Chapter 167 Clues
"Xiao Da Da, we meet again." Kai's evil smile was cold, and his deep eyes swept towards Qin Ling: "Qin Ling's heaven and earth knot is nothing more than that."

Qin Ling said coldly: "The Demon Lord is only able to show off his quick tongue."

"Hmph." Kai put down the car curtain and said arrogantly, "Let my new pet play with you."

pet?Da Da frowned, looked at the gradually clear figure in the cloud, and blurted out: "Dan Yin!"

Shan Yin looked gloomy, and swept her with his eyes.

"Why are you with Kai Mian?" Yutu hates this female ghost very much. She hurt Dada last time, so Yutu couldn't help but jumped out: "This time, I, Yutu, will definitely not let you go." !"

"Hmph." Shan Yin snorted coldly, but with a wave of his arm, Yutu lost his balance and fell to the ground.

This surprised both Dongli and Qin Ling.Jade Rabbit was different from Little Tail, and her cultivation level was not shallow, but that Dan Yin just cast her on the ground with a little bit of mana.

"Does Xianjun Qin Ling feel that something is wrong?" Dong Li asked.

"It's not just Shan Yin, the last time I fought against Kai, I noticed a change in his mana." Qin Ling said, looking up at Shan Yin.Her soul has already belonged to the demon clan, and the human part has been completely melted, and the black totem between her eyebrows shows that she has accepted the baptism.

Seeing that she couldn't beat her, Yutu didn't bark any more. She was always so knowledgeable that she would run away if she couldn't beat her, and she didn't care about her face.She hid behind Qin Ling and complained to Qin Ling: "The female ghost hurt Da Da, Da Da lost a lot of blood."

Qin Ling signaled her to stay calm, exchanged glances with Dong Li, and the two suddenly shot one after the other, trapping Shan Yin so that she could not move.

"Now!" Qin Ling said.

Dongli immediately made a move, pressing his index finger between Shan Yin's eyebrows to force out the yuan on her body.Seeing the golden light, Dongli quickly let go of his hand.

There was a cold light in Qin Ling's eyes, and his wrists danced quickly, and those sword-like lights and shadows rushed towards Shan Yin.Since Da Da was hurt, he will make her disappear!
"Stop!" Dong Li suddenly blocked those attacks with a wave of his arm.

"Wait a minute, don't kill her yet." Dongli trapped her with a barrier, flew to Qin Ling and whispered, "The Yuan in her body comes from the Nine Heavens."

Qin Ling was startled, and pondered for a while, as if a light flashed in his mind, causing him to grasp something: "Kai Mian did it on purpose, he wanted to cross the river and destroy the bridge."

"It seems that there is a fairy family in Jiuchongtian who secretly planned Chen Cang with him, but it's a pity that Kai Mian is not a person worthy of cooperation. He wants us to find out and help him get rid of this collaborator." Dong Li immediately guessed what Kai Mian was thinking.

The role of Shan Yin is nothing more than that, and it was thrown out by Kai Mian so mercilessly as an introduction.She was trapped in the barrier and couldn't move, and she couldn't hear what Dong Li and Qin Ling were saying.

Even though she had accepted the magic power given to her by "that one", she was not a match for Qin Ling. She was prepared to be wiped out this time when she came here.

"Who demonized you?" Qin Ling asked forcefully, and then tightened the barrier.

"Didn't you already guess it?" Shan Yin smiled disdainfully, and raised the corners of his mouth: "My role has been completed."

Da Da hurriedly asked, "Aren't you waiting for someone?" When they met for the first time, she told Da Da that she was waiting for someone, someone she wanted to meet but was afraid to meet.

"I've already seen it. The person I'm waiting for is Kai Mian." When mentioning Kai Mian, she laughed as if possessed.

With a "bang", Shan Yin's body was torn apart and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

 Finish today, continue tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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