funny marriage

Chapter 6 Unintentionally Passing Xiang Chao

Chapter 6 Unintentionally Passing Xiang Chao

But when Jiashu saw a handkerchief embroidered with English characters, he was wondering where it came from. When Liu Fu handed over a small business card, he suddenly realized that it belonged to He Lina.The family tree asked her when did she come?Liu Fudao: "It came at seven o'clock, here

After dinner, I went dancing with my grandpa and grandma. The family tree said: "What is she doing in my house again?" "Liu Fu said: "She came - how did Master Biao know?"She said that Master Biao was not at home, so she came to visit Master Biao's room, sat in the room for a while, flipped through the book again, handed me a business card, and then left. "Jia Shu said: "Did you flip through the book?What book did you read? Liu Fu said, "I didn't pay attention to it."Probably the books on the table. Only then did Jiashu notice a red book on the table. Fengxi's photo was sandwiched in it. If she opened the book, the photo would be shown to her. So she opened the book, and sure enough, the photo The number of pages has been moved. It used to be in the middle of the book, but now it is under the cover. It seems that someone turned the pages of the book and took a look at the photos. Fortunately, this Ms. He and I She has no relationship, and of course she doesn't know who this photo is. If this photo is seen by her cousin, she will inevitably have to question her carefully. Moreover, Feng Xi's appearance is somewhat similar to Miss He's, she was surprised Under the circumstances, or to ask questions, it forced me to reveal the secret. Tonight, Uncle and his wife came back from dancing, of course it was very late at night. If my cousin knows about it at breakfast tomorrow, she will have to agree. Ask, I'll read it tomorrow and answer it. Thinking about it this way, I can't help drafting some perfunctory words and preparing for an answer.

But the next day, Mrs. Tao only said that Miss He came to visit on purpose last night and she had to pay her respects, but she didn't mention anything else.Jiashu said: "I don't know their family well. It's not good to visit Ms. He. Next Saturday, I'll meet her in the ballroom of the Beijing Hotel." Mrs. Tao said: "You look down on me too much. Girl, I have come to visit you sincerely, you still don’t bother to pay homage, you have to wait until you have a chance.” The family tree said with a smile: “It’s not that I disdain to pay homage, a young man came to visit someone’s house for no reason. Miss, be careful, someone beat it out with a stick." Mrs. Tao said: "Don't talk nonsense, Miss He's house is very civilized. Besides, it's not like you haven't been to someone's house to visit Miss." The family tree said: "How can there be such a thing!" But I can only say these four words to distinguish, and I can't say anything else.Bo He also said to the family tree: "You should go back to visit the family. Miss He's family is very civilized. She has a lot of boyfriends to visit, and she will never try to shut the door." The family tree was softened by the two of them. He smiled and agreed to see Miss He once.

One day later, the weather was fine. I wanted to visit Miss He this morning, but on this morning, an unexpected letter came.The words on the envelope were very irregular, and the next paragraph was only signed with "Detailed Details". When I opened it, I found that the letter read:

Family Tree Rendi adults Tai Jian:

A farewell to Zhiyan, and ten days, respect for the progress of civilization, follow the official business, and praise for the domain.The life of the poor is not good. The former is ill and has been favored. Lai has turned danger into good luck and is now walking like a man. He should have gone to the apartment to thank him, but it is so inconvenient. What can we do?Respect at noon on the tenth day of the month, wait for the light under the house, have a drink and talk, don't be lucky.Let's not talk about it.Taian.Guan Shoufeng nodded.

This letter, even the other characters are not clear, there are only a hundred or ten characters in total, but it is written in three sheets and eight lines.Judging by the tone, I still copied a lot from the "Complete Book of Chidot".A person like him will never take a pen holder a few times in his life, but forcefully cobbled together such a letter, let's see how sincere he is!With this in mind, I have to go to the appointment.So I canceled my original appointment to visit Miss He and went straight to Guan Shoufeng's house at the back door.

