Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 120 You Can't Say Anything About Such a Disgraceful Thing

Chapter 120 You Can't Say Anything About Such a Disgraceful Thing
"Why are you late in the morning?"

After listening to Su Yutong's explanation, Xuan Chen's face softened a little.

Su Yutong glanced at Xuan Chen quietly, why she was late was not his fault, if Xuan Chen hadn't seduced her last night, she wouldn't have insomnia, and she wouldn't be late today.

But seeing Xuan Chen's expression was normal, as if he wasn't the one who kissed her last night, Su Yutong swallowed the words he was going to say again.

"Why don't you speak?"

Seeing Su Yutong hesitate to speak, Xuan Chen asked again.

"Just overslept."

Su Yutong's eyes were a little dodgy, she couldn't tell Xuan Chen that it was because she fell in love with him, and she couldn't sleep because she couldn't think about it.

She is so dignified that she fell in love with a bad person. She would never say anything about such a shameful thing!

Xuan Chen could clearly see that Su Yutong was not telling the truth, but he didn't ask any further questions, he just focused his eyes on the remnant lotus in the distant pond.

"Have you thought about who you like?"

Hearing his question, Su Yutong subconsciously looked at Xuan Chen, feeling guilty for a while.

"No... no."

When he said this, Su Yutong looked away with a guilty conscience.

Hearing this, Xuan Chen frowned, didn't he hint clearly enough?

Then Xuanchen saw Yuhua who was quietly watching them not far away, and Yuhua's expression was naturally not very good at this time.

Yuhua was not happy, so Xuanchen was happy, he stretched out his hand towards Su Yutong, this time Su Yutong reacted quickly, and put his hand on Xuanchen's.

When leaving, Xuanchen saw Yuhua's complexion darker from the corner of his eyes, and Xuanchen evoked a faint smile.

After sending Su Yutong back, Xuan Chen warned her that if she skipped class without reason next time, he would confiscate all her snacks.

All her spiritual food has been confiscated by Xuan Chen, if her rations are confiscated again, what fun is there in her life?
So Su Yutong immediately assured Xuanchen that he would never skip class without reason again, but if he skipped class for something, it should not be considered as without reason, right?

When Su Yutong returned to the classroom, the Antarctic fairy was still talking non-stop, and almost half of the disciples below were distracted. In order to prevent the Antarctic fairy from finding out, all the disciples tried their best.

Just after Su Yutong came in, the Nanji Xianweng suddenly started the most frightening questioning session.

"Who will tell me what the answer to the question I just said is?"

He had just finished saying this, so the disciples came to their senses, and more than half of the disciples lowered their heads, hoping not to ask themselves.

Su Yutong thought that since she just came here, the Nanji fairy would not ask her, so she gloated and looked at those flustered disciples.

"Su Yutong, tell me."

Su Yutong who was called by her name has not yet reacted, and her gloating smile has not been put away. Now it is the turn of other disciples to laugh at her.

"I do not know."

Su Yutong said this directly. In fact, she didn't even know what the question was. She felt that even if she knew what to ask, she would definitely not know it. In order not to waste everyone's time, it would be better to say no.

Seeing Su Yutong like this, Nanji Xianweng was very angry. He pointed at Su Yutong and said:
"Go out and stand for me!"

It's not that she hasn't been punished to stand before, and get out of class is almost over anyway, so Su Yutong stood at the door of the classroom without any psychological burden.

(End of this chapter)

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