Chapter 153 I will be by your side
Qin Ling kissed her on the cheek reassuringly, and said softly, "It's okay, I won't blame you if you say it, what else is unacceptable? Answer, there is no need for secrets between us.

He replied "Hey", and his eyes were a little red.She remembered a lot of things. Because of her stubbornness, she hurt Qin Ling, secretly went down to earth behind his back, and even released her face. All these things were caused by her.

"I... my previous life was called He Lianshu. I was originally an orphan. I was beaten out by the owner of the inn for stealing food. It was Yuan Xing who saved me. But later, I fell in love with the imperial teacher of the dynasty. I thought we would be together for the rest of my life, but unfortunately we didn't, he suddenly changed, and it became so scary... I jumped off the Soul-breaking Cliff for him.

The person who jumped into the Broken Soul Cliff has no afterlife, I was so stupid at that time... It was Yuan Xing, it was Yuan Xing who saved me, he was going to fly into the sky and become an immortal, but he gave me his immortal root to protect my soul Therefore, no matter how many times he reincarnates, he will never live to be 30 years old, and his fate will always be miserable. "Thinking of this, Da Da couldn't help but shed tears: "I owe him too much, every day when I open my eyes, I feel a thorn stuck there. "

"Then you collected 98 souls in order to save him, but the last soul you took in was Yuan Xing, and then released Kaimian." Qin Ling sensed something was wrong at that time, it was like a game, And answer is the most important piece inside.

"Well, I don't know what's wrong, but I did a lot of things wrong..." She choked up, and looked at Qin Ling with red eyes from crying, "If I drink Mengpo soup, I will It won't be like this anymore... If I forget everything and become a pinellia that doesn't know anything, how good it would be..."

Qin Ling kissed her eyes that were red from crying, and said softly, "What should happen can never escape. No matter how it started, the result will never change. Da Da, you didn't do anything wrong."

"Xianjun... I have a feeling that the female ghost must be related to my previous life. She knows her name is He Lianshu. She hates me, but I don't know why she hates me." Da Da hugged him and sighed silently : "My heart is really chaotic, the past life and this life are constantly intertwined and entangled."

Qin Ling held her face and asked her to look at him. Qin Ling said slowly, "He Lianshu has disappeared, you are Banxia Dada. Be good, don't think about it, I have everything."

Daba nodded obediently, and finally smiled through tears. He hugged Qin Ling tightly, and whispered in his ear: "Fortunately, I have you... Xianjun... I really love you, without you, I am very happy." Sad, but fortunately you have come back."

"I'm sorry, I came back too late and caused you to suffer so much." Qin Ling's heart still hurts like that, and every time he mentions this, he feels pain in his heart.

Once, the little prince of the Fenghuang family injured his little Banxia, ​​and Da Da complained to him for being wronged.But now, she has suffered so much, but she won't mention it in front of him.



"If you have been wronged, you must tell me, okay?" Qin Ling stroked her back with heartache, Da Da couldn't see his sad expression, so he just nodded: "When you come back, no one will dare to bully you." me."

Qin Ling smiled, but the bottom of his heart was so bitter: "I will protect you, I will protect you as before, Da Da, don't be sad, don't get hurt, you have to be good..."

Da Da noticed Qin Ling's discomfort, straightened up and kissed his cool lips: "Xian Jun, are you crying?"

 Finish today, continue tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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