As soon as I entered the yard, I saw a white stove in the house, and the coal balls were holding a very strong fire.There was a small table under the eaves, which was full of meat and vegetable dishes. Xiu Gu was wearing an apron and standing by the table, with her round and white arms bare, was chopping vegetables.Seeing Family Tree coming in, she smiled and said, "Father! Mr. Fan is here." As she spoke, she didn't have time to put down the kitchen knife, so she took a step and opened the curtain for Family Tree.When Shoufeng heard about it, he also came out of the room to greet the general, and said with a smile, "I'm afraid you have something to do, or you won't be able to come. Our girl said that as long as there is a letter, you will definitely come. She guessed it." When he said, Then he stretched out his hand and took the hand of the family tree, and said with a smile: "I want to be disrespectful when eating in a restaurant, so I bought some things and asked the little girl to make some home-cooked flavors by herself. Don't talk about the taste, look at our expression Express your heart." Jiashu said: "After all, Uncle Guan is too polite. When he is really happy, he is willing to drink two cups. He can drink it any day he meets him. Why bother with so much trouble!" Shoufeng said with a smile: "People have a three-point good fortune, it seems to be destined. To tell you the truth, this illness has caused me to sell out. How can I have money to buy big fish and meat! Coincidentally, I came from the south the day before yesterday. An apprentice, he is now a boxing teacher in the university hall, and he is better than me. When he saw that I was poor, he threw a little change for me, and I might go to him in the future."

While talking, Xiugu had already come in, grabbed a small mattress, spread it on the wooden chair, and asked Jiashu to sit down.After that, he brought the kettle in and brewed a pot of tea. There was no tea left in the teapot, so it must have been prepared.After making the tea, she came in with two hygiene incense sticks, lit them, and put them in the old copper stove on the table.Turning around, seeing that the teacup was still empty, she came over to pour him a cup of tea, and said with a smile, "This is the tap water I ordered at the entrance of the alley. You can drink some." head.The family tree saw it with his eyes, but he couldn't help thinking, I don't have the slightest interest in this girl, why is she so ashamed when she sees me?It's not good for me to understand it, and it's not good to ignore it.Simply be generous, just pretend that you are confused and don't understand what she means.Therefore, you are not welcome, just talk to Shou Feng openly.

At that moment Shoufeng smiled and said: "I am a refreshing person, brother! You are also a cheerful person. I have a few words. I will cover my face with wine and talk to you later." When he said this, he stretched out his hand and scratched his face. Scratching his head, he rubbed his hands again, and when he was about to continue speaking, Xiugu happened to come in, wiped the table, and put the cups and chopsticks on the table.When Jiashu saw that there were only two sets of cups and chopsticks, he said, "Why don't you put another pair of cups and chopsticks? Isn't the eldest girl going to the table?" After hearing this, Xiu Gu was about to answer, and the red marks on her face were gone. Started with a little wine dizziness.Shoufeng hesitated and said: "No. She has to tidy things up, but...that's obviously out of line. That's fine. Gu Xiu, you've got all the dishes done, let's sit and talk together, if you have something to do, we'll come back later It's not too late to go." Xiugu thought to herself, why should I have something to do, so she agreed casually and went to cook.Shoufeng said with a smile: "Brother! Look at my child, I really don't look like someone who practiced martial arts. If I hadn't been for her, I wouldn't be able to start a family. This is also called the road that never ends. But in the future, ..." Outside, Xiugu was cooking, choking on oily fumes, coughing several times, then she laughed through the window and said, "Fortunately, Mr. Fan is not an outsider, otherwise you would praise your daughter like this, why don't you praise me?" It's a joke." Shoufeng laughed out loud when he heard it, raised his hands up, and stretched.

Seeing Shoufeng's two yellow-skinned arms, the muscles and muscles were swollen, and there was some strength, so he asked, "Uncle Guan's spirit has recovered, but I don't know how his strength is?" Shoufeng smiled and said, "I'm old! I didn't What kind of strength, we can't talk about recovery. But if you really want to do it, there is always more than enough to protect yourself." Jiashu said: "Uncle's strength, the first time we met, I have admired it. Other than that, I must There are other unique skills, can you let me admire them again." Shoufeng smiled and said: "Brother Tai! I don't need to be humble to you. Sometimes I have two skills, but I don't have any of them at hand." Xiugu said: " You can just come here with something, Mr. Fan said it, can we reject it?" Shoufeng said with a smile: "Since I said so, I'll find a little thing. You see, the curtain is broken, and many flies fly in. chopsticks, let me cancel them." Then, he took a pair of chopsticks from the table, held them upside down in his hands, and sat down.When the flies flew over, he casually picked up the chopsticks in the air, and then brought them over to the family tree and said, "Look, what is this?" Just right, catch a little fly.I couldn't help but praised "Yes" first, and then asked: "Although this is a small skill, it was practiced by a great skill. But I don't know which skill the uncle practiced?" Guan Shoufeng held the chopsticks As soon as it was loosened, a fly landed on the ground, and when the chopsticks were stretched out, a clip was connected, and another fly came.He just stretched and clamped like this, and within a short time, there were as many as ten or twenty flies under his feet, all of which had their wings folded and fell to the ground.

