Chapter 130

Su Yutong thought about it, she really didn't remember when she went to Xuanchen, could it be that she lost her memory?

But she didn't look like she was joking with Xuan Chen's expression, so she had to think that she was sleepwalking.

She slept too late last night, and Su Yutong was lucky to wake up at this time, so she quickly cleaned up and rushed to Bixiao Pavilion.

It was only when she was halfway through that she realized that she had passed the assessment now, so why was she still so active?
So Su Yutong slowed down and walked slowly to Bixiao Pavilion, where a large number of disciples were gathered in the square of Bixiao Pavilion.

When Bai Xiaoru saw Su Yutong, she quickly called her over.

"Tongtong, you are finally here, fortunately it hasn't started yet."

"Start what?" Did she miss something important?
"It's like this. We still have an assessment, which starts today, and it's for assigning classes to the disciples."

After Bai Xiaoru said this, Su Yutong was dumbfounded. Why didn't she know anything?
Seeing her doubts, Bai Xiaoru said: "Yesterday you went back first, so I don't know, but it's not too late to know now, we will talk about the specific matters later, don't worry."

As soon as he finished speaking, the surroundings became quiet, and Xingze walked up. Su Yutong hadn't seen Xingze a while ago, probably because of Po Meng's incident, he was hit too hard.

However, judging from his state today, he has obviously accepted that fact, Xingze stood on the stage with an unscrupulous smile still on his lips.

"Ahem, although you are able to stay in Bixiao Pavilion now, we have prepared a surprise for you.

In order not to let you relax just because you passed the test, we, Bi Xiao Pavilion, have specially prepared another test for you. "

The location of this assessment is in the Linglong Illusion, which is said to be an artifact left by the ancient gods.

It is a mirror, called Linglong Mirror, and there is an illusion in it, which is said to be very dangerous, and the content of this assessment is that whoever leaves this illusion first can be assigned to the best class.

Of course, those who came out in the end and those who didn't come out can only stay in the worst class.

Before the assessment, all the disciples studied together, but after the assessment, the students will be taught in different categories, which is the consistent rule of Bixiao Pavilion.

But everyone didn't expect that Bixiao Pavilion actually took out the Linglong Mirror this time.

After Xingze finished speaking, someone pushed a very large mirror into the middle of the square.

This is the legendary Linglong Mirror. Because it is an ancient artifact, almost no disciples have seen it, so everyone was very curious for a while.

The Linglong mirror that everyone sees now looks no different from an ordinary mirror, and it can even clearly reflect the curious eyes of everyone.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet. This assessment is very humane. You can bring your life-saving magical artifacts, but you can't bring your family members."

When Xingze said this, he glanced at Su Yutong intentionally or unintentionally.

Su Yutong was startled, could it be that the little yellow book in her arms was discovered by Immortal Xingze?

At this moment, Su Yutong suddenly discovered that Xuanchen had appeared in the team of elders at some time.

"Okay, now you can line up and go in. The assessment period is seven days. If you haven't come out after seven days, then congratulations, you will be in the same class from now on."

(End of this chapter)

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