Chapter 196 The Last Battle ([-])

With a "bang", the sound of the heaven and earth knot shook the world, and there was a white light everywhere, which disappeared after a long time.

Let's end it... Hurry up and end this chaotic world!

Destruction!Do it all over again!
There were wailing sounds everywhere, without the support of the face, the Yin soldiers were routed, and the exposed skeletons began to collapse and scatter, and the body seemed to be melted into rotten soil, and finally turned into a cloud of miasma.

Dongli controlled the Zhuanzhu to purify the Nine Heavens, and finally those floating clouds stopped running around.But soon, those flowing clouds began to float uneasy again, making mournful sounds.

The Jade Emperor's heart shrank, and he stretched out his hand to help Dongli.

"Nine days?" Dongli frowned.

The Jade Emperor nodded slightly, his indifferent eyes finally turned into waves.He peeked at that person's face in the Kunlun mirror, but only saw a vast expanse of whiteness. He knew that Jiu Tian hated him, so he refused to even let him take a look, she was so stubborn.On the day Jiutian was born, Immortal Fuli took him to bring Jiutian back. Jiutian hugged the first tree that fell after she was born and refused to let go. He went up to hold her hand, but she bit her hard. , those eyes are as stubborn and sharp as a little leopard.

"She's here..." With a whisper, the Jade Emperor flew forward and stood at the entrance of the main hall.

The original pair of purple pupils flashed, and then turned into dark green. She has a pair of beautiful eyes, which can change color when she is emotional, dazzling like colored glaze, making people unable to move their eyes away.

Yun Shu!Dongli was taken aback, the Nine Heavens Xuannv was actually a fairy attendant of Yunjianfang!

Qin Ling looked at the strange Yun Shu in a dark and complicated way, trying to find Da Da's shadow from her, but unfortunately, there was nothing. The little fairy named Banxia Da Da had disappeared...and could never come back again...

"Jiutian, why are you bothering?" Jade Emperor sighed, as if he had watched her fight with Xingtian many years ago, so helpless.

"I'm not doing it for anything, and of course I can't do it for you." Yun Shu's face began to crack, splitting into fine lines like cracked clay, and then fell apart with a "bang", peeling off from her body.

The Jade Emperor was in a trance for a while, seeing her appearance as if he had returned to the past, time and space changed, and the quicksand of time turned back.

"Third prince, you once said that Jiuchongtian time flies, I thought you were at a loss for a while, but you didn't want to be my turn for the last sentence. What's so good about this Jiuchongtian? It will never be born or die, day after day, year after year. Year after year, it's really scary..." She chuckled lightly, stroking her black temples, on which was inserted a leaf-shaped hosta, her face was like a silver plate, and her eyes were like autumn water.

The petal-like skirt spread far and wide, and she was wearing a tulle of the same color. It was originally a noble dress, but she dressed it in a pretty and charming way.

She said it was not for him, but Jade Emperor didn't believe it, if not, why would she wear this dress?

Back then when he married the Queen Mother, she came to congratulate him, and she wore this outfit, which amazed everyone.

"Nine Heavens, all creatures and spirits are indestructible, and the Nine Heavens must exist in the heaven and earth. Fuli Tianzun named you Nine Heavens because he wanted you to be born for Nine Heavens." Jade Emperor said.

"Born for nine days?" She sneered, "I'm only for myself!"

"Why say such inconsistency, you just have resentment in your heart, but don't do things that you regret!" Jade Emperor dissuaded.

"Resentment? It's so simple to say, I said it a long time ago, not for you, not for the world, only for myself!" Jiutian looked at the face that had never changed angrily, his fingers trembling slightly: "For the sake of heaven and earth , so I can’t be myself? What’s the joy of the gods? It’s like this without end, and I’m going to go crazy!”

"Jiu Tian!" Jade Emperor's raised voice made Jiu Tian stunned for a moment, and stopped reflexively.

The Jade Emperor felt sore, and seeing tears welling out of her bright eyes, he felt like a knife was twisting his heart: "Are you still willing to listen to me?" He softened his tone, as if he was afraid of scaring her.

But Jiutian just sneered: "This is the end of the matter, why do you come to persuade me? When you bind your fairy spirit and face together, you are already doomed to die with Jiuchongtian!"

"Delusion!" The Queen Mother appeared in front of them at some point, and said, "Jiu Tian, ​​you are so wrong."

"I was wrong? It was you who were wrong!" Jiu Tian stared at her unwillingly.

The Queen Mother just shook her head, then set her eyes on the Jade Emperor, and only heard her say in a low voice, "Jade Emperor, give the order."

The Jade Emperor looked at the Queen Mother in a dark and complicated way, and said after a long while: "The Queen"

The Queen Mother raised her hand to stop the Jade Emperor from continuing, and smiled mockingly: "I'm not jealous, but because of my duty. I remember my identity, and I'm just afraid that you, Jade Emperor, will forget your identity."

The corner of the Jade Emperor's mouth twitched, looked at the two women in front of him, was silent for a while, and then said: "Jiu Tian, ​​since you insist on doing this, I will not show mercy!"

Fuli Tianzun said long ago that Jiutian has a strong and stubborn temperament, and something will happen one day. He always thought that he would be optimistic about Jiutian, but in this world, no one can think about what he is.

Brilliant purple light sprinkled down the sky, and Jiutian released the fairy spirits all over his body.Qin Ling trembled and growled, "No..." If Jiu Tian disappeared, then Da Da would not exist at all!If Jiutian is still alive, maybe there is still a glimmer of hope!
Dong Li stopped him, grabbed his arm, and said loudly, "Qin Ling! You have to think about it! Do you want everyone or answer!"

Qin Ling turned to look at him, and said word by word, "I want her!"

Dong Li paused, holding his arm harder, but couldn't say anything.This feeling, he understands...

If it were Little Tail, he would rather destroy the world!
"Let me go!" Qin Ling struggled a bit, breaking free from Dongli's grasp.

"Ling'er!" The Queen Mother of the West finally arrived and bound Qin Ling with a fairy rope.

"Let go!" Qin Ling looked like an angry lion, watching the brighter and brighter spiritual ball in Jade Emperor's hand with red eyes, and Jiu Tian's faster and faster movements.

"No!" He cried loudly: "Let me go! Let me go!"

Queen Mother Xi couldn't bear to look at his tearful eyes, she turned her back to him and said, "Think about it, why did she force you? She has already made a choice for you, hasn't she?"

Qin Ling screamed in pain, and fell to his knees. His originally fair cheeks were now covered with a layer of dust, and despair spread from his chest like poisonous gas.

"Let go of me... I beg Auntie to let me go..." He cried softly, and finally spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes darkened, he almost fainted, and the spirit in his body was running around.

The Queen Mother of the West gritted her teeth and said to Dongli: "Go and help the Jade Emperor." After finishing speaking, she turned and said to the elders of all clans: "Nine heavens set off the seas in the southeast, northwest, and mountains. The elders need to rescue the living beings quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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