Jiashu clapped his hands and said with a smile: "It's not just about seeing quickly and pinching accurately; now that the flies are all dead, it shows that the same force has been exerted on the chopsticks." Shoufeng laughed and said: "It's just a joke. If you play it a lot, practice makes perfect. It's not a big deal. If a person can't catch a fly, wouldn't it be a joke?" Jiashu said, "I'm not surprised. The fly was caught dead, I was only surprised that the fly's body was still intact, it didn't look like it usually slaps it down, and it was bloody." Shoufeng laughed and said, "You can still make a reason for this little thing. It shows that you are willing to pay attention to things." Jiashu said with a smile: "This kind of ability, when expanded, seems to be able to reach out to catch hidden weapons from others. We often see in novels, what is a dart and an arrow? This kind of martial arts is probably the same method." Shoufeng said with a smile: "Don't talk about it, if you really have that kind of ability, it's useless now. Who can run to the front of the battle and catch bullets with both hands?"

Seeing that Jiashu couldn't stop talking about martial arts, Xiugu brought in the food and wine, but just pursed her lips and smiled.She changed a pair of chopsticks for Shoufeng, and she brought a pair of chopsticks and put them aside.Shoufeng asked the family tree to take a seat, and the father and daughter accompanied each other.Xiugu took the wine glass in front of Jiashu first, poured a glass of wine from the wine bottle, and then held it with both hands and sent it over.Jiashu stood up and said, "If you're being so polite, I won't be able to eat enough. Miss, you can do whatever you want." As he said this, his eyes couldn't help but shoot at Xiugu's hands.Seeing that although her ten fingers are not as slender as Feng Xi's, they are equally delicate and white.Those ten fingers were cleanly cut, revealing the crevices of the nails like rubies, and I thought to myself: His father and daughter always mean that he, a girl, can inherit the family tradition, and now seeing her tender hands , may not be worthy of the name.Thinking of this in his heart, of course he couldn't help being stunned.Xiugu hurriedly retracted her hands and sat down.Jiashu suddenly realized: she might have misunderstood.Yin smiled and said to Shoufeng: "Uncle's ability is so great, this eldest girl must be very good. But I carefully estimated that she is very gentle, I can't tell it at all." Shoufeng laughed and said: "Respectful? You are too much of a compliment. I am a little older in the past two years, so I am sorry to make a fuss. A few years ago, she was really able to fly around the house." Jiashu looked at Xiugu's color, and smiled: "When I was young, everyone was naughty. Said When I was a child, I read northern novels and always talked about such things, so I was naturally surprised. After arriving in the north, I realized that the houses in the north were built very low, and the roof tiles were all made of It's embedded in the plaster. I don't think it's too difficult to fly over the eaves and walls." Sitting on the side, Xiugu still pursed her lips and smiled.Jiashu ate and drank while talking with Shoufeng and his daughter, and he didn't realize it was three or four o'clock in the afternoon.Shoufeng said: "Brother! We had a great talk today. If you don't have anything else to do, you can sit down until evening before leaving." Jiashu sat down again because of his father and daughter's hospitality, and it was fine when he went back.

