and everything seems to be calm again.The three of Qin Ling stood on the clouds, looked at Bian Yu holding Nishang's hand, and said loudly to the servant who came in to serve: "This is my queen." The servant was taken aback, and immediately turned around, smiling .

"It's great that Nishang is safe and sound." Da Da, who was lying on Qin Ling's lap, straightened up, held his cheek with her hands, and pressed her small face to Qin Ling's cheek affectionately, saying happily: " Xianjun is really powerful."

Qin Ling smiled softly, put his arms around her waist to prevent her from falling from the tree, and said, "No, the soul of Nishang has already been swallowed by that Heng Che, and I couldn't do it without the help of the heavenly official."

"Tianguan?" Jade Rabbit squatted aside, wagging its tail.

Da Da followed Qin Ling's gaze, and on the cloud stood a female fairy in fiery red clothes, with a sword behind her back, and her expression was indifferent.

"The heavenly official of Tianjun City is a fairy?" Da Da looked at her in disbelief.

Qin Ling covered her eyes and warned, "It's impolite."

Da Da looked away embarrassedly, leaned against Qin Ling's arms and thought for a long time, then said after a long silence: "That day, the official... so she likes Bian Yu..."

As if hearing this sentence, the heavenly official glanced at Da Da coldly, his slightly frowned eyebrows made her look unattainable, and she only heard her whisper: "The Yin soldiers fell into the mortal world, and Immortal Qin Ling has neglected his duties." .”

Qin Ling put his hands behind his back and smiled lightly: "After everything is over, you will be punished."

Upon hearing the word "punishment", Da Da pinched the corner of his clothes nervously, Qin Ling smiled at her comfortingly, and said in a low voice, "Don't be afraid."

Yutu pursed her lips in dissatisfaction, looked at the cold god, and whispered: "It's really annoying, no wonder Bian Yu doesn't like her."

Qin Ling shook his head and signaled Yutu to stop talking. Looking up, the official had already gone away, leaving only the bleak figure behind, so emaciated that it made people feel sad.

1000 years ago, she made a bet with him because she dared not speak out, fearing that the romantic god would refuse.But later, he fell in love with a mortal, which made her miserable.

She gave him two choices, either get rid of the celestial root, and wait for a thousand years on the Naihe bridge, and she will help him carve that person's name with her own hands.Or...stay in Jiuchongtian and marry her, and then you can become a heavenly official in Tianjun City.She will send that girl to a good family, and she will never suffer for life after life.

After tens of thousands of years of companionship, she thought he would choose the second one. She is an unattainable heavenly official. She has put down her status and asked him to marry her. What else can she ask for?
But she...was really wrong...

It turns out that love is so vigorous...

 Finish today, continue tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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