Emperor Zun's petite wife is too sweet

Chapter 138 This Feels Really Damn Good!

Chapter 138 This Feels Really Damn Good!
Seeing that Suzaku was fine, Su Yutong walked out of the Linglong mirror. As soon as she went out, she saw that people in the square were all looking at her, and most of them had shocked expressions.

This situation made Su Yutong a little scared, she moved two steps towards Xingze, and then poked Xingze.

"Xianjun, why are their expressions so shocked?"

Was she the first to come out?
Xingze put away his surprised expression, straightened his back, and said:
"Congratulations, little Shushu, you are the first to come out."

"Then how long did it take me?"

It was the first time for Su Yutong to experience the feeling of being a top student, this feeling is really damn good!
"Three hours."

Xingze couldn't figure it out. Although he had set reminders in Linglong Mirror, even if he knew exactly where each reminder was, it would take at least one day to come out, but Su Yutong only took three hours.

He really regretted not keeping an eye on Su Yutong so that he would know how she got out.

Su Yutong was very excited when she heard that it took only three hours for her to come out. This meant that she had a six-day vacation at once, which was really not too exciting.

Xuanchen who was sitting on it couldn't bear to watch anymore, Su Yutong hadn't even looked at him since he came out, and now he was chatting so happily with Xingze!
Xuanchen's face was a little ugly, especially when he saw Yuhua approaching Su Yutong, so Xuanchen walked down first, and he looked at Su Yutong with a trace of resentment in his eyes.

After walking in front of Su Yutong, Xuan Chen held Su Yutong's hand as if declaring his sovereignty.

"Any injuries?"

"No." Su Yutong shook his head.

How could she be injured if she was so powerful?

Knowing that she was the first to come out, Su Yutong was so excited that she didn't know how much she weighed.

"Well, let's go home then."

Xuanchen glanced at Yuhua who stopped not far away, and was about to pull Su Yutong back, but Xingze stopped in front of them.

"Wait! Little Shushu, you haven't told me how you got out yet?"

Even though Xuan Chen's expression was a little bad at the moment, Xing Ze still wanted to risk his life to ask his question.

"A snail in the illusion brought me out."

Seeing that Xingze really wanted to know, Su Yutong told him.

When Xingze heard that there was a problem with the level that was not designed by him, he secretly rejoiced. How could something designed by such a smart person like him be cracked so quickly?
However, when did a snail appear in the illusion?How did he not find out?It seems that next time I have to remind that snail that I can no longer let the disciple out casually.

"Tongtong, congratulations! I didn't expect you to come out so soon. This is the first time in Bixiao Pavilion. As expected, Shangxian saw you right."

Just when the two walked a few steps, Lanmeng came up to meet her again, her eyes were full of admiration for Su Yutong.

"Thank you, Fairy Lanmeng."

Although the matter of the man in black had been resolved, Su Yutong still had a strange feeling when he saw Lanmeng.

Seeing that Su Yutong was obviously not as enthusiastic towards him as before, Lanmeng looked a little disappointed.

"Tongtong, don't you like me?"

"No... no."

Su Yutong also couldn't tell how she felt about Lanmeng now, anyway, she subconsciously wanted to stay away from her.

And Lanmeng didn't seem to see Su Yutong's tangled expression, so he said excitedly:

"Then can I go to the Star Picking Palace to play with you?"


Although Su Yutong had a strange feeling towards Lanmeng, she couldn't refuse Lanmeng either.

(End of this chapter)

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