Chapter 201

There are many doors in the sacrificial temple. When you open one of them, you may see the sea, the grassland, a sea of ​​flowers, or a starry sky.And the last door hides many glass balls, also called colored glaze.The colored glaze is made by solidifying snow grass dew, which is crystal clear.

Lianshu has a curious heart, the more things are not allowed to be seen, the more she wants to discover them.It's a pity that she still didn't know what secret was in the crystal ball that Shui Guidan chanted in the end, and why she was willing to sacrifice her soul for Kai.But she at least remembered those days in the temple, the woman with the mask.

If Yuan Xing's status as a prince is very noble, then the national teacher is an existence that can control life and death even more than the emperor.Lianshu always complained: "Yuan Xing Yuan Xing, if only you were not so busy." But after she got to know Fanyin, she changed it to: "Fanyin, Master Guoshi, it would be great if you weren't the Guoshi .”

Lianshu also has a lonely heart, and she is willing to stay by Fanyin's side all the time, but Fanyin is always too busy, and there are too many secrets that she cannot know.So there is a monster living in her heart, always stretching out its claws to scratch her heart, making her itchy and painful.So Fanyin gave her a colorful clay figurine with a mask on its face.

Lianshu's forgetful temperament was soon revealed. She couldn't find the little clay figurine, but suddenly remembered that it had disappeared for a long time.

Since then, there has been a dark shadow in the temple, always hiding in the dark corner of the temple. When Fanyin noticed it, Lianshu had completely forgotten about the little clay figurine, so Fanyin took away the clay figurine that had turned into a solid body. .

"Why are you hiding in the temple?" Sanskrit asked it.

It took off its black robe, revealing its entire colorful dress.It doesn't understand anything, it's just a demon that has just turned into a spirit, but it knows to show the best side to the man in front of it.

Sanskrit seemed to understand its meaning, chuckled, and waved her hand to give her a face: "Your clothes are so gorgeous, it must be paired with a stunning face so that it won't go to waste."

Then, the rigid mask fell to the ground, and a magnificent face appeared.

"Your name is... Shan Yin." His eyes were slightly smiling, as if he had a special affection for this thing that Lianshu once liked, but it was only because "Lianshu used to like it."

Shan Yin lives on the other side of the temple, far away from Fanyin's house, and Fanyin only goes to see this goblin who doesn't understand anything when he suddenly thinks of it.If he is in a good mood, he will tell her about Lianshu. Only at this time, he will not be so lofty and gentle as water.

Gradually, she also learned to speak, and even laughed like a human being, instead of always looking at Sanskrit with big, confused eyes.She remembered every word he said, and there was only one thought in her heart, if... if I were human, maybe he would love me like a lady...

She put on a black robe and finally stepped out of the small courtyard given to her by Fanyin. She hid in a dark corner as she did a long time ago and watched Lianshu's every move.Until one day, Lianshu pushed open the last door of the temple, and she went in with her, and saw a secret that Lianshu didn't see.She smiled contemptuously. It turns out that Lianshu is just a pawn in Fanyin's hand, which is really sad.So she appeared in front of Lianshu after Lianshu closed the door, gave her a provocative look, then turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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