At that moment, Xiugu put away the bowls and chopsticks, wiped the tables and chairs, made tea again, lit the incense, took a piece of his father's clothes, sat on a chair by the door and mended, listening and talking, but No answer.Later, Shoufeng and Jiashu slowly talked about family affairs, and then they talked about the Tao family. Jiashu said that his cousin had two children. Miss, what school do you study in?" Jiashu said: "It's so young, it hasn't gone to school yet." Xiugu said: "Really? When I lived there, I saw a sixteen or seventeen-year-old lady, She looks very handsome and goes to school every day, so who is that?" Jiashu laughed and said, "That's because the older girl made a mistake, my cousin is only 28 years old this year, where can there be such an older girl!" Xiu Gu just now It seems that something has been understood. Hearing this, his face was covered with suspicion again. He looked at his father and bowed his head to sew again.Seeing that Aunt Xiu did not leave, Shoufeng said, "I'll leave Mr. Fan to sit for a while, and you can go get a pot of tap water." Aunt Xiu said, "I've prepared it a long time ago. I brought a big bucket of tap water to put at home. It's sitting." Seeing that Xiugu was sitting and unwilling to move, Shoufeng had no choice but to let her.The family tree talked for a long time, and got up to say goodbye twice. Shoufeng always kept him until he had nothing to say. Then Shoufeng said: "In two days, I will ask my brother to drink tea at another place. The sky is already dark. Tonight, I won't force you to stay." Jiashu said goodbye with a smile, and Shoufeng sent him outside the gate.

Just at this moment, Xiugu was alone in the room, quickly wrapped a paper bag, followed to the gate, and said to Shoufeng, "Has Mr. Fan left? I haven't delivered the book he lent me yet." Give him back." Shoufeng said: "He didn't go home, he has to go to Daxi Hutong to hire a car, and he hasn't hired it yet." Xiugu rushed out the door, and the family tree was still walking, Xiugu smiled first: "Mr. Fan Please stop." Jiashu didn't expect that she would come out to see him off again, so he stood still and asked, "Miss! You have to be polite again." Xiu Gu smiled and said, "It's not polite, you lent me a few books Book, please take it back." As he spoke, he handed over the wrapped book with both hands.Jiashu said: "So it's this one. It's not worth anything. You can just stay. I won't go home now. I'll stay with you and I'll bring it back next time." Xiugu held the schoolbag in her hand, She lowered her head, looked at her hands and said with a smile, "Take it home, I have a little work for you." When she said the last sentence, she could hardly make out what she said, only a slight voice .Jiashu saw that she was very embarrassed, so he had to accept it, and said with a smile: "Then I will thank you first." Seeing that he had accepted it, Xiugu said "goodbye", and immediately turned around and went home.Shoufeng said: "He didn't go home. It's inconvenient for him to carry a bag of books around." Xiugu said: "You said he went to Daxi Hutong, I believe it. I was there , met him two or three times, and once, he was walking with a female student. Who is he?" Shoufeng said: "You are so rare. These days, who else can men and women be together? Are you leaving together? I am interested in asking about his family details today, but since you are in person again, I have a lot of things to say, and I can't ask them. It is said that he has no relatives in Beijing."

Xiugu heard her father say this, but avoided it.But she felt a little regretful in her heart. If she had known that her father kept him talking today on purpose, she would have avoided it earlier.What exactly does he mean?I will know tonight, and it will save me from always thinking about it.I missed this opportunity today, and I don't know when I will be able to ask this question.However, judging from today's events, it can be proved that the father is intentional.I used to be afraid that my father would disapprove, but it was no longer a problem.It's just that I saw Jiashu with a female student walking in Daxi Alley with my own eyes, who is he?If I don't explain this, I always feel uneasy.After thinking about it for two days, I never felt relieved about this matter.I seem to remember that there is a girls' school nearby.Could it be the students there?I'd like to find a chance to investigate.

As she thought about it, she immediately felt that she had to take a look to feel comforted in her heart.So I told my father that I had something to go out, but I went to Daxi Hutong privately to investigate, thinking that I might meet the two of them again, and greet them face to face, who is that woman?He has nothing to hide.

When Xiugu visited Daxi Hutong, it was a coincidence that she passed two clumps of locust trees and a small red door, and she felt that this house had a special charm.I was stunned for a while, but I heard a man laughing in the white powder low wall: "I'll come back at night, taking advantage of the good moon and the fragrance of Sophora japonica tonight, you give me the "Han Palace Autumn" Play a verse, okay?" Xiugu heard that the man's voice was Fan Jiashu's, and when she answered "Ah", the two small red doors had already opened, and it was too late to dodge.I saw the family tree in front, and the female student I met last time was behind, walking all the way to come out.Jiashu first called out: "Miss Shen! How did you come here?" Before Xiu Gu could speak, Jiashu said again: "Let me introduce you, this is Miss Shen." Feng Xi pointed at him, and Feng Xi walked forward, took Xiu Gu's right hand with both hands, slid all over her body, and said with a smile: "Mr. After listening to her words, I was confused for a while.I thought to myself that she is also called Mr., so I might as well go in and have a look.So he also smiled and said: "Okay, I'll go to the mansion to have a look. Mr. Fan also walk slowly, can you?" Jiashu said: "Of course I will accompany you." So the two smiled and brought her in.Aunt Shen saw that it was the family tree who let her in, so she stepped forward to greet her, and said with a smile: "Miss! Our place is just like Mr. Fan's house, so please don't be polite." Xiugu was startled again, what is this? talk?At first she was sitting in the outside room, but Aunt Shen must have let her into Fengxi's room later, so she avoided going to the outside room to make tea and serve cakes and fruits.

Xiu Gu saw that the furnishings in this room were very elegant and clean. A pair of mirror frames hung high on the front wall, inside which was an enlarged half-length male portrait, with a pleasant smile and an amiable attitude toward people. It was the Fan family tree.At this time, I couldn't help but thump and thump in my heart, and I guessed the matter with success.Looking at the family tree is also unscrupulous, accompanying guests in this room.Aunt Shen brought in the refreshments. Seeing that Gu Xiu looked at the photo several times, she smiled and said, "Look, this photo really looks like it! It was sent by Mr. Fan today, so I hung it up! I said it looks like him here." At home, it’s true! We don’t have many relatives and friends, and I hope you will come here often for Mr. Fan’s face! He’s here every day.” Aunt Shen said this in a way, and Xiugu’s face , It was red for a while, white for a while, and I felt very uneasy.Jiashu thought that she should not misunderstand her, so he said with a smile: "I have never told Uncle Guan that I have relatives in Beijing before, but when the eldest girl tells her back, Uncle Guan will probably be surprised." Jiashu looked at Aunt Xiu , Xiugu looked out the window to look at the sky, and replied casually: "What's so strange?" The answer was very subtle, and seemed to have a little tremolo.The family tree was also silent, having nothing to say.It's still Shen's mother and daughter. Ask her about her family affairs, so she won't be lonely.After sitting and chatting for about 10 minutes, Xiugu pulled the skirt of her shirt, stood up and said "goodbye", and then said goodbye to leave.Shen's mother and daughter insist on staying, where can they stay.

When Xiugu came out, she felt her whole body was limp, she couldn't stand on her feet, she just wanted to sink.Hurry up and hire a rickshaw and drive all the way home.When he got home, he fell down on the bed and his clothes, pulled the quilt to cover his body and neck, and began to cry.Seeing his daughter coming back, Shoufeng's expression was not right, he hurried into the bedroom, but never came out, he stood at the door, called out first, then stretched his head to look in, he saw Aunt Xiu lying on the bed, covered by hugs In the upper half, there are two forked trousers on the bottom, which is trembling.Shoufeng said: "Ah! Son, what's the matter with you?" After asking a few more questions, Xiugu slowly agreed with three words: "It's me... sick...." Shoufeng said: "I'm just fine, why are you sick again!" As he spoke, he walked forward, bent over, and stretched out a hand to stroke her forehead.This time, it stretched out to the side of the eyes, but touched a handful of tears.Shoufeng said: "You have a fever on your head, feel the sweat on my hand. You take off your clothes and lie down for a while." Xiugu said: "Okay, you go outside, I will take off my clothes and sleep Yes." Hearing what she said, Shoufeng walked out of the room.Xiugu hurriedly took off her long clothes and shoes, and covered herself with a quilt to sleep.Shoufeng stood outside the door and called several times, but Xiugu only agreed with a hum, which meant that she was asleep.After hearing what she said, Shoufeng really fell asleep, so he didn't ask any more questions.But Xiu Gu had a big sleep this time, she slept until the night after the lamp was lit, and she still didn't get up, she seemed to be really sick.Unknowingly, Shoufeng came into the room again, and asked softly, "Son, how do you feel? Otherwise, find a doctor to take a look." Xiugu didn't speak for a while, and then said slowly: " It doesn't matter, let me have a good night's sleep, and I'll be fine tomorrow." Shoufeng said, "Your illness is very strange. Is it because you were exposed to poisonous gas outside, or because you were tired from walking too much? Where are you? Come on? Make it look like this!" Seeing her father asking this question, Xiugu would show that she was bored if she said she went to the Shen's house; Things are going to get worse.I had to pretend to be asleep and not hear.Shoufeng called out a few times, but because she didn't agree, he went to the outside room.

After one night, the next morning, the old crow on the tree in the ancient temple next door was still croaking.Xiugu had already woken up and was coughing continuously on the bed.Because of her illness, Shoufeng didn't sleep well all night. As soon as he coughed, he asked, "Son, are you feeling better?" At first, Aunt Xiu wanted to keep quiet, but she was afraid that her father would worry about it, so she agreed: "It's fine now, there's nothing wrong with it, I'll be fine in a while. You go to sleep, don't worry about my business." Shoufeng heard her voice, but it was also tough, and he couldn't be sick, so he went to sleep at ease .Unexpectedly, when she woke up, everyone in the courtyard had already woken up. Xiugu closed the door, but she still didn't come out.In the past at this time, the tea was already prepared, but today the coal stove was not even turned on.It must be that Xiugu was very weak and couldn't get up, because she didn't speak anymore, she got up and lit the stove to make tea.

At this time, Xiugu had already woken up. Hearing that her father was boiling tea, she felt very upset, so she had to struggle, holding the long coat covering the quilt with one hand, and supporting her head with the other, she stretched out her two feet on the bed, When I was about to step on my shoes, I felt my head sinking, and the tables, chairs and utensils in front of me were spinning around like a windmill.With a snort, Fu fell sideways on the bed again.After a long time, I got up slowly, and heard my father take a noodle bowl and put it on the table.Then he shouted: "Dad! Take a rest, I'm up, what do you want to eat? Let me wash your face and make it for you." Shoufeng said: "If you can't get up, just sleep for a day, I also love myself Do it yourself."

Immediately, Xiugu hurriedly put on her clothes, then brushed her hair in the mirror, looked carefully at her own reflection in the mirror, frowned, shook her head, sighed a long time, and walked out of the room Come on, he said with a grin: "I'm not sick, but I ran to the overpass yesterday to see if there are any acquaintances, and I was tired from walking." Shoufeng said: "You fool, from the back door to the front door, you walked through the whole city. But, why don’t you take a car?” Xiu Gu smiled and said, “Say it, you’re going to be kidding me, I forgot to bring money, I had a few coins left on me, so I just came back and took a tram.” Shoufeng said: “You Wouldn’t you hire a foreign car and pay it when you get home?” Seeing that there was no one outside the house, Xiu Gu said in a low voice, “I haven’t practiced anything since you were sick, I wanted to walk the aisle first, and move around, but unexpectedly If you walk too fast, you will be tired." Shou Feng believed these words, so he didn't ask any more.Xiugu washed her hands and face, took the noodle bowl by herself, made a large bowl of noodles for her father to eat, but she only filled the bowl with white noodle soup for more than half, and didn't serve it. Sip it in one bite.Shoufeng said: "Aren't you going to eat?" Xiu Gu smiled and said: "I got up late, let's go hungry first." Shoufeng didn't pay attention either, and went out for a walk after eating.

Xiugu was alone at home, and felt very troubled today, so she lay down on the bed and slept for a while, but she couldn't sleep.Thinking that I didn't comb my hair, I got up and combed it in front of the mirror. I originally wanted to comb two buns, but I thought it was troublesome to do it in the middle, so I changed it to a braid.After combing my hair, I made some water to make tea. The water boiled, and I made the tea. I only drank half a cup, but I stopped drinking.So I took out the work basin and flipped through it casually, not knowing what to do.The work basin was placed on the lap, and the hands were propped up to support the chin. After a while, the environment became silent.At this moment, there was a light scent of sandalwood coming through the air.At the same time, peeling, peeling, there was another sound of wooden fish, which was also sent from the other side of the wall. This was the sound of a monk from the Renshou Temple next door chanting scriptures.

It turned out that this was a poor old temple, and there was only a 70-year-old monk Jingjue guarding it.Shoufeng had nothing to do, and once played Go with him to relieve boredom.The monk often said that Shoufeng and his daughter always had a bit of a strong look on their faces, and advised them to recite scriptures for nothing to do.Both Shoufeng and his daughter laughed.Because Xiugu often gave him some vegetarian dishes, the monk once said to her: "Miss! You are too honest. You have a deep heart and a shallow eye, so it is easy to cause troubles. One day in the future, when troubles arise, you will come Tell me the truth." Xiugu kept his words in mind because the old monk didn't usually say a word.When Shoufeng fell ill, Xiugu thought the old monk was useful, so she went to ask him for advice.He said: "This is sorrow, not worry, please serve your father well." Xiu Gu let it go.I feel uneasy about walking and sitting today, probably this can be said to be an annoyance.This burst of sandalwood, and the sound of wooden fish, caused her to remember the monk's words, so she put down her work and went to the temple next door to find the old monk.

Jingjue was sitting sideways by the Buddha table, knocking on the wooden fish. When he saw Xiugu, he put down the wooden fish and said with a smile, "Girl, don't panic, speak slowly if you have something to say." Xiugu didn't feel that she was flustered, Hearing what he said, he slowed down.Jingjue let Xiugu sit on a high futon on the left.Then he said with a smile, "You came to the temple suddenly today. Is it because of that Fan?" After hearing this, Xiu Gu's expression changed.Jingjue smiled and said: "I told you earlier, my heart is thick, my eyes are shallow, and I am prone to troubles! Everything is a fate, and you can't force it. I think he has someone else in his heart!" Xiugu listened to the old monk. Although he only said a few words, he was hit by a heart attack.As if she had seen it personally, she couldn't help being horrified, knelt down to Jingjue, shedding tears, and said in a low voice: "Master, you are a living Bodhisattva, I would like to become a monk." Jingjue reached out and touched her head and smiled Said: "Miss, you get up, I will tell you slowly." Xiugu bowed twice, got up and sat down again.Jingjue smiled and said: "Don't think that you will be surprised if I reveal your secrets. You must know that the authorities in the world are obsessed. From the time you accompanied your father to the hospital to now, you often have a young master Fan. Who in the neighborhood doesn't know? I Outside the temple, I saw you sending that surnamed Fan away twice, so I understood." Xiugu said: "I was wrong before, and I intend to become a monk with the master." Jing Jue smiled and said: "The word for a monk is two words. , How can it be said so easily! If you become a monk for a little unsatisfactory thing, you can return to the vulgar life for a little proud thing in the future. I have a copy of the "Diamond Sutra" with vernacular annotations. You can take it and have a look. If you don’t understand anything, please ask me again. If you carefully read this book a few times, you may reduce your troubles. As for becoming a monk, don’t mention it, young people, so as not to increase your guilt. Go back, this is not a girl where they came from."

Xiugu made the old monk shut her mouth with a few words, and could not say anything more, so she had to take a copy of the "Diamond Sutra" back from the monk's hand.When I got home, as if I had acquired some treasure, I immediately opened the book to read, some of which I understood, and some I didn't understand.But I think this book can relieve my troubles, so I don't ask if I understand it, just press my head down and look down.On the first day, Shoufeng thought she was reading a novel, but on the second day, she accidentally covered the book to reveal the writing, but it was the Diamond Sutra.Then he laughed and said, "Who gave it to you? How do you see this?" Xiugu said, "I'm coming with the teacher next door, to relieve our troubles." Shoufeng said, "What, you need to resolve it." Worry?" But Xiugu opened the book, bent her arms inward, leaned on the table, lowered her head, and muttered in her mouth, but she didn't hear what her father asked her.Shoufeng thought that all women were superstitious, so she didn't care too much about it; but from this day on, she actually understood the scriptures a little bit, saw the taste of the book, went back to Jingjue, and asked for two more Let's read the scriptures annotated in vernacular.

At noon that day, Shoufeng was not at home, so she offered a small copper Buddha that Jingjue had given her in the center of the table, put the small copper censer in front of the Buddha, lit a piece of Buddhist incense, and spread out the lightly written "Miaofa Lotus Flower" I looked at the Sutra page by page.The people in the courtyard had already gone to the streets to do business, and the women took a nap again, and the room was extremely silent.The sparrows on the tile eaves went down to the ground to find loose food, but they croaked once or twice in the yard from time to time.Xiugu was reading the scriptures alone in the room, and she was comprehending the reading, when suddenly someone coughed in the yard, and then asked, "Is uncle at home?" Xiugu looked through the old bamboo curtain and saw that it was Fan Jiashu.He said: "my father is not at home. Mr. Fan, come in and rest for a while?" When the family tree heard about it, he opened the curtain and came in.Xiu Gu got up to greet her and said, "Mr. Fan has a date with my father? He's not waiting at home." As she spoke, she saw that Jia Shu was wearing a narrow blue serge suit with a red flower in his lapel. , the hair has also changed, combed smooth, with that fair skin, much younger, at a glance, immediately lowered the eyelids.Jia Shu said: "There is no date, I came to the back door, so I stopped by to visit uncle." Xiu Gu nodded and said, "Oh, I'm going to make tea." Jia Shu said: "No, no, I will do whatever I want Let's go after talking. Last time, I thanked the eldest girl for giving me a pair of pillows, embroidered with bamboo leaves and plum blossoms, which is very good. It must have taken a lot of work, right?" Xiu Gu said: "It's a small matter, let's talk about it." Said that Jiashu sat down on a chair near the door.Xiugu also sat down at the same place, lowered her head and turned two pages of the scriptures.Jiashu smiled and said: "This is a woodblock book, what kind of novel?" Xiugu lowered her head and shook her head, "It's not a novel, it's the Lotus Sutra." Jiashu said: "Buddhist scriptures are profound. I haven't seen you for a few days, and the eldest girl has grown a lot." Xiugu said: "It's not too deep, it's explained in vernacular." Jiashu came over, took the book and sat down to read it.Xiu Gu lit a piece of Buddhist incense again, and still sat down with her head bowed, but found a pair of small scissors in the work basin beside her, and slowly cut her nails, cutting and looking, and cutting after looking...

Here, Jiashu flipped through the book and said with a smile: "The Buddhist scriptures are really easy to understand, do you have any experience?" Xiugu said: "I dare not say it now, but I may benefit from it in the future." Jiashu said with a smile "Girls who study Buddhism, I don't see much. Ladies and old ladies, there are many." Xiu Gu smiled and said, "They all practiced for the rest of their lives, or some other life. I am not like that." Said: "There is always a reason for learning something, or being good at something. The eldest girl is not practicing for the rest of her life, not for a lifetime, why?" Xiugu shook her head and said, "No reason, and I don't practice anything. , Reading the scriptures is reading the scriptures, learning Buddhism is learning Buddhism.”

When Jiashu heard this, he was very surprised, put the scriptures on the table, clapped his hands together and said, "Miss, you are really growing fast, this is not something that is easy to read in books, it is some eminent monk who enlightened you You? I didn't know much about Buddhism at first. In the past, we invited good monks to lecture on scriptures in our school. I have heard it several times, and I know the origin of your words." Xiugu said: "Mr. Fan! Don't praise me, these The teacher next door often told me the same thing. He said that the word "greed" is the most abstinent in Buddhism. If you practice it for the rest of your life, or any other life, it is greed. So I won't talk about what to practice." Jiashu said: "Uncle He also often told me that in the old temple next door, there is an old monk in his 70s who does not go out to do Buddhist ceremonies or go around for alms. He is the one. Can I go and see you?" Xiu Gu said: "No! He doesn't see him. Strangers." The family tree said: "That's right. What Buddhist scriptures do you have, let me have a look."

Xiugu always lowered her head to fix her nails, and now she raised her head and said to Jiashu with a smile: "This is all I have, and I have to hand it back to the teacher after reading it. Mr. Fan is a motivated person, why are you looking at this?" Jiashu said: "In this way, I have no relationship with the Buddha!" ​​Xiu Gu lowered her head unconsciously, turned over the scriptures and said, "The scriptures are nothing more than empty words. If you can't understand the scriptures, why don't you read the scriptures?" Don’t look at it. If you understand it thoroughly, everything will be empty, so how can you do anything? So I advise Mr. Fan not to look at it.” Jiashu said: “In this way, the eldest girl has seen everything clearly and has seen everything empty. That's right. I haven't heard the eldest girl say that before, why did you suddenly lose sight of it? Is there any reason?" Jiashu's words, but asked questions other than the question, Xiugu couldn't answer in front of him. When he came out, he suspected that he came to ask on purpose, and only looked at the smoke on the Buddha incense, curling up slowly, in a daze.Seeing that she was silent, Jiashu also felt that the question was abrupt.When she was regretting, suddenly Xiugu pointed out with a smile: "Listen, this is the reason." If you want to know what she asked Jiashu to listen to, I will explain it next time.

(End of this chapter